From:                              Ron Hays <> on behalf of Ron Hays <>

Sent:                               Thursday, August 04, 2016 7:13 AM

To:                                   Pam Arterburn

Subject:                          Oklahoma's Farm News Update




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Let's Check the Markets!  



Today's First Look:

mornings with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets Etc.



Each afternoon we are posting a recap of that day's markets as analyzed by Justin Lewis of KIS futures- click or tap here for the report posted yesterday afternoon around 3:30 PM.



Okla Cash Grain:  

Daily Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices - as reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture on Wednesday, August 3rd. 



Futures Wrap:  

Our Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio Oklahoma Network - analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.


Feeder Cattle Recap:  

The National Daily Feeder & Stocker Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.


Slaughter Cattle Recap: 

The National Daily Slaughter Cattle Summary- as prepared by the USDA.


TCFA Feedlot Recap:  

Finally, here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.





Our Oklahoma Farm Report Team!!!!


Ron Hays, Senior Farm Director and Editor


Carson Horn, Associate Farm Director and Editor 


Pam Arterburn, Calendar and Template Manager


Dave Lanning, Markets and Production


Macey Mueller, E-mail and Web Writer


Oklahoma's Latest Farm and Ranch News

Presented by

Okla Farm Bureau 


Your Update from Ron Hays of RON

   Thursday, August 4, 2016



Howdy Neighbors! 

Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch news update. 

SQ777Featured Story:

Three Months Out- Supporters of Right to Farm Have a Half Million Dollar War Chest- Will That Be Enough?


There are three Political Action Committees that have filed paperwork with the Oklahoma Ethics Commission with announced intentions to support or oppose State Question 777, Right to Farm. Oklahoma Farmers Care SQ777 is the entity that was created almost a year ago to support the State Question as it appears on the November General Election ballot, and The Oklahoma Stewardship Council and Oklahoma Food Farm and Family are two PACs set up to oppose the State Question.

The Oklahoma Farmers Care group has now filed four quarterly reports and those reports show that a total of $816,540 has been raised in cash and in kind to date in favor of the State Question. A little over $200,000 has been spent to date, with the campaign spending money for bumper stickers, roadsign signs, website and social media to this point. No money has been spent for radio, TV or Billboards to date. The latest report shows a total of $586,726 is in the bank, which supporters have ready to use to respond to the expected media blitz to come by opponents of Right to Farm between now and election day.

You can read our full story on the where we are on money for and against 777 by clicking here- but a couple of observations I find fascinating-

The PRO side has lots of grassroots support- counting donors not named since they gave less then $50- over 200 farmers/ranchers have given to support 777.  And, many more have participated at the grassroots level with a couple of dozen county Farm Bureaus as well as local Farmers Union groups making contributions.

On the ANTI 777 side, the two PACs report about $268,000 has been given- and not a single farmer or rancher has given any of that money.

The largest contribution from any individual comes from the Chairman of the Board of the Kirkpatrick Foundation, Christian Keesee, who, according to the Kirkpatrick Foundation website, also happens to be on the national board of Directors for the Humane Society of the US.

The total dollar amount that has been collected by the two ANTI 777 groups totals just over $268,000 to date- but it is widely expected that now that the second quarter reporting period is over- a large amount of money will flow in to pay for media that will urge Oklahomans to vote no.

The Humane Society is rallying their grassroots in Oklahoma- as they have planned a Vote No Volunteer Party next Tuesday in Oklahoma CIty- planning on feeding their troops pizza having them make phone calls to raise money and awareness for the No side.

Bottom line- while the Yes on 777 team has a lot of money in the bank, will it be enough to respond to the expected tsunami of money that could be coming from the other two PACs?  The next few weeks will be key.



Sponsor Spotlight

KIS FUTURES specializes in Futures and Options for Institutions, Commercials, Hedgers, and Individual Traders and executes trades for its clients in the following markets: Livestock, Grains, Energy, Metals, Softs, Financials, Currencies, and Stock Index Futures. For more information, please give them a call Toll Free at (800) 256-2555. Click here for their website to learn more.

And- their iPhone App, which provides all electronic futures quotes is available at the App Store- click here for the KIS Futures App for your iPhone.   



LaborSeasonal Labor Needed By Oklahoma Farmers and Ranchers- a Problem Spotlighted by National Day of Action


Leaders representing different Oklahoma industries came together Wednesday as a part of the National Day of Action to showcase new research on immigration contributions in Oklahoma and to highlight the critical need for immigration reform. The event marked the launch of the Reason for Reform campaign, an effort taking place in all 50 states today and featuring the release of 51 new reports (one for every state and Washington D.C.) sponsored by the Partnership for a New American Economy (NAE). 

The Reason for Reform campaign brings together government, business, agricultural, civic and faith leaders to urge Congress to take action on immigration reform. The data released at Wednesday's Day of Action event includes new research on the foreign-born population in Oklahoma, their tax contributions, their spending power and their role in Oklahoma's key industries as leaders and job creators. NAE is also launching a new mobile tool that lets users make a video telling their Reason for Reform. Videos will be sent directly to Congress. 

