At the 2023 Oklahoma City Farm Show, Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster Ron Hays got the chance to visit with John Riles about how the Farm Show has grown over the years and his involvement with Midwest Farm Shows.
This year is the 19th annual OKC Farm Show, Riles said, and he is looking forward to celebrating 20 years of the farm show next year.
“Midwest Shows has been around since 1980,” Riles said. “My father started doing events up in the upper Midwest, and now we run six annual ag trade shows.”

This year will make the fourth year that the OKC Farm Show has been held at the Bennet Event Center, Riles said, and the quality of the facility and the fairgrounds seems to improve each year.
“This building is great,” Riles said. “You can put on a full show in this building alone. We have got some exhibits out front for those folks that want to spread out a little bit more.”
With plenty of free parking and room for exhibitors and visitors, Riles said the OKC fairgrounds has been a great place to have a farm show.
“It is a great place to get deals done, and we like it that we get that feedback,” Riles said.
Riles said he is looking forward to the last day of the show, Saturday, as he expects a good crowd turnout.
The 2023 Oklahoma City Farm Show is taking place at the Bennett Event Center at the OKC Fairgrounds from April 13 through 15. It is not too late to visit the Great Plains Kubota booth to sign up for Show Bucks, as the final Show Bucks drawing will take place on Saturday at 1 PM sharp.
The 2023 Oklahoma City Farm features over 300 exhibitors offering a variety of goods and services for all sizes of farms and ranches. The show is held at the Bennett Event Center on the OKC Fairgrounds from 9 to 5 on Friday and 9 to 4 on Saturday- Admission and Parking are free.