Oklahoma Wheat Growers Meeting Set for Enid Tuesday

On Tuesday in Enid, wheat producers can hear the latest insights and research findings from one of the world’s top wheat breeders just in time to finalize planting decisions for their 2025 wheat crop. Dr. Brett Carver, Oklahoma State University Regents Plant and Soil Science Professor and Wheat Genetics Chair, will headline the 2024 annual meeting of the Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association (OWGA) which gets underway at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, August 13, at Autry Technology Center in Enid. A continuing education credit is also available for “Seed Treatment Insights” presented by Josh Bushong, OSU Area Extension Agronomist.

The annual meeting, including lunch presented by Oklahoma AgCredit, is open to OWGA members as well as any wheat producer or agribusiness professional. Registration is free for OWGA members and only $50 for non-members which includes membership for the coming year. Register online at oklahomaag.com or by phone at the association office at 580-233-9516.

The event gets underway with a come-and-go open-house at Chisholm Trail Milling from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Strate Center business incubator at Autry. Attendees can check-in and visit with exhibitors until the Oklahoma AgCredit lunch is served at 11:30 a.m. The program which begins at noon and is scheduled to conclude by 5 p.m. features several informative presenters including OSU’s Small Grains Specialist Dr. Amanda Silva, OSU Plant & Soil Sciences Professor Dr. Brian Arnall, and former Oklahoma CareerTech State Director Dr. Marcie Mack, Enid Regional Development Alliance executive director. The afternoon also includes a report on happenings at the nation’s Capitol and state Capitol from former Oklahoma Speaker of the House Jeff Hickman, OWGA executive director; details on the benefits to wheat growers of the Oklahoma Wheat Checkoff and the impact of a proposed penny increase to be considered by the Oklahoma Wheat Commission (OWC) next month from OWC Executive Director Mike Schulte; and an update from new National Association of Wheat Growers President Keeff Felty of Altus.

“This event is an excellent opportunity for wheat growers to gain valuable knowledge, network with fellow growers, and stay informed on the latest developments in the industry,” said OWGA President Dennis Schoenhals of Kremlin. “Farmers can also learn more about the OWGA Blue Cross Blue Shield group health insurance benefit for themselves, their family and their employees from Triangle Insurance of Enid.”

For more information, please visit the Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association website at Oklahomaag.com or call 580.233.9516.

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