The sixty one percent of Oklahomans voting NO on State Question 820 were clearly in rural and suburban areas of the state. Outside of Oklahoma City and Tulsa- the precinct by precinct counts were overwhelmingly in favor of rejecting Recreational Marijuana.
Oklahoma Watch has taken Election Board data and built an interactive map of Oklahoma showing this clearly at the precinct level.
According to Oklahoma Watch- “Pockets of yes votes can also be found in densely populated areas of Edmond, Stillwater, Lawton and Muskogee.
“Elsewhere throughout the state, it was a lopsided rejection of State Question 820, according to a precinct-level map of results. All 77 counties and more than 80% of precinct locations statewide voted against the measure.”
In a quick look at the map- one precinct in Jefferson County had just 10 votes cast- all against the State Question. The Precinct in the southeastern corner of Beaver County had 99 votes cast- 97% were no.
In contrast- the precinct that seems to have the most yes votes was in Oklahoma County- 274 votes were cast in that precinct and 77% were yes. Tulsa County had a precinct with 133 votes cast- and 76% were for State Question 820.
The Oklahoma Watch article points out that the voter turnout was almost exactly half of the turnout in this past November’s general election- 50% of eligible voters cast a ballot last November versus 25% here in March for the special election.
See their full article here