Wed, 09 Nov 2022 03:29:00 CST
Oklahoma Congressman Frank Lucas was a part of the Red Wave in Oklahoma- something that other parts of the country did not participate in. Lucas won reelection to his third district seat with 74.45% of the vote on Tuesday- the highest winning percentage of any Oklahoma Congressional candidate. First elected to Congress in 1994- Lucas will enter 2023 as the Senior member of the Oklahoma Congressional delegation.
After the Associated Press called the race for Congressman Lucas, Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays talked with Lucas at the joint Watch Party that he and Congressman Tom Cole held in downtown Oklahoma City. Lucas says "It's always good when the folks who you have worked for and represented for a good long time now still support you and appreciate you and want to give you an opportunity to work for them."
In Oklahoma- all seven Congressional races(5 House and 2 Senate) were won by Republicans and every state wide race- including the hotly contested Governor's race- was won by the Republican nominee. Early in the evening- when Lucas was declared the winner of his race- it was still expected that the US House would be controlled by the Republicans. Several major news organizations are still projecting that will be the case- but it's not assured yet- and the margin of the majority will be razor thin based on results early Wednesday morning.
The New York Times is currently saying there is an 82% chance the GOP takes the house- and they believe that they will end up with 225 seats (needing 218 to control the House).
Around 1 AM central time- House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy of California appeared and told the media “It is clear we are going to take the House back,” McCarthy says, pointing to wins in NY. “We are on the gain in historic gains in NY.” He points to wins in NY, Iowa, FL. “When we wake up tomorrow, we will be in the majority and Nancy Pelosi will be in the minority.”
If that happens- Oklahoma will be making history with both Congressmen Lucas and Cole poised to become Committee Chairs in 2023. Lucas would become the Chair of the Science and Technology Committee while Cole would become Chair of the powerful Rules Committee.
Just as important for Oklahoma agriculture- being in the majority will help Congressman Lucas exercise his assurance from GOP Leadership from a couple of years ago that he could return to the House Ag Committee- preserving his senority on the Committee just as serious work gets underway to write the 2023 Farm Bill. Lucas also expects to keep his seat on Financial Services in the coming term.
What is likely to be a trillion dollar bill will be mostly food programs(in terms of cost)- but the Congressman points out that the titles of the bill that include the Federal Farm Safety Net, Conservation programs and other Titles that directly benefit production agriculture actually ensure that farmers and ranchers are able to grow the food and fiber that feed and help clothe this nation- and millions of others around the world.
Listen to Congressman Lucas and Hays as they talk about his election win on Tuesday night by clicking on the LINK below.
Ron Hays talks with Congressman Frank Lucas on Election Night 2022
click to play audio or right-click to download