Eight winners of the 2024 National FFA Agricultural Proficiency Awards were named during the fourth session of the 97th National FFA Convention & Expo on Friday, Oct. 25, which is being held in Indianapolis.
Agricultural proficiency awards honor FFA members who, through Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs), have developed specialized skills that they can apply toward their future careers. Students compete in areas ranging from agricultural communications to wildlife management. Proficiency awards are also recognized at local and state levels and provide recognition to members exploring and becoming established in agricultural career pathways.
One of the winners announced on Friday was Addyson Schneberger of the Hydro-Eakly FFA Chapter. Addyson was named the National Champion Proficiency Award winner in Goat Production- Entrepreneurship/Placement.
Addyson Schneberger has a goat operation that consists of a breeding herd of donor females, 37 Spanish recipient does, and 16 fall-born babies. In her enterprise, Schneberger uses advanced reproductive practices and has increased revenue through online marketing. She is a member of the Hydro-Eakly FFA Chapter in Oklahoma, and her advisor is Chris Klaassen.
She is currently a Senior at Hydro- Eakly and serves as President of her Chapter.
Click here to see the website for the National FFA Convention for 2024 in Indianapolis.
Our coverage of Oklahoma FFA engaged at the National FFA Convention is being powered again in 2024 by Oklahoma Farm Bureau. Watch for our stories and interviews from Indianapolis on our Website, Daily Email, our statewide Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and our Social Media Channels. Click here for the OKFB website to learn about how they are making a difference in the lives of Oklahomans. Oklahoma Farm Bureau supports the youth of rural Oklahoma year round- and reminds you- Together- We Are Rural Oklahoma!