Agricultural News
Plains Grains Calls Oklahoma Wheat Harvest 16 Percent Complete- Texas at 27 Percent Done
Fri, 02 Jun 2017 04:59:23 CDT
Plains Grains releases a weekly harvest update during the hard red winter wheat harvest season- the following is the latest report issued Thursday evening, June first:
"Harvest of the 2017 HRW wheat crop continues to be slowed (but not stopped) due to rain in Texas and Oklahoma. Texas is now 27 percent complete with the bulk of central Texas to the Oklahoma state line now cut and winding down. Northeastern Texas is still being hit with rain storms which has significantly slowed harvest in that region of the state. A high percentage of wheat acres in southwest Oklahoma extending southward into central Texas have been swathed for hay, or otherwise abandoned, in favor of planting cotton.
"Oklahoma is now 16% cut. Harvest in the far southwestern part of the state winding down with 85% of that local area now harvested. Harvest is now in full swing in central Oklahoma. Moving northward, the Oklahoma Wheat Commission has reported some test cutting (7,000 bushels (190 tons)) in north central Oklahoma close to the Kansas line, however this area in general is still several days away from harvest being in full swing.
"Overall yields are still being reported in a range from 20 bu/ac 40 bu/ac (1.3 tons/ha 2.7 tons/ha), but have ranged from the under 20 bu/ac to over 50 bu/ac (1.3 tons/ha 3.4 tons/ha). There are now 36 samples of an expected 530 in the lab. Average protein is 10.8%, up 0.2% from last week. Average test weight was down 0.9 lbs. this week at 60.7 lb/bu from 61.6 lb/bu (79.9 kg/hl from 81.0 kg/hl) and reflection of rain on a mature crop, but well above 60 lb/bu (78.9 kg/hl) needed to be #1HRW. TKW and FN were not available at this writing."
Click on the PDF link below to see the full report from Mark Hodges and Plains Grains.
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