~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma's latest
farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron
Hays of RON for Friday, October 28, 2011 A
service of Producers Cooperative Oil Mill, Midwest Farm Shows and One
Resource Environmental!
-- Wheat Farmers in the Southern Half of the State Enjoy Another Shot
of Rainfall- Aiding the 2012 Wheat Crop
-- Gov. Mary Fallin Announces 2nd Annual Statewide Food Drive in
-- OSU Honors Three Oklahomans as Distinguished Agricultural Sciences
and Natural Resources Alumni
-- Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association Approves Principles for Farm
-- Wheat Market Feeling Effect of EU Debt Issue- and we have your
SUNUP preview
-- Still No Sign of GIPSA Rule From Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack
-- Ribeye Steak Alert- Email Change Alert- AND a TCFA Alert!
-- White Dog Hill in Clinton Offers More Than Delicious Food
-- Let's Check the Markets!
Howdy Neighbors! Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. A new sponsor of the daily email is One Resource Environmental. Farm and ranch operators who have gas or diesel storage on their place may be facing regulations that spring out of the Federal Clean Water Act. These folks can help you determine if you need a plan and then if you do- help you get that plan in place. Click here for their website- FarmSPCC for more details. We are also excited to have as one of our sponsors for the daily email
Producers Cooperative Oil Mill, with 64 years of progress through
producer ownership. Call Brandon Winters at 405-232-7555 for more
information on the oilseed crops they handle, including sunflowers and
canola- and remember they post closing market prices for canola and
sunflowers on the PCOM
website- go there by clicking here. We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the
region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this
morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click
here for this morning's Farm news from Ron Hays on RON. | |
Wheat Farmers in the Southern Half of the State Enjoy Another Shot of Rainfall- Aiding the 2012 Wheat Crop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma's
winter wheat crop is largely seeded- with a lot of acres going into the
ground this week ahead of this latest shot of moisture that a large number
of counties have received from Wednesday evening into Thursday evening-
rainfall totals were a half inch or better- with lots of readings above
one inch of rain from Hollis and Sayre eastward all the way to the
Oklahoma Arkansas border in the Sallisaw- Ft. Smith area.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission, Mike Schulte, says that many fields of wheat that he has seen this week in southwest and central Oklahoma have looked pretty good, although many of those fields were just starting to look a little stressed ahead of this latest round of rain. Schulte lamented the lateness of this year's rains during our wheat planting window, as it has cost the opportunity for many producers to have any wheat pasture for this fall. Little rain fell until a widespread outbreak of rainfall around the eighth and ninth of October- well after the window of opportunity had closed to plant wheat in time for getting the crop up to stand and ready to turn cattle out to graze on. Click on the LINK below- it will jump you over to our conversation with Mike Schulte- and we also have several pictures we took on Thursday afternoon of some just emerging wheat in Canadian County- click here for those shots. We have invited Mike to be our guest for our Saturday morning segment that is seen in the Oklahoma City TV market on KWTV News9- In the Field with Ron Hays is seen at approximately 6:40 AM each Saturday morning- tune in and check it out. | |
Gov. Mary Fallin Announces 2nd Annual Statewide Food Drive in November ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Governor Mary
Fallin's second annual "Feeding Oklahoma" food drive and fundraising
effort kicks off statewide on November 1. The goal this year is to raise 1
million meals to help feed hungry families, children and seniors during
the holiday season. Donations benefit the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma,
the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, and their partner agencies
across the state. "In Oklahoma, one in four children are at risk of going hungry every day," Fallin said. "That's not something we can ignore. Last year, Oklahomans proved why they are considered the most caring and giving people around by donating over 700,000 meals to the Feeding Oklahoma food drive. This year, we're working to increase that number to a million meals. With the holidays approaching, now is a great time to give back to the community. I encourage all Oklahomans who can to participate in this year's food drive. Working together, I know we'll reach our goal." Oklahoma Farm Bureau and other organizations across the state are helping with the "Feeding Oklahoma" food drive by allowing Oklahomans to drop-off non-perishable food items at many of their office locations. Oklahoma Farm Bureau will accept donations at any of the Farm Bureau offices statewide. Other locations accepting donations include: all BancFirst locations statewide, the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma in Tulsa; the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City, and all Love's Travel Stops and Country Stores in Oklahoma City metro area and locations in Norman and in Guthrie on Interstate 35. UPS will pick up donations from BancFirst locations in the metro areas
in Tulsa and Oklahoma City and deliver those to the Oklahoma food banks.
Click here for more on the "Feeding Oklahoma" food drive by Gov. Fallin | |
OSU Honors Three Oklahomans as Distinguished Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Alumni ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahomans
Scott Dewald, Terry Stuart Forst and Don Schieber have been announced as
the 2011 Distinguished Alumnus in Agricultural Sciences and Natural
Resources recipients by Oklahoma State University. They will each be
honored with receptions later today on campus in Stillwater."The successes of each stand as a testament to the positive influence our graduates can and do have in their chosen career fields and in their communities," said Robert E. Whitson, vice