National Sorghum Sorghum Producers Chairman Craig Meeker, board director Doug Keesling, Vice Chair Amy France and Kansas Grain Sorghum staff participated in events hosted by Kansas Senator Jerry Moran and Congressman Tracey Mann (KS-01) in Kansas this week, hosting World Food Programme Executive Director David Beasley. At an event where volunteers packed food for Ukrainian refugees, NSP leaders shared the importance of sorghum as The Resource Conserving Crop™ and that U.S. sorghum farmers are committed to using food aid to address the needs of food insecure populations in unstable parts of the world in order to solve connected issues surrounding childhood hunger, food scarcity and a changing climate. Up to 10 percent of the U.S. sorghum crop is annually exported as food aid, and last year, 9.9 million bushels were purchased to be used as food aid.