The Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) announced today support for the House Education Plan offered by Speaker Charles McCall last week. “After reviewing the plan and an opportunity to talk with Speaker McCall, OCA is pleased to announce our support for the House Education plan found in HB’s 1935 and 2775. OCA member policy strongly supports funding for education alternative to ad valorem taxes which is primary in this package,” stated OCA President Byron Yeoman.
Both bills passed the House Appropriations and Budget Committee last week and are anticipated for the full House floor agenda soon.
“Speaker McCall clearly outlined a very good plan that recognizes funding priorities for schools both specifically, such as the $2,500 across the board teacher salary increase, as well as generally allowing schools to determine their most important needs for the funding,” added Yeoman, “This is a good plan, and OCA is pleased to support it.”
The OCA is the trusted voice of the Oklahoma Cattle Industry. OCA is the only voice that speaks solely for the cattlemen of Oklahoma and represents beef producers in all 77 counties across the state. The OCA officers, board of directors and membership encourages you to join us in our advocacy efforts to ensure less government intervention, lower taxes and a better bottom line. For more information about OCA membership, the theft reward program or activities call 405-235-4391 or visit www.okcattlemen.org.