More than 40 Oklahoma Farm Bureau members gathered for the annual state resolutions committee meeting Oct. 22-23 in Oklahoma City.
The committee comprised of Farm Bureau members representing the 27 counties selected for the 2024 resolutions committee as well as representatives from the OKFB state board of directors, Young Farmers and Ranchers, and the Women’s Leadership Committee.
The committee met over the course of two days to consider, discuss and vote upon hundreds of county-submitted policy resolutions on major agricultural topics, including water usage, wind and solar energy, livestock and more.
Members began the process in four subcommittees, where they passed, deleted or amended each individual resolution in their subject area. The resolutions that passed out of subcommittees were then considered in a full group setting Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.
The state resolutions committee serves as a stepping stone in OKFB’s grassroots policymaking process that begins at the county level. The resolutions that advanced through the process will be presented to the full delegate body for consideration at the 2024 OKFB Annual Meeting Nov. 8-10 in Oklahoma City. Those that pass the final step will be adopted into OKFB’s policy book, which guides the work of the organization at the state Capitol and beyond.
For more information about OKFB’s grassroots policymaking process, contact the OKFB public policy team at (405) 523-2300.