National Sorghum Producers commends the House Committee on Agriculture as they commence markup this week on the 2024 Farm Bill, particularly in the face of economic uncertainty and rising costs for U.S. sorghum producers. NSP is optimistic the proposal by Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson will bolster much-needed protection and relief for America’s farmers and ranchers.
“NSP is very pleased with the commitment and efforts of Chairman Thompson, and the entire House Ag Committee in ensuring a robust farm bill for sorghum producers,” NSP Chairman Craig Meeker, a sorghum farmer from Wellington, Kansas, said. “We are eager to assist the committee in advancing a bill that will reinforce the safety net, strengthen crop insurance and conservation programs, which are key provisions for sorghum farmers.”
The committee’s focus on putting “more farm in the farm bill” by enhancing Title I is an essential improvement to the strength of U.S. agriculture producers. The legislation also includes critical improvements to crop insurance that encourage participation and help strengthen the safety net, the expansion of conservation funding by incorporating Inflation Reduction Act funds into the farm bill baseline, increased funding authorization for the Foreign Market Development (FMD) and Market Access Program (MAP), and the authorization for Section 9005 and other “orphan” programs that have previously lacked consistent support but are important to U.S. sorghum ethanol producers.
“In the lead-up to the 2024 bill, the House Ag Committee has conducted multiple hearings, listening sessions and meetings where NSP highlighted the priorities of the National Sorghum Producers,” Meeker said. “We are confident the committee is poised to deliver a farm bill that will significantly benefit sorghum producers across the United States, and we look forward to working with committee members to advance this important legislation.”