~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma's latest
farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron
Hays of RON for Tuesday June 21, 2011 A
service of Johnston Enterprises, P & K Equipment/ P & K Wind
Energy and American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance
-- The National Ag Statistics Service Calls Oklahoma Wheat Harvest
91% Done.
-- June is Dairy Month- We Chat with Susan Allen of Dairymax.
-- OKlahoma Ag Secretary Jim Reese Names Dr. Rod Hall as New State
-- OSU's Dr. Derrell Peel says Cattle Markets Will Bounce Back
-- American Farmland Trust says House Appropriations Bill Threatens
-- Food and Agriculture Organization says Higher Food Prices are Here
To Stay
-- Coming Up- House Ag Committee Audit Sessions and OCA Ranch
-- Let's Check the Markets!
Howdy Neighbors! Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. We are pleased to have American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company as a regular sponsor of our daily update- click here to go to their AFR web site to learn more about their efforts to serve rural America! It is also great to have as an annual sponsor on our daily email
Johnston Enterprises- proud to be serving agriculture across
Oklahoma and around the world since 1893. One of the great success stories
of the Johnston brand is Wrangler Bermudagrass- the most widely planted
true cold-tolerant seeded forage bermudagrass in the United States. For
more on Johnston Enterprises- click
here for their brand new website! We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the
region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this
morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click
here for this morning's Farm news from Ron Hays on RON. | |
The National Ag Statistics Service Calls Oklahoma Wheat Harvest 91% Done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ According to
the latest crop weather update from the USDA, "It was another hot and
humid week in Oklahoma as producers continued with wheat harvest across
the state. Statewide, summer-like temperatures soared to an excess of 90
degrees, with the highest temperature recorded in Grandfield at 114
degrees. Oklahoma only averaged 0.18 inches of precipitation during the
week despite the severe thunderstorms that moved through the state
Here in Oklahoma, small grain producers continued with harvesting
activities as a result of the hot and dry weather. Wheat harvest was 91
percent complete by Sunday, an eight point increase from the week prior,
with 21 percent of the ground plowed. Canola was 90 percent harvested by
the end of the week, a three point increase from the previous
week. Here in Oklahoma, the hot weather continues to stress about anything growing. the weekly crop weather update indicates that "rain is needed to combat the dry conditions. Virtually all of the state's corn had emerged by Sunday and 13 percent of the crop was silking. Planting of sorghum was 83 percent complete, while 49 percent of the crop had emerged. Soybean seedbed preparation was 95 percent complete while 77 percent of the crop was planted and 57 percent had emerged by Sunday. Planting of peanuts was complete by week's end, with 90 percent of the crop emerged by Sunday, a three point increase from the previous week. Cotton planted was 94 percent complete and 45 percent of the crop had emerged by Sunday, 40 points behind the five-year average." Click on the LINK below for the rest of the details from this week's Crop Weather Update for the state of Oklahoma. | |
June is Dairy Month- We Chat with Susan Allen of Dairymax. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Susan Allen of
Dairy MAX, recently gave us an update on all things dairy, as we are in
the middle of Dairy Month. June is Dairy Month and the National Dairy
Council is providing a "30 Days of Dairy" tip sheet on their website to
help people become involved in dairy month, says Allen. They are also
providing tips on how to get the three full servings of dairy everyday and
tips on proper serving size.
Allen also says the new My Plate program from USDA is helping to make dairy an integral part of every meal. With the average person only getting two of the three required servings, this will help consumers get that last and essential serving of dairy, says Allen. Another program being used in many school systems in Oklahoma and across the nation is Fuel Up To Play 60, which is beneficial to school children because it not only teaches them about dairy and eating healthy, but also provides them with physical activity says Allen. The Fuel Up To Play 60 program also has funding that schools can apply for to help bring the program into their school system. | |
OKlahoma Ag Secretary Jim Reese Names Dr. Rod Hall as New State Veterinarian ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Rod Hall
has been named as Oklahoma's new state veterinarian by Secretary Jim
Reese. Dr. Hall will replace Dr. Becky Brewer who left the Oklahoma
Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry (ODAFF) to work for
USDA-APHIS. Dr. Hall has worked for ODAFF as a staff veterinarian since
December 2006 as director of cattle programs and the aquaculture program.
As state veterinarian, Dr. Hall will be in charge of handling the
regulatory components of the Animal Industry division as well as working
with other state and federal agencies to monitor foreign animal diseases,
import regulations and any animal health situations that may
occur."I am confident that Dr. Rod Hall will be a great asset to our agency and our producers as state veterinarian. He has done an excellent job working with producer groups and veterinarians the past four years and I know he will continue to utilize his administrative and leadership skills to protect the herd health of Oklahoma," said Jim Reese, Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture. "Dr. Hall understands our industry and he relates well to producers."
Said Scott Dewald, Executive Vice President of the Oklahoma Cattlemen's
Association. "Dr. Hall worked a lot of cattle for clients while practicing
in the Tishomingo area, he has provided important animal health updates to
our Board of Directors over the years and they respect his understanding
of the industry and the importance of protecting Oklahoma's cattle herd."
