~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma's latest
farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron
Hays of RON for Monday October 17, 2011 A
service of Johnston Enterprises, P & K Equipment/ P & K Wind
Energy and American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance
-- Gov. Fallin's Burn Ban Set to Change This Week
-- August Pork, Beef Exports Soar to New Heights
-- Producers and the Beef Industry Dispute the Claims Made by
Worldwatch Institute
-- Oklahoma Water Issues Focus of October Water Symposium in
-- FFA Preview - National Prepared Public Speaking Contest
-- The Cattle Industry Definition of Sustainability
-- School Land Auctions Begin- FFA Pictures on Flickr and a Special
Monday Morning Thank You
-- Let's Check the Markets!
Howdy Neighbors! Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. We are pleased to have American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company as a regular sponsor of our daily update- click here to go to their AFR web site to learn more about their efforts to serve rural America! It is also great to have as an annual sponsor on our daily email
Johnston Enterprises- proud to be serving agriculture across
Oklahoma and around the world since 1893. Johnston is proud to be an
outlet for Trimble GPS Guidance and Precision Agriculture Solutions- Call
Derrick Bentz at 580-732-8080 for details. For more on Johnston
Enterprises- click
here for their website! We invite you to listen to us weekdays on the Radio Oklahoma Network
for the latest farm news and markets- if you missed today's Morning Farm
News (or in an area where you can't hear it) Click
here to listen to today's Morning Farm News with Ron on RON. | |
Gov. Fallin's Burn Ban Set to Change This Week ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Governor Mary
Fallin announced that the Governor's Burn Ban will be modified effective
Tuesday, October 18 at 1:00 p.m. This change is due to rainfall across
portions of the state over the past week. Most county commissioners meet
Monday and can assess local conditions and consider independently
implementing countywide burn bans at that time. Fourteen counties remain under the Governor's Burn Ban: Atoka, Beaver, Beckham, Bryan, Choctaw, Cimarron, Coal, Greer, Harmon, Jackson, McCurtain, Pushmataha, Texas, and Tillman. Additional County Commissioner bans are in effect. "Parts of Oklahoma remain under extreme drought conditions and the threat of wildfire remains a concern in those counties," said Governor Fallin. Unlawful activities under the ban include open flames, campfires, bonfires, and setting fire to trash, grass, woods or other materials outdoors. Gas and charcoal grilling is allowed provided that it is over a nonflammable surface and at least five feet from flammable vegetation. "With the cooler fall temperatures and more people enjoying time outdoors there is a greater risk for wildfires by activities such as campfires, even in those counties where they are not banned," said George Geissler, Oklahoma State Forester. | |
August Pork, Beef Exports Soar to New Heights ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ August was
another outstanding month for U.S. pork and beef exports, according to
statistics released by USDA and compiled by the U.S. Meat Export
Federation (USMEF). Pork exports reached their highest monthly volume of
the year at 186,068 metric tons, and the second-highest value total of all
time at $531.2 million. Beef exports set an all-time monthly value record
at $514.2 million on a strong volume of 116,405 mt. Both pork and beef
exports are on pace to set new value records in 2011 and to eclipse the $5
billion mark for the first time ever.
Pork exports surge in Asia, Canada, Russia, Southern Hemisphere
markets Beef exports show strong growth in nearly all major
markets Click here for more on the beef, pork and lamb exports for August | |
Producers and the Beef Industry Dispute the Claims Made by Worldwatch Institute ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Worldwatch
Institute recently released a report on the rise of global meat production
and consumption- we linked you to a
news release they provided the media to give cattle producers and
others in the industry a heads up of the crazy claims of this
organization. The report Worldwatch released claimed that this increase in
meat consumption and production lead to harmful effects on the environment
and public health as well as on the economy. A significant amount of reaction to the claims by this report popped up quickly- and while the National Cattlemen's Beef Association chose not to issue an official statement- they were helping several media groups in researching counter arguments to the Worldwatch contentions. Drovers CattleNetwork was one of those and they offered a commentary- some of which we have for you this morning. "The divide between a utopian vision of food production and the
realities of modern, large-scale agriculture grew ever wider this week as
Worldwatch Institute released a report on global meat production and
consumption. Offering little more than a rehash of unsubstantiated claims
regarding livestock production, Worldwatch fails to add serious discussion
to the debate about food production, and their actions don't serve the
world's population that are poor and hungry. "Worldwatch says meat production worldwide has tripled over the last
four decades and increased 20 percent in just the last 10 years. Of
course, Worldwatch sees that as a bad thing, not progress toward feeding
hungry people. Click here for the rest of the commentary from Drovers CattleNetwork | |
Oklahoma Water Issues Focus of October Water Symposium in Norman ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Current water
issues facing Oklahoma will be at the forefront Oct. 18-19 during the
joint 9th annual Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute Water
Research Symposium and 32nd annual Governor's Water Conference.
