Agricultural News
Plains Grains Reports Harvest in Southern Plains- Texas 78%, Oklahoma 89% and Kansas 35% Complete
Fri, 24 Jun 2022 04:29:14 CDT
The following are details from Plains Grains and their Executive Director Mark Hodges of harvest progress as of June 24th in the hard red winter wheat belt.
State Percent Complete:
Texas 78%
Oklahoma 89%
Kansas 35%
Colorado 0%
Nebraska 0%
South Dakota 0%
Montana 0%
Washington 0%
Oregon 0%
Idaho 0%
Wyoming 0%
The 2022 HRW harvest in Oklahoma is now speeding its way into the final stages as the crop is now approaching the 90% completion mark. For the most part hot and windy conditions over the last 10 days or so have continued to allow significant progress with harvest in Texas/Oklahoma/Kansas. Yield reports are consistently in the 20 bu/ac to 30 bu/ac range (with higher and lower exceptions). Texas progress has slowed as harvest moved into the higher elevations of the Texas Panhandle.
Test weights continue to average around the 60 lb/bu range with protein averaging above 12.5% (with some isolated reports over 15%). There are now 126 samples in the lab (after 23 last week) with no expectation of that pace slowing over the next couple of weeks.
Click on the PDF Link below to see the complete weekly report from Plains Grains- including information on their test samples to date plus the most recent detailed reports from the Oklahoma Wheat Commission and Kansas Wheat.
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