Click here to read more about new state veterinarian, Dr. Rod Hall | |
OSU's Dr. Derrell Peel says Cattle Markets Will Bounce Back ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A bullish
cattle on feed report capped off a week of sharply stronger cash cattle
prices and futures last week, according to OSU Extension Livestock Market
Economist, Dr. Derrell Peel. Fed cattle prices advanced $3-5/cwt. with
most sales at the $109/cwt. level and some sales at $111/cwt. Both Live
and Feeder cattle futures jumped sharply late in the week. Boxed beef held
more steady trading in a narrow range and ending the week at just under
$173/cwt. for Choice. The June Cattle on Feed report included the expected decrease in May placements and also included a surprisingly strong May marketing figure. May placements were 89 percent of year ago levels and marketings were 107 percent of last year's May marketings. The decrease in feedlot placements in April was a result of limited feeder supplies and the dimming feedlot prospects marked by the slide in cash fed prices and Live cattle futures, along with prospects for higher feed prices. Strong marketings were the result of good packer margins that encouraged packers to increase slaughter rates at the same time that feedlots saw little incentive to hold cattle with the lower futures prices and cost of gain approaching the cash fed cattle price. Have we seen the summer low in fed cattle prices? It is possible but
the fed market may challenge the previous lows again in the next month, at
least briefly. Previous placements ensure that seasonal fed cattle
supplies will be ample through July and into August. The key, as it has
been for several months, will be demand as reflected in the boxed beef
price. If boxed beef prices hold at current levels or move higher, any
challenge to fed cattle prices should not be too severe or long lived.
From the unexpectedly strong fed prices at the current time, another test
of the fed market might hold close to the $105/cwt. level. If boxed beef
prices weaken pressure will increase to push fed prices lower.
Click here to read the rest of Dr. Peel's latest analysis of the cattle markets | |
American Farmland Trust says House Appropriations Bill Threatens Agriculture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "The
appropriations bill before Congress is risky and simply short-sighted when
it comes to protecting our nation's agricultural resources and a healthy
future for America," says Jon Scholl, President of American Farmland
Trust. "Cutting over half a billion dollars in this year's budget and
targeting crucial and effective programs by another 20 percent or more in
the 2012 budget is a dangerous step in the wrong direction, and we hope
the Senate will restore some or all of these funds. Agriculture and
conservation shouldn't bear more than their fair share of cuts relative to
other sectors." Scholl notes the recent media attention, including a New York Times story, underscores the challenges facing America's farmers. "Agriculture will be pressed to feed a population of over 10 billion by the end of the century, which is no small feat. We've seen evidence of how severely agricultural production will be affected by the rapidly changing environmental conditions brought on by global climate change," says Scholl. "Together, this is a truly daunting prospect. Our policymakers must address these issues sooner rather than later." "Protecting the nation's supply of farmland is key to national food
security," Scholl adds. "In the last 25 years, more than 23 million acres
of farm and ranch land-an area roughly the size of Indiana- have been
converted out of agricultural use to roads, strip malls and other types of
sprawling development." Click here to read more from American Farmland Trust on the House Appropriations Bill | |
Food and Agriculture Organization says Higher Food Prices are Here To Stay ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Higher food
prices and volatility in commodity markets are here to stay, according to
a new report by the OECD and FAO.The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2011-2020 says that a good harvest in the coming months should push commodity prices down from the extreme levels seen earlier this year. However, the Outlook states that over the coming decade real prices for cereals could average as much as 20 percent higher and those for meats as much as 30 percent higher, compared to 2001-10. These projections are well below the peak price levels experienced in 2007-08 and again this year. Higher prices for commodities are being passed through the food chain,
leading to rising consumer price inflation in most countries. This raises
concerns for economic stability and food security in some developing
countries, with poor consumers most at risk of malnutrition, the report
says. Click here for more information from the FAO, as well as a full copy of the report | |
Coming Up- House Ag Committee Audit Sessions and OCA Ranch Tour ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma
Congressman Frank Lucas promised on the floor of the US House last week
that his Committee would be examining each and every program that is a
part of the 2008 in the days ahead- and two of the "Audit" sessions are
planned for this week. Wednesday, the Committee will consider
the worth of Conservation programs, while Friday they will turn their
attention to Crop
Meanwhile, here in Oklahoma- the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association has their annual Ranch Tour Ready to roll- with the buses and cars that will follow heading eastward from Oklahoma City this coming Sunday afternoon. Click here for more details and how to get signed up to roll along with this wonderful opportunity to check out some of the great ranches of southeast Oklahoma. | |
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, PCOM, P & K Equipment/ P & K Wind Energy, Johnston Enterprises, American Farmers & Ranchers, KIS Futures and Oklahoma Mineral Buyers for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- FREE! We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe. | |
Let's Check the Markets! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We've had
requests to include Canola prices for your convenience here- and we will
be doing so on a regular basis. Current cash price for Canola is $11.95
per bushel- as of the close of trade Wednesday, while the 2011 New Crop
contracts for Canola are now available are $11.95 per bushel- delivered to
local participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Here are some links we will leave in place on an ongoing basis- Click
on the name of the report to go to that link: | |
God Bless! You can reach us at the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
email: ron@oklahomafarmreport.com
phone: 405-473-6144
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