~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma's latest farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron Hays of RON for Monday March 14, 2011
service of Producers Cooperative Oil Mill, Midwest Farm Shows and Big Iron
OnLine Auctions!
-- Oklahoma Youth Expo Off to a Fast Start
-- OYE 2011- This One's From the Girls!
-- National Farmers Union Convention Underway in San Antonio
-- Wheat Disease in Oklahoma Seems Very Limited as We Hit Mid
-- Agriculture Faces Millions in Spending Cuts in Tuesday Vote
-- OSU Extension Vet Dave Sparks Offers Trich Update
-- Looking for a FEW Good Horses!!!!
-- Let's Check the Markets!
Howdy Neighbors! Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. We are proud to have Big Iron Unreserved Online Auctions as one of our great sponsors of the daily Email. Their next auction is Wednesday, March 23 - featuring Low Hour, Farmer Owned Equipment. Click here for their website to learn more about their Online Farm Equipment Auctions. We are also excited to have as one of our sponsors for the daily email
Producers Cooperative Oil Mill, with 64 years of progress through
producer ownership. Call Brandon Winters at 405-232-7555 for more
information on the oilseed crops they handle, including sunflowers and
canola- and remember they post closing market prices for canola and
sunflowers on the PCOM
website- go there by clicking here. We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the
region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this
morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click
here for this morning's Farm news from Ron Hays on RON. | |
Oklahoma Youth Expo Off to a Fast Start ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll find
more young people in this one spot during spring break than anywhere else
in Oklahoma- we are talking about the State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City,
as they host the 2011 edition of the world's largest junior livestock
show, the Oklahoma Youth Expo. This year, over 7,000 young people are
participating with some 14,000 hear of livestock expected to be paraded
before next weekend is over.
Today, the Farm Credit Market Goat Show is underway, with the Grand Champion expected to be selected around 6:30 PM tonight.The goat show continues to grow, as it is easily the most economical of the livestock projects available to young people. Not only are the goats heading for a Grand Champion, the purebred gilt show is underway today, with the selection of the Supreme Champion Gilt expected to happen around 5:00 PM. In addition, you have the Showmaster Heifer Show moving in high gear at nine am this morning, with two show rings running in the State Fair Arena. Click on the LINK below for the Schedule of Events for the 2011 show- we'll have details of the events from today coming later on our website as well as tomorrow right here in this email. | |
OYE 2011- This One's From the Girls! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of the key
support organizations for the Oklahoma Youth Expo are the Diamond Hats-
ladies who are involved in rural life in Oklahoma and love to support the
young people who participate in the Youth Expo. Their 2011 President is
Melia Igo, and we talked with her as the 2011 edition of the OYE was
getting underway. Melia and her team of ladies have done an impressive job
in raising money to support the Youth Expo, and were the Volume Buyer at
the Expo in 2010.
One of their activities that they plan during the Oklahoma Youth Expo
started in 2008 and has been called "This One's For the Girls." This event
strives to teach young women proper etiquette, dress attire for all
occasions, leadership skills and self confidence while utilizing a number
of the most successful businesswomen in the agricultural industry today.
Click on the LINK below to read more about the Diamond Hats and get a chance to hear Melia Igo, President for 2011 visit with Ron Hays about the organization and their love for the young people who are a part of the annual show. Click here to hear more about the Diamond Hats with Melia Igo, 2011 President | |
National Farmers Union Convention Underway in San Antonio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was a very
small delegation of Oklahomans that were a part of the 2010 National
Farmers Union meeting- but a few more representatives of the American
Farmers and Ranchers are on the scene in San Antonio for the 2011 NFU
Meeting underway this week down by the Riverwalk.
NFU President Roger Johnson delivered the State of the Farmers Union address to some 500 registered guests at the opening banquet. Johnson said most farmers had a good year, but the safety net needs to be maintained in the next farm bill. Johnson said there's a real danger Congress will let the farm bill slide until after the 2012 election. He says the farm bill must be written next year. The national policy committee, chaired this year by Paul Jackson of the AFR, has farm bill priorities that will be considered by delegates on Tuesday. Johnson also talked about the importance of biofuels for the rural economy. "We know that in this tough budget energy subsidies are going to be on the chopping block, and ethanol will continue to be a target," said Johnson. "Let's remind folks that the U.S. petroleum industry currently receives $46 billion in domestic subsidies, and that number reaches nearly $200 billion if defense spending to protect the supply and transit of oil is included. If biofuels will be required to give up supports, oil subsidies should also be on the table, since they are to the tune of 30 times more than ethanol. We need a level playing field." Click here for several news updates from the NFU Convention underway in San Antonio | |
Wheat Disease in Oklahoma Seems Very Limited as We Hit Mid March ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The latest
word from OSU Plant Pathologist Dr. Bob Hunger on wheat disease issues is
that we are seeing some "mosaic" issues taking hold in north central
fields. Dr. Hunger wrote in an email on Friday the following update:
"March 10th was spent in many fields around Stillwater. Symptoms of
wheat soilborne mosaic are being strongly expressed in many fields. I also
saw symptoms of wheat spindle streak mosaic in 'Sierra' but not nearly as
strong as the SB symptoms in susceptible varieties such as 'Vona'.
