~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma's latest farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON for Wednesday January 26,
2011 A
service of Johnston Enterprises, P & K Equipment/ P & K Wind
Energy and American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance
-- Obama Tells Congress- Approve Korean Trade Pact- But Offers No
Timeline as to When It Will be Sent to Capitol Hill
-- Free Trade Deals Are Worth Billions of Dollars Worth of Trade- and
Thousands of Jobs
-- The Key Limiting Factor for How High Cattle Prices Can Go in 2011-
Beef Demand
-- Agriculture Secretary Vilsack comments on record U.S. soybean sale
to China
-- Oklahoma Water Quality Work Results in Removal of Eight Waterways
from the EPA's "Naughty List"
-- House Ag Committee Organizes- Sets All Subcommittee Members
-- A RON Radio Salute to KTJS AM in Hobart
-- Let's Check the Markets!
Howdy Neighbors! Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. We are pleased to have American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company as a regular sponsor of our daily update- click here to go to their AFR web site to learn more about their efforts to serve rural America! It is also great to have as an annual sponsor on our daily email
Johnston Enterprises- proud to be serving agriculture across
Oklahoma and around the world since 1893. One of the great success stories
of the Johnston brand is Wrangler Bermudagrass- the most widely planted
true cold-tolerant seeded forage bermudagrass in the United States. For
more on Johnston Enterprises- click
here for their website that features their grain, ports and seed
business! If you have received this by someone forwarding it to you, you are welcome to subscribe and get this weekday update sent to you directly by clicking here. | |
Obama Tells Congress- Approve Korean Trade Pact- But Offers No Timeline as to When It Will be Sent to Capitol Hill ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ President
Obama focused on the economy, jobs and the deficit and how he plans to
address them Tuesday evening in his annual State of the Union speech. He
also touched on trade and called on the Congress to pass the revised
US-South Korean Trade agreement. However, the President did not offer a
timeline as to when his Administration would transmit that agreement to
the Hill. He also seemed to indicate that he wants to redo the agreements
with Panama and Columbia before moving them forward. All three of these
agreements were finalized by the Bush Administration almost three years
Mr. Obama recommended a five-year freeze on domestic spending to reduce
the budget deficit by more than $400 billion over the next decade. GOP
congressional leaders interviewed later labeled the proposal modest and
signaled their intention to enact deeper cuts. Groups that are supportive of biofuels applauded the Obama call for more clean energy in the United States. "The 25x'25 Alliance commends President Obama for his foresight and the prominence he has given to the goal of producing 80 percent or America's electricity with clean energy by 2035," said Read Smith, co-chairman of the alliance's national steering committee. "With the vision of meeting 25 percent of our nation's total energy needs with renewables from the land, the 25x'25 Alliance believes that America's farms, ranches and forestlands can provide the renewable energy that can help meet the president's ambitious target." Click on the LINK below for more from an agricultural perspective about the 2011 State of the Union speech. Click here for more on the Barrack Obama State of the Union Address from a Rural Perspective | |
Free Trade Deals Are Worth Billions of Dollars Worth of Trade- and Thousands of Jobs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The President
of the American Farm Bureau, Bob Stallman is testified Tuesday before the
House Ways and Means Committee on the importance of the three Free Trade
Agreements that were negotiated by the Bush Administration and have been
ignored by the Obama Administration since taking office.Some of the audio remarks from President Stallman were featured in our Wednesday morning Farm and Ranch News that was heard on the Radio Oklahoma Network- click here for the Podcast of the daily update for this morning to hear our treatment of that story. President Obama's Trade Ambassador Ron Kirk has slightly reworked the Korean Free Trade Agreement- and the White House now says that Agreement will be sent to Congress before summer. There has been no promises made on moving the Panama and/or the Columbia agreements. That was confirmed by the President's remarks during his State of the Union speech on Tuesday evening. Stallman has told the lawmakers that "the American Farm Bureau Federation supports passage of the Korea, Colombia and Panama trade agreements with the United States. Combined, these agreements represent almost $3 billion in additional trade for U.S. agricultural producers, but that is only if they are implemented. The U.S. is facing a proliferation of FTAs increasing the export potential of our competitors, while putting U.S. agriculture at a disadvantage. Due to the administration and Congress' inaction on these agreements, the debate is no longer simply about generating potential export gains but about how to prevent the loss of existing export markets." | |
The Key Limiting Factor for How High Cattle Prices Can Go in 2011- Beef Demand ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Extension
livestock market economist Dr. Derrell Peel of Oklahoma State University
says that supplies of beef cattle continue to shrink- and that he suspects
that 2011 will be the year that we will really see how much demand is out
there among US consumers. He predicts that beef demand will be a major
limiting factor as to how high cattle prices can go.
