KC Sheperd Reminds folks to get out and Vote today and visits with Cheyenne Sparks, President of Oklahoma Cattlewomen, about their upcoming Regional Meeting and the WIRED conference.
Tag: oklahoma
Nov 07
High Diesel Prices Put Strain on Farmers
The average price of diesel is $5.32 per gallon, more than $1.50 above the same time last year. While prices are below the $5.81 peak in June, the high cost of fuel is hitting farmers hard as they navigate the fall harvest season. American Farm Bureau Federation economists analyzed the factors driving up fuel prices …
Nov 04
Cold Front Blasts its Way into the State
State Climatologist Gary McManus says we could see some severe weather with the front that could include a large hail threat, but he says, “Any storms going up in the warm sector (that area ahead of the cold front) could be more dangerous.” McManus says that’s expected to occur after the front moves farther into …