Agricultural News
Fire at the JBS Beef Plant Suspends Processing
Mon, 13 Sep 2021 21:27:45 CDT
A fire has shut down parts of the JBS beef-packing plant in Grand Island, Nebr. According to the Grand Island Fire department, the roof of the JBS plant caught fire late Sunday night. Today, the facility announced via Facebook that fabrication and slaughter A and B were shutdown.
Nikki Richardson, corporate communications director for JBS USA, said in a statement to The Grand Island Independent said, "Last night, there was a fire at our Grand Island, Neb. Beef production facility. Thankfully, there were no injuries, and we appreciate the Grand Island Fire Department for their quick response and support. The fire did not impact our primary productions areas, we will not run the plant today, but we expect to resume operations tomorrow, pending ongoing assessment of the situation."
The plant is a beef-processing plant with the capacity to process more than 1.4 million head of cattle per year.
In 2019, the Tyson Food's beef processing plant in Holcomb, Kans. caused huge disruptions in markets. Check out this edition of Cow-Calf Corner, where Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension livestock marketing specialist, explores the slaughter patterns during the aftermath of the Tyson plant fire.
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