Bob Rodenberger Discusses Unprecedented Highs Remaining in Cattle Market Trends

Listen to KC Sheperd talk with Bob Rodenberger about the latest in the cattle markets.

KC Sheperd, Farm Director, is back talking with Bob Rodenberger, a partner with Stockman Oklahoma Livestock Marketing, as he gives the latest on the cattle markets.

Rodenberger discussed the current state of the cattle market, highlighting that it was at its highest point ever, with the calf market higher and the feeder market advancing.

“This calf market is excellent,” he said. “If you are trying to sell calves off of your cows. If you’re short on grass and water, just sell cattle.”

Rodenberger emphasized the potential risks due to unforeseen events but noted that they could lock in prices until May at $2.57 and $2.58 on eight-weight steers, $2.30 on eight-weight heifers, and $2.78 on five-weight calves.

Bob also indicated that there was no heifer or cattle retention in their trade territory – from southern Kansas to Texas and Louisiana, and that beef demand was still high.

He expected the market to remain steady, with potentially more cash coming in from sales of cows.

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