NSP applauds inclusion of agriculture provisions in year-end bill

National Sorghum Producers (NSP) Chair Amy France, a sorghum farmer from Scott City, Kansas, released the following statement regarding the issuance of the guidance on the 45Z Clean Fuel Production tax credit.

“While the release of this short-term guidance marks a step forward, it falls short of delivering the clarity and comprehensive framework needed to fully realize the potential of the 45Z Clean Fuel Production tax credit.

“NSP appreciates the inclusion of sorghum as a recognized feedstock in this program, reflecting its value as The Resource Conserving Crop™. However, critical gaps remain, particularly regarding the specifics of the Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Technologies (GREET) model and USDA’s guidance on climate-smart agricultural practices. 

“As we await their release in the coming weeks, it is clear that much remains to be seen before the full impact of this guidance can be understood. These details are essential to determine how helpful this program will ultimately be for producers at the farm level.

“Addressing these challenges will require sustained collaboration and leadership. We acknowledge the work of Secretary Tom Vilsack and USDA staff. We appreciate their efforts to tackle issues important to farmers and biofuel producers. 

“NSP is committed to working with our partners and the incoming administration to address these gaps, refine this guidance, and deliver a final rule that meets the needs of farmers, rural communities, and the broader biofuels industry.”

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