Tag: Oklahomawheat

USDA Publishes Final Numbers for Small Grains, Oklahoma Wheat up 58%

Two USDA reports important for grains were released on September 30, quarterly Grain Stocks and the annual Small Grains Summary. Farm Director KC Sheperd caught up with USDA National Agricultural Statistics Expert Troy Marshall to discuss the contents of the reports. Wheat production increased significantly in Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas, which Marshall attributed to weather …

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National Wheat Yield Contest 2023 Winners Includes Oklahoman David Ebers

The National Wheat Yield Contest is thrilled to announce the achievements of its 24 national winners, hailing from 12 different states, who have achieved an average yield of 144 bushels per acre across all categories. Additionally, we proudly recognize the 83 state winners representing 28 states, with their remarkable yields averaging 127 bushels per acre …

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Taking a Look at Results from Pre-Plant Nitrogen Versus In-Season on Wheat Crops

At the OGI Wheat Meeting, Farm Director, KC Sheperd had the opportunity to visit with Oklahoma State University Extension Specialist for Precision Nutrient Management, Brian Arnall. Sheperd and Arnall talk about researching the impact of nitrogen application on pre-planting. “That data is over the last seven to ten years, and we are combining all my …

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OSU Wheat Research Aims to Provide Oklahoma Wheat Growers with Best Tools for Success

At the OGI Wheat Meeting, Farm Director, KC Sheperd, caught up with OSU’s Dr. Brett Carver about the latest wheat research and tools to aid wheat producers in choosing a variety that sets them up for success. Dr. Carver leads the OSU Wheat Improvement Team and conducts the wheat breeding and genetics research program. His work …

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