Following the 125th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Grain and Feed Association, Farm Director KC Sheperd caught up with Oklahoma State University small grains specialist Dr. Amanda Silva and talked about Oklahoma’s winter wheat crop.
“Oklahoma wheat production this year is a mixed bag,” Silva said. “We have some fields that are looking good. Of course, not up to our yield potential, but looking good considering our conditions.”
In some fields, Silva said there is no wheat at all.
“We started last week in the southwest and south-central areas, and I was very surprised with some of the fields that we saw, especially on the variety trials,” Silva said. “Some good-looking wheat, again, considering the conditions, and I am very excited to move north now in these following weeks and see the overall situation.”
While these conditions are not ideal, Silva said it is a good opportunity to harvest data that can be useful in tough years going forward.
“There are some good-looking wheat fields, but the need for hay is so high, and the prices of it are also good, so we may not see those fields being cut for grain,” Silva said.
Comparing this year’s wheat to that of last year, Silva said both years have been tough years to grow winter wheat in.
“I think the main difference is just the timing that we got the rain and where we got the rain,” Silva said.
As the crop in 2014 suffered significantly from drought, Silva said this year is similar in terms of the amount of wheat that was not able to be harvested.
“No moisture, and not much yield, so it is a very tough year again,” Silva said.