Agricultural News
Randy and Suzanne Gilbert Honored at Second I Believe FFA Gala
Mon, 07 Feb 2022 05:16:19 CST
The second I Believe FFA Gala was held on Saturday evening in downtown Oklahoma City- and the Oklahoma FFA Foundation took the opportunity to honor a husband-wife team who have devoted time and resources and love into the Foundation and the FFA organization, Randy and Suzanne Gilbert of Tecumseh, Oklahoma.
The Gilberts were selected to receive the Alumni Believer Award at the 2022 I Believe Gala. Also being honored at the event was M.L. Lockwood of Roland as the Teacher Believer Award and the Oklahoma Ford Dealers as the Sponsor Believer Award.
After the award presentation- Oklahoma Farm Report Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays talked with Randy and Suzanne about their years of support for the Oklahoma FFA and the importance of this youth organization in communities across Oklahoma and the US. Listen to their comments by clicking on the LISTEN BAR below.
The 2022 Gala was the second one held. After the inaugural 2020 event was held- Covid concerns forced the cancelation of the Gala in 2021. Proceeds from the event are intended to help fund the OKlahoma FFA State Convention, which is 2022 will be held for the first time ever in downtown Tulsa on May 3rd and 4th.
More details about the Oklahoma FFA can be found by clicking here.
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