Dr. Hunger shared that Texas reports show leaf rust in southeast Texas near Houston and some up around Temple in central Texas, but there are no reports in the Rolling or High Plains of Texas at this time. | |
Agriculture Faces Millions in Spending Cuts in Tuesday Vote ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ According to
Washington Correspondent Jamie Dupree- House Republicans have unveiled
their plan to keep the government running for three more weeks and cut $6
billion in spending. That includes $358 Million in earmarks aimed at
agricultural projects. The vote on these cuts and the budget extension
could happen on Tuesday.
According to the Republican release from this weekend- the ag cuts
include: As we noted last week- click here to see the report- there is a fear among Oklahoma Conservation leaders that the cuts to the NRCS in the larger Continuing Resolution that has already passed the House will mean fewer dollars for flood control structure rehabilitation. It appears that this short term measure also has that type of spending in its sights. | |
OSU Extension Vet Dave Sparks Offers Trich Update ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By now most
Oklahoma beef producers know the Oklahoma legislature passed a law in 2010
requiring testing for Trichomoniasis in non-virgin breeding bulls over 1
year of age changing ownership or management within the state of Oklahoma.
According to Dr. Dave Sparks, Eastern Oklahoma Extension Vet, a six month
period was allowed for educating producers about this disease and about
the new law, with regulations going into place on January 1, 2011. In
review, Trichomoniasis is a highly contagious, venereal disease of beef
cattle that causes poor reproductive performance and pregnancy wastage in
cattle. The new regulations were needed to safeguard the Oklahoma cattle
industry as this disease was seen to be on the rise here and in adjoining
During the education phase of the new program, OSU Extension and Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Food and Forestry (ODAFF) have conducted approximately 55 county and area educational meetings attended by about 2,500 cattle producers across the state. ODAFF and the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine have held 12 training programs for veterinarians where 362 food animal veterinarians have become certified to do the tests for regulatory purposes. In the two months since the testing became mandatory, Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab at Stillwater and the veterinary lab at CSU have tested 547 Oklahoma bulls for trich with a positive finding rate of slightly over 3%. This is very close to what the expectations were on the prevalence of the disease in Oklahoma. Three percent of all the bulls in Oklahoma is a lot of bulls- and a lot of economic damage to the state's cattle industry is out there- read more on this update with phone numbers for Dave Sparks and others that can offer you more information. Click here for more on our Trich Update from Dr. Dave Sparks | |
Looking for a FEW Good Horses!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It's time to
tell me about a horse or horses that you have that you would like to
nominate for a free training session with Scott Dailey at the 2011
Southern Plains Farm Show. The 2011 Show happens April 7-9, 2011 and we
are looking for several horses for Scott to be able to work with in his
twice daily sessions at the show.
In checking with John Sampson, Marketing Manager for Midwest Farm Shows- he says that Scott is willing to work with you on a variety of issues that you may be having with your horses. They need to be halter broke- but rather they are bucking the second you try to put a saddle on their back or they have a bad attitude about being worked with- Scott will look forward to the challenge. Drop me an email at ron@oklahomafarmreport.com and tell me about your horse, the issues you are having and confirm that you will be able to get them to the State Fair Park in Oklahoma City on those days. You can also call my direct office number and leave a detailed message about your horse- give me a phone number in either the email or in a phone call- and we will get back with you! | |
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, PCOM, P & K Equipment/ P & K Wind Energy, Johnston Enterprises, American Farmers & Ranchers, KIS Futures and Big Iron Online Auctions for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- FREE! We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe. | |
Let's Check the Markets! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We've had
requests to include Canola prices for your convenience here- and we will
be doing so on a regular basis. Current cash price for Canola is $9.35 per
bushel- as of the close of trade on Thursday, while the 2011 New Crop
contracts for Canola are now available are $10.30 per bushel- delivered to
local participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Here are some links we will leave in place on an ongoing basis- Click
on the name of the report to go to that link: | |
God Bless! You can reach us at the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
email: ron@oklahomafarmreport.com
phone: 405-473-6144
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