"Attendance has consistently been between 400 and 500 participants each of the past five years the two events have been held together," said Mike Langston, OWRRI assistant director. "This is a big water resources event in our state, and this year is even more significant with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board unveiling the 2012 Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan." OWRB members will vote on the plan on Oct. 17. If approved, the plan will be sent to Gov. Mary Fallin and the Oklahoma Legislature for consideration and possible action. One of the more fascinating things that will be showcased during the
conference is work done jointly by our two major universities in the
state. Scientists with Oklahoma State University and the University of
Oklahoma have been developing the online tool, which uses information from
the Oklahoma Mesonet to help agricultural producers better understand how
much water in the soil is actually available to crops. | |
FFA Preview - National Prepared Public Speaking Contest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many Oklahoma
FFA members are preparing for the upcoming National FFA Convention in
Indianapolis. One of those in particular is Kaylen Baker of the Yukon FFA
Chapter. Baker will be competing and representing Oklahoma in the National
Prepared Public Speaking contest while attending convention.
Baker's speech topic is definitely an interesting one as she will be talking about miniature cattle in the agricultural industry. Baker says it is different than what a lot of people are used to and doing with their cattle. In her speech, Baker hopes to explain the importance and benefits of miniature cattle for the producer. Baker says it was really all by chance that she discovered her topic.
While researching a different topic of rising cattle prices, she stumbled
upon a link about miniature cattle. Baker clicked on the link out of
curiosity and found it to be a topic worth of her speech. To prepare for
her upcoming contest, especially the questions she will receive, Baker has
kept researching and researching to help think of any possible new
questions she could be asked. Meanwhile- One young man from Oklahoma was on his way to Indianapolis
on Saturday- and his national FFA Convention experience for 2011 began on
Sunday morning. We are talking about Stephen Tillinghast of Owasso, the
2011 National Officer candidate from the state of Oklahoma. Stephen is an
unlikely representative, having held no higher office in his FFA career
than Vice President of his local chapter. But, undeterred, he is in the
running as one of 38 candidates for the six positions on the national
officer team that will be announced on Saturday afternoon. | |
The Cattle Industry Definition of Sustainability ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This past week
at a conference in our nation's capitol, former National Cattlemen's Beef
Association President Steve Fogelsong talked about the concept of
sustainability as it relates to cattle ranchers in this country- which is
coming from a much different perspective than from many environmental
activists that consider sustainability consuming less food at a higher
price to "save" the environment and the producers who raise livestock and
grow crops- preferably small local producers.
Fogelsong explained that sustainable cattle and beef production is all
about a ranching family being able to stay on the ranch for a hundred
years, producing beef, raising their family and passing the ranch from one
generation to another. Implied in all of that was making a profit to keep
the members of the family on the ranch. We also had comments from Steve Fogelsong from that conference on this past Friday's Beef Buzz- as he explained to the non ag folks in that audience the idea that farmers and ranchers are price takers- not price makers. You can click here for that Beef Buzz- and in both of our Beef Buzz reports from Friday and today- we have the link which will take you to the archived video stream of the entire symposium- makes for some interesting watching that can give you some real perspective about how consumers view modern production agriculture in the face of feeding billions of people. | |
School Land Auctions Begin- FFA Pictures on Flickr and a Special Monday Morning Thank You ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The
Commissioners of the Land Office annual fall auctions get underway today.
The lands, used by farmers, ranchers and hunters, are leased to the
highest bidder for a five year lease. The money made through these
auctions goes to benefit Oklahoma's Kindergarten through 12th grade
schools and colleges.The Beaver County auction will be held today, Monday, October 17, at the Beaver County Fairgrounds in Beaver at 2:00 p.m. The Cimarron County auction will be held on Tuesday, October 18, at the Cimarron County Fairgrounds in Boise City at 9:00 a.m. The Texas County auction will also be held on Tuesday, October 18, at the Texas County Fairgrounds in Guymon at 2:00 p.m. CLICK HERE to jump to the School Land website and review the tracts of land available for the lease here in 2011. We have set up our Flickr "set" of pictures for the 2011 National FFA Convention that is going to be happening this week in Indianapolis- we plan on adding to it through the week as we follow the Oklahoma FFA members who will be a part of the festivities in Indy. Click here for that set of pictures, which starts with a few shots of the "workout" held this past week in Stillwater of many of the young men and ladies who will be competing this week at the National Convention in various contests and competitions. Speaking of the FFA, I wanted to say "THANK YOU" to the Oklahoma
FFA Association and to Kent Boggs and Jack Staats for nominating yours
truly to receive one of ten national VIP Citations at this year's
convention on Friday of this week. The National FFA calls this the highest
award given to individual supporters of the organization- and while I know
there are a lot of folks in our state that are more deserving- I am
humbled and honored to be considered for this citation. | |
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, PCOM, P & K Equipment/ P & K Wind Energy, Johnston Enterprises, American Farmers & Ranchers ,One Resource Environmental- operators of FarmSPCC.Com, and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- FREE! We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe. | |
Let's Check the Markets! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We've had
requests to include Canola prices for your convenience here- and we will
be doing so on a regular basis. Current cash price for Canola is $12.34
per bushel- as of the close of business yesterday, while the 2012 New Crop
contracts for Canola are now available are $12.40 per bushel- delivered to
local participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Here are some links we will leave in place on an ongoing basis- Click
on the name of the report to go to that link: | |
God Bless! You can reach us at the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
email: ron@oklahomafarmreport.com
phone: 405-473-6144
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