Tue, 06 Dec 2022 03:12:16 CST
Joplin Regional Stockyards
Mon Dec 5, 2022
This Week 10,522
Last Reported 10,063
Last Year 10,441
Compared to last week feeder steers traded steady to 5.00 higher with the following exceptions. 20 head of 391 lb. steers traded at 260.00 and 294 head of 858 lb. steers traded at 187.50. Feeder heifers traded steady with 22 head averaging 431 lbs. traded from 190.00-196.00. The offering included over 900 drafts. Supply was heavy with very good demand. Supply included: 100% Feeder Cattle (58% Steers, 39% Heifers, 3% Bulls). Feeder cattle supply over 600 lbs was 49%.
STEERS – Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt)
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
9 328-336 331 237.50-245.00 240.04
35 370-399 388 225.00-247.50 236.05
20 391 391 260.00 260.00 Fancy
73 402-440 419 214.00-236.00 223.91
10 415 415 243.00 243.00 Thin Fleshed
185 451-499 466 207.50-224.00 217.15
458 501-549 524 191.00-213.00 204.88
248 557-598 575 191.00-199.00 194.24
540 600-647 626 180.00-191.00 184.00
129 651-689 662 180.50-189.00 182.00
310 704-745 726 179.00-185.00 182.40
297 750-797 782 178.00-182.25 181.16
205 825-838 833 176.50-178.50 177.27
439 854-870 862 177.00-187.25 183.99
58 904-906 904 175.00-176.00 175.14
For the complete market report from USDA Market News click on the PDF link below:
Click here: 05162_JoplinRegional12062022.pdf