From: Ron Hays
<> on behalf of Ron Hays
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2011
9:17 AM
Subject: Oklahoma's Farm News
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma's latest farm and ranch news Your Update from Ron Hays of RON for Friday
June 10, 2011 A service of Producers Cooperative Oil Mill,
Midwest Farm Shows and OklahomaMineralBuyers.Com! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- OSU's Dr. Jeff Edwards Gives An Update on
Wheat Harvest 2011 Across Oklahoma -- Oklahoma Wheat Harvest Now 80% Done- Per
Plains Grains, Inc -- Kim Anderson Talks About Harvest and USDA
Crop Report- And We Have Your SUNUP Preview -- New Software Allows Pork Producers to
Compute Carbon Footprint for Their Farm -- President Obama Announces Establishment of
White House Rural Council -- Southern Plains Wheat Crop Numbers Left
Unchanged- New Crop Corn Ending Stocks Dropped Dramatically -- Cattlemen's Beef Board Responds to NCBA
Claims of CBB CEO Misconduct -- Let's Check the Markets! Howdy Neighbors! Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of
Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. We are excited to have as one of our sponsors for the daily
email Producers Cooperative Oil Mill, with 64 years of progress
through producer ownership. Call Brandon Winters at 405-232-7555 for more
information on the oilseed crops they handle, including sunflowers and
canola- and remember they post closing market prices for canola and
sunflowers on the PCOM
website- go there by clicking here. We invite you to listen to us weekdays on the Radio Oklahoma
Network for the latest farm news and markets- if you missed today's Morning
Farm News (or in an area where you can't hear it) Click
here to listen to today's Morning Farm News with Ron on RON. |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma State University Wheat Specialist Dr.
Jeff Edwards says Oklahoma will more than likely meet the USDA 74.8 million
bushel prediction for wheat harvest this year. Edwards also says the 22
bushel per acre average for the state is promising. Across the state however,
bushels per acre has a wide range. In southwestern Oklahoma, the average is
15 to 25 bushels per acre, while central Oklahoma is 20 to 35 bushels per
acre. In northern Oklahoma, areas around Alva have brought in 40 to 50
bushels per acre, which Edwards says is an exception. Other areas in northern
Oklahoma have been averaging 20 to 40 bushels per acre. The quality of wheat for the 2011 crop season has continued to
stay strong has harvest is almost halfway done. Test weights have been
averaging 58 to 62 pounds per bushel, while protein levels are up as well. Despite
the drought pressure for this crop year, Edwards says the quality of wheat
has been better than expected. Click on the LINK below to watch the whole interview between Ron
Hays and Dr. Jeff Edwards. They address the topic of wheat harvest 2011 and
discuss yields, varieties and what producers need to do to prepare for 2012. Click here for even more on wheat harvest 2011
from Dr. Jeff Edwards |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 2011 HRW wheat harvest took a giant leap
north over the last week with test cutting now going on just south of I-70 in
central Kansas. Oklahoma took the biggest jump in harvested acres this past
week to 80%. The majority of acres left to be cut in Oklahoma are in the
Panhandle and the north central part of the state. Harvest in Texas has also
moved rapidly with the largest wheat producing area (north of Amarillo) now
getting into full swing. Yields have increase slightly as harvest moved into north
central Oklahoma and Kansas (south central area) with test weights and
protein remaining strong. The Oklahoma Panhandle, western and southwestern
Kansas were hit hard by the drought and a late freeze so conditions in those
areas remain a concern as cutting begins. The Kansas harvest is really cranking up over the last few days-
and Mark Hodges with Plains Grains says they have 8% of their harvest done to
date. Click
here for the Kansas Wheat Harvest Update from the Kansas Wheat Alliance.
