Beef Buzz News
Market Watcher Dr. Derrell Peel Interprets Strong Marketing Pace in Latest Cattle on Feed Report
Mon, 21 Nov 2016 12:20:45 CST
Mondays, Dr. Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist, offers his economic analysis of the beef cattle industry. This analysis is a part of the weekly series known as the "Cow Calf Corner" published electronically by Dr. Peel and Dr. Glenn Selk. Today, Dr. Peel visits with Radio Oklahoma Network Farm Director Ron Hays for the daily Beef Buzz segement, offering his in-depth analysis of the November edition of the monthly Cattle on Feed report, released last Friday by USDA.
"Feedlots continued a strong marketing pace in October with marketings up 4.6 percent year over year, despite one less business day in the month. October placements followed the September monthly decrease with another 5 percent reduction in placements year over year. The combination of large marketings and fewer placements left the November 1, 2016 cattle on feed inventory down 1.3 percent from one year ago. Despite the year over year decreases in placements in September and October, total feedlot placements are up 673,000 head from 2015, a 3.9 percent increase for the year to date. However, year to date feedlot marketings through October are up an impressive 5.2 percent year over year, some 855,000 head more than the same period last year. In fact, in the last six months, the year over year increase in feedlot marketings has been more than double the increase in the number of cattle placed in feedlots compared to last year.
"The faster pace of cattle movement through feedlots has translated in more cattle slaughter and more beef production in 2016 than previously expected. Year to date beef production is up 5.3 percent from last year. Steer slaughter, in particular, has exceeded expectations this fall and is up nearly 7 percent year over year so far this year, though is expected to moderate to smaller year over year increases for the remainder of the year. Additional steer slaughter, combined with year over year increases in heifer and cow slaughter have pushed total cattle slaughter up 5.6 percent so far this year. Increased slaughter is partially offset with lower carcass weights since May. Weekly steer carcass weights have averaged 9 pounds less since May with heifer and cow carcass weights down about 2 pounds on a weekly average basis. Carcass weights have been down from last year's record levels despite excellent feeding conditions this fall. Both steer and heifer carcass weights appear to have peaked seasonally the last week of October and should decline for the remainder of the year. The first winter storm which covered the central and northern plains last week may help pull carcass weights down faster in November.
"The decrease in feedlot placements in September and October likely means that some feeder cattle are being retained and will be pushed into next year. Certainly, there has been plenty of market incentive for cattle to be retained out in the country this fall. This may result is some additional increase in feeder supplies in 2017 on top of growing feeder supplies due to a bigger 2016 calf crop. (Remember, however, that growing domestic feeder supplies are being partially offset by a 29 percent year over year decrease in Mexican and Canadian feeder cattle imports so far this year, totaling 336,000 head fewer imports through September.) These delayed fall feeder cattle are not expected to burden feeder markets excessively unless they get bunched up next spring. However, these retained feeders are being held in a wide variety of stocker and backgrounding programs across the country and will likely be spread out in weight and timing next spring. Wheat pasture stocking has been slow this fall and additional stocker placements on wheat may continue after January 1 as producers look to graze out more wheat acres unless wheat market prospects improve significantly."
Listen to Dr. Derrell Peel's interpretation of the recent Cattle on Feed report for November with Farm Director Ron Hays, on today's Beef Buzz. Click below for the audio on the LISTEN BAR.
The Beef Buzz is a regular feature heard on radio stations around the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network and is a regular audio feature found on this website as well. Click on the LISTEN BAR below for today's show and check out our archives for older Beef Buzz shows covering the gamut of the beef cattle industry today.
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