Agricultural News
Announcer Lynn Phillips talks Saturday Night at 38th Annual OCA Ranch Rodeo
Tue, 23 Aug 2022 12:54:32 CDT
Reagan Calk, Associate Farm Editor, sat down with announcer, Lynn Phillips at 38th Annual OCA Ranch Rodeo at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie Okla. this weekend and talked about his time announcing for the rodeo, the teams, and the great cause it supports.
Phillips said he has announced for the OCA Ranch Rodeo for all 38 years.
“It is great, and it is so much fun because you have got 12 of Oklahoma’s oldest, largest and historic ranches,” Phillips said. “It is more about these guys being able to come to town, having some fun, and seeing some friends they may not have seen for a while.”
The crowd, Phillips said, was up from last year and very enthusiastic as there is always much to cheer for.
“It is great again this year,” Phillips said.
Phillips said during the Friday night performance, Whitmire Ranch and Sumner Cattle Company stood out and won almost every event.
“They are so far ahead that is almost a given- and we will see if this comes out to be true- they are probably going to win,” Phillips said. “They have been outstanding.”
Phillips was correct- the Whitmire Ranch and Sumner Cattle Company team was named the Champion ranch team at the 2022 OCA Ranch Rodeo.
The two major objectives of the OCA Ranch Rodeo, Phillips said have always been to promote the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association and the ranching industry in the state, and the Children’s Hospital Foundation.
All proceeds from the event, Phillips said, are donated to the Children’s Hospital Foundation. During the “Pass the Boot” campaign at the rodeo where visitors are given the chance to donate to the Children’s Hospital Foundation, more than $10,000 was collected to be added to the donation from the proceeds of the rodeo.
Click the LISTEN BAR below to listen to Reagan Calk and Lynn Phillips talking about the 38th Annual OCA Ranch Rodeo.
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