"Finding qualified labor has never been more difficult for Oklahoma's farmers, ranchers, and other ag producers," said Terry Detrick, president of American Farmers and Ranchers. "The problem has reached crisis-level shortages on Oklahoma farms and our agriculture imports have skyrocketed. A comprehensive overhaul of our country's guest worker program will bring more opportunity for our state's farmers and the workers they are desperate to employ." 

Click here to read more about the need for a quality farm labor force and listen to Detrick's full remarks.


BeefBuzzTry These Tips to Water Down the Risks of Heat Stress


During this time in the middle of summer, heat stress can quickly become a very real and dangerous problem for cattle herds. I recently caught up with Kansas State University Extension Veterinarian AJ Tarpoff to find out more about identifying and reducing heat stress.

Several factors including temperature, humidity, wind currents and sun radiation all greatly contribute to the overall effects of heat stress. It's when cattle are unable to cool down periodically that really compounds the impact of these factors, causing major problems.

"One of the seldom talked about and one of the most important is actually the cumulative heat load," Tarpoff said. "What that means is when we have multiple days of heat stress events, these animals never dissipate all the heat from the day before."

Dr. Tarpoff suggests keeping an eye on weather reports to help anticipate potential heat stress events. If you expect to endure one, he says you can identify affected cattle by certain telltale behaviors, like deep breathing and panting, slobbering and congregating in shaded areas and around or in water.

Listen to more of Dr. Tarpoff's tips to managing heat stress during the latest Beef Buzz.


StudiesOklahoma Senate Agriculture & Rural Development Committee Announce Interim Studies


The leader of the Oklahoma Senate announced on Wednesday 36 requests for interim legislative studies. The study requests were approved by Senate President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman, R-Sapulpa.

The studies have been assigned to the Senate committee with jurisdiction over the subject matter contained within the request. The committee chairman will be responsible for scheduling committee meetings on the interim study requests. 

"These interim studies will give Senators the chance to take a more in-depth look at the issues that are important to them and their constituents. The state constitution puts a lot of time constraints on the legislative process, so interim studies are a way to further research and discuss an issue," Bingman said.

Click here for a complete list of the approved interim study requests.



Sponsor Spotlight



We are pleased to have American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company as a regular sponsor of our daily update. On both the state and national levels, full-time staff members serve as a "watchdog" for family agriculture producers, mutual insurance company members and life company members.

Click here to go to their AFR website to learn more about their efforts to serve rural America!


CanolaDiversified Crop Farmer Says Canola is the Crop That Carries Its Weight


For diversified crop farmer and chairman of the Oklahoma Oilseed Commission Brent Rendel, his operation is all about making profit. The decisions he makes for his operation are based on how well a crop can carry its own weight.

"The whole reason we're in this game is not yield," Rendel said, "it's profit. We have to at the end of the day look at each crop and say - Is this the right decision?"

Rendel's operation currently produces wheat, grain sorghum, corn and soybeans both as single and double crops. A few years ago Rendel made the decision to add canola as well to his rotation.

"Looking at it, it was one of those things that was going to improve my overall operation," Rendel said. "Realistically when you look at it as a whole system approach, it really makes a nice fit."

He said his choice was not about canola versus wheat, (as he continues to sow wheat) but was about how canola impacted the production of his other crops in the rotation.

"It's really a cover crop that I can sell at the end of the day," Rendel said.

Listen to Rendel speak more about his addition of canola to his crop rotations and the benefits he is reaping.


Want to Have the Latest Energy News Delivered to Your Inbox Daily?


Award winning broadcast journalist Jerry Bohnen has spent years learning and understanding how to cover the energy business here in the southern plains- Click to subscribe to his daily update of top Energy News.



SnakesThe Dos and Don'ts of Treating Snake Bites for People, Pets and Livestock


Snakebites do not typically occur because the reptile is attacking or being overly aggressive. Rather, most are the result of the timid creature being startled and going into self-defense mode.

"There is no need to be fearful of snakes. They aren't trying to bite you," said Dwayne Elmore, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension wildlife specialist. "Give venomous snakes a wide birth and they will move away from you. Most bites occur when someone either puts their hand where they can't see (and inadvertently on or near a snake) or when someone is harassing or trying to kill a snake."

The same can be said for pets and livestock that are bitten. The curious nature of dogs leads to some incidents and horses may accidentally step on or put their head down to look at a snake.

In the rare event someone is actually bitten by a venomous snake, there are several things they should not do, and one they definitely should.

"Don't panic. Don't use a tourniquet. Don't cut the wound and don't use electricity," said Elmore. "Just stay calm, elevate the wounded area and get to a hospital immediately."

Read more about the proper way to treat snake bites.


Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, P & K EquipmentOklahoma Genetics Inc., American Farmers & Ranchers, Stillwater Milling Company, Oklahoma AgCreditthe Oklahoma Cattlemens Association and  KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- at NO Charge!



We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe.   

 Click here to check out WWW.OklahomaFarmReport.Com  



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phone: 405-473-6144





Oklahoma Farm Bureau is Proud to be the Presenting Sponsor of the Ron Hays Daily Farm and Ranch News Email  




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