Agricultural News
Ryan LeGrand with USGC says We are Off to a Great Start on Grain Exports This Year
Fri, 06 May 2022 12:53:17 CDT
Farm Director, KC Sheperd caught up with U.S. Grain Council President and CEO, Ryan LeGrand during the National Association of Farm Broadcasters Washington Watch, in Washington D.C.
LeGrand and Sheperd talk about some new, exciting things happening at the Grain Council.
"Exports are going really well," LeGrand said. "We are coming off a record year last year, for grain in all forms."
LeGrand said we have never exported more corn than we did last year at almost 70 million tons.
"Sorghum is through the roof as well," LeGrand said. "It's just been a really good year and we are off to a great start for this current year as well."
Japan and China are doing really well in grain exports, but they are still taking covid lockdown very.
Surprisingly, LeGrand said the Covid restrictions in China and Japan have not been much of a problem for grain export success.
"China has been in for 4 million tons of corn over the last month, splitting evenly between this year's crop and next," LeGrand said. "But there is a need. There is a real demand that still exists despite all these Covid lockdowns."
Luckily on the bulk grain shipping side, LeGrand said we have not been affected too badly.
The U.S. Grain Council has a full-time presence in 28 different locations.
"We like to say we never turn the lights off on U.S. Grain promotion," LeGrand said. "We are working around the clock every single day to promote the grain that U.S. farmers produce, the distiller grains that agribusiness produces, and the ethanol as well."
LeGrand said his biggest priority is expanding into new markets.
"You know, we got to continue to keep growing," LeGrand said. "We have to push the excess supply outside of our borders."
When you figure that 97% of the world's population lives outside of our borders, LeGrand said that is where our growth is going to come and that is where we are focused.
Some of the biggest obstacles LeGrand said they face are trade barriers, tariffs, and non-tariffs.
"We have high tariff rates around the world and in places where there are not that high of tariffs, we are facing phytosanitary or GMO blockages and things like that we are always trying to work through," LeGrand said.
Europe, LeGrand said, is taking another look at genetically modified organisms.
"Now with the shortages we are seeing, they are taking another look at maybe using our corn for feed use and they haven't done that in a long time," LeGrand said.
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