Agricultural News
Plains Grains Reports Wheat Harvest All But Done in Oklahoma and Texas for 2017
Fri, 30 Jun 2017 05:12:00 CDT
Plains Grains releases a weekly harvest update during the hard red winter wheat harvest season- the following is the latest report issued by their Executive Director, Mark Hodges, on Thursday evening, June 29th.
Five states are now showing harvest activity in the hard red winter wheat belt- Texas is now 96% complete, Oklahoma 98% done, Kansas up to 58% complete and Colorado (5%) and Nebraska (4%) both in the early days of harvest.
The 2017 HRW wheat harvest has been significantly slowed over the past week (especially in the northern ½ and western ½ of Kansas where harvest should be in full swing) due to scattered showers, severe thunderstorms or a combination of both accompanied by high humidity and in some cases fog. Texas and Oklahoma are both over 95% complete with harvest while Colorado and Nebraska are just starting to cut (5%, 4% respectively). Reports out of western Kansas and southeast Colorado indicate receiving points that can segregate protein have been, as both areas report large variability in protein levels from delivered truck load to delivered truck load.
There are now 173 samples of an expected 530 in the lab representing limited areas of southern Kansas, most of Oklahoma and most of Texas. Average protein increased slightly this week to 11.2% (up from 11.1% last week) and is attributed to higher proteins in northwest Texas, north central Oklahoma and parts of western Kansas. Average test weight was down 0.2 lb/bu from last week, from 60.9 lb/bu last week to 60.7 lb/bu (80.1 kg/hl last week to 79.8 kg/hl) this week, an indication rain events are starting to affect test weight.
Click on the PDF file link below to see the complete report from Plains Grains, including the latest details on the samples collected to date.
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