Peel says that the cattle prices we have pushed to as we begin 2011 are at a level that we have not really seen on a sustained basis ever before- and he does not think its a bubble that will pop and fall suddenly and sharply. He says the pull back of last week and even here as we begin this week is not unexpected- but he thinks we will push beyond the $108 of two weeks ago as we look for our traditional spring time strength in the cattle market over the next couple of months. Click on the LINK below for our Beef Buzz with Dr. Peel on this aspect of the cattle markets- and remember that you can check out our Beef Buzz reports on our website anytime. They are heard daily on some of the best radio stations across the state on the Radio Oklahoma Network- and if you go to our website, www.OklahomaFarmReport.Com, you can click on the Beef Buzz button on the left hand side of any page and review(and listen to) our previous Beef Buzz reports. | |
Agriculture Secretary Vilsack comments on record U.S. soybean sale to China ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Agriculture
Secretary Tom Vilsack issued the following statement on Tuesday's reported
sale of 2.74 million metric tons of U.S. soybeans to China in the 2011-12
marketing year:
"Today's sale of 2.74 million tons of U.S. soybeans to China is the single largest daily soybean sale since USDA began issuing daily sales reports in 1977. This is another strong sign that China continues to look to the United States as a reliable supplier of high-quality products. This is great news not just for American soybean farmers but for the U.S. economy overall. "The U.S.-China trade relationship continues to flourish, thanks in
large part to agriculture. U.S. farm exports to China have grown nearly
tenfold over the past decade, from $1.5 billion in fiscal year 2000 to $15
billion in 2010. Each $1 billion in exports supports 8,000 jobs throughout
the supply chain, including rural growers, processors, shippers and
others. | |
Oklahoma Water Quality Work Results in Removal of Eight Waterways from the EPA's "Naughty List" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monitoring and
assessment efforts by the Oklahoma Conservation Commission (OCC) have led
to removal of eight additional streams from Oklahoma's proposed 2010
impaired-waters list submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency this
past summer. Commonly referred to as the 303d list, this section of the
state's Integrated Report contains those waterbodies that don't support
one or more water quality standards due to impacts by such pollutants as
sediment, bacteria, and excess nutrients. Streams are delisted when data
indicates they are again meeting standards.
Approximately 500 streams statewide are monitored on a rotating basis by OCC. The resulting data is assessed using state rules to determine if waterbodies are attaining water quality standards or are impacted by pollutants, particularly those from nonpoint or diffuse sources. We have more on the efforts of the Conservation Commission and their partners that have made this a reality- click on the LINK below to read more and see a color map of exactly where each of the streams are located that have been pulled off the impaired waters list of the EPA. Click here for more on this Oklahoma Water Success Story From This Past Year. | |
House Ag Committee Organizes- Sets All Subcommittee Members ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On Tuesday,
Members of the House Agriculture Committee met to formally organize and to
adopt the Committee's rules for the 112th Congress.The Committee rules approved are designed to enhance transparency and increase accountability. One addition provides that the text of bills will be posted online for the public no fewer than 24 hours prior to a business meeting. Another addition provides that both live and archived webcasts of hearings and markups be made available online. The Committee also ratified the members and leadership of all six subcommittees. Agriculture Committee Chair Frank D. Lucas of Oklahoma and Ranking Minority Member Collin C. Peterson of Minnesota serve as ex officio members of all subcommittees. Click on the LINK below for a full listing of all subcommittees and their members for the 112th Congress. Click here for the full Subcommittee Listing for the House Ag Committee. | |
A RON Radio Salute to KTJS AM in Hobart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are very
fortunate at the Radio Oklahoma Network to have the best radio stations in
the state- especially when you consider their dedication to serving the
rural areas of our state as well as our farmers and ranchers and those in
agribusiness. One of those stations that has served farmers and ranchers
in southwest Oklahoma since I have been here in Oklahoma (since 1977) as a
farm broadcaster is KTJS AM in Hobart- broadcasting at 1420 on the AM
KTJS is a full service radio station, that has a family heritage that continues today with Chad Fuchs as the current station manager/owner. Their full service approach to radio includes great local news with Paul Shields, weather and sports. It also includes national news coverage from the ABC radio network. And, it includes the very best in farm programming from Ron Hays and Ed Richards of the Radio Oklahoma Network. Click on the LINK below to jump to our webpage that highlights the program times they carry agri news and markets from RON- and you can click and see their coverage map as well. Click here for the coverage map and more of KTJS AM 1420 in Hobart, Oklahoma | |
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, PCOM, P & K Equipment/ P & K Wind Energy, Johnston Enterprises, American Farmers & Ranchers, KIS Futures and Big Iron Online Auctions for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- FREE! We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe. | |
Let's Check the Markets! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We've had
requests to include Canola prices for your convenience here- and we will
be doing so on a regular basis. Current cash price for Canola is $9.60 per
bushel- as of the close of business yesterday, while the 2011 New Crop
contracts for Canola are now available are $10.15 per bushel- delivered to
local participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Here are some links we will leave in place on an ongoing basis- Click
on the name of the report to go to that link: | |
God Bless! You can reach us at the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
email: ron@oklahomafarmreport.com
phone: 405-473-6144
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