Click on the LINK below for our webstory on these numbers Click here for the latest Plains Grains Harvest
Update as of June 10. |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Kim Anderson, Oklahoma State University
Grain Marketing Economist, says the recent numbers for wheat production
released by the USDA were higher than expected at about 2% higher. World
production of wheat is predicted at 24.6 billion bushels, which is higher
than last year and production in the southern plains is down. Click on the LINK below to hear the interview between Dave Deken
and Dr. Kim Anderson on the USDA Crop Report as well as numbers for the world
wheat production this year. Click here to listen to Dr. Kim Anderson's
comments and for your SUNUP preview |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Pork Checkoff announces the release of a
new software tool for pork producers - the Live Swine Carbon Footprint
Calculator. Developed with the technical expertise of the University of
Arkansas' Applied Sustainability Center, the user-friendly application allows
producers to input their on-farm data from the sow or grow-finish side of
production to compute the carbon footprint of an entire barn of pigs from
breeding to market. Henry explained that the calculator will create a benchmark of a
barn's carbon footprint that producers can then use to help make production
decisions to improve efficiencies and achieve a lower overall footprint.
"This tool truly offers us an innovation that can help guide our
management practices," Henry said. Click here to learn how to get your free copy of
the Live Swine Carbon Footprint Calculator |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The White House today announced the
establishment of the first White House Rural Council. While rural communities
face challenges, they also present economic potential. To address these
challenges, build on the Administration's rural economic strategy, and
improve the implementation of that strategy, the President signed an
Executive Order establishing the White House Rural Council. The White House Rural Council will coordinate programs across
government to encourage public-private partnerships to promote further
economic prosperity and quality of life in rural communities nationwide.
Chaired by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, the Council will be
responsible for providing recommendations for investment in rural areas and
will coordinate Federal engagement with a variety of rural stakeholders,
including agricultural organizations, small businesses, and state, local, and
tribal governments. Click here for more on the White House Rural
Council including a copy of the Executive Order |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The USDA issued several reports Thursday
morning, including the second look at the potential size of the US Winter
Wheat Crop. Our own Ed Richards talked with Tom Leffler of Leffler
Commodities about the numbers from this report- as well as the Supply Demand
numbers from the ERS website as approved by the World Agricultural Outlook
Board. Click on the LISTEN BAR below to listen to that conversation on Tom's
take about the numbers from these two reports this morning. He believes the
big response within market circles will be about the sharp reduction in new crop
corn ending stocks. Winter wheat production is forecast at 1.45 billion bushels, up
2 percent from the May 1 forecast but 2 percent below 2010. Based on June 1
conditions, the United States yield is forecast at 45.3 bushels per acre, up
0.8 bushel from last month but 1.5 bushels less than last year. Expected area
for harvest as grain or seed totals 32.0 million acres, unchanged from May1.
Hard Red Winter production, at 777 million bushels, is up 2 percent from a
month ago. Soft Red Winter production is up 2 percent from last month and now
totals 434 million bushels. White Winter production totals 240 million
bushels, up 2 percent from last month. Of this total, 11.6 million bushels
are Hard White and 228 million bushels are Soft White. Click here for more information on the potential
size of the U.S. Winter Wheat Crop |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Executive Committee of the Cattlemen's
Beef Board has agreed with their principle contractor, the National
Cattlemen's Beef Association, that some specific actions by the Chief
Executive Officer Tom Ramey were improper and have reprimanded him and put
him on an "employment probation" for a period of six months. The attorney also listed three other allegations that NCBA made
against Ramey, the previous Chairman of the CBB Dan Dierschke and current
Chairman Tom Jones- indicated the board had reviewed those charges and
concluded they were not valid. The charges and the response and reaction from the Chairman of
the Cattlemen's Beef Board Tom Jones of Arkansas are the subject of our end
of the week Beef Buzz. |
We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to
check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news
story links from around the globe. |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We've had requests to include Canola prices
for your convenience here- and we will be doing so on a regular basis.
Current cash price for Canola is $12.25 per bushel, while the 2011 New Crop
contracts for Canola are now available are $12.25 per bushel- delivered to
local participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Here are some links we will leave in place on an ongoing basis-
Click on the name of the report to go to that link: |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ email: phone: 405-473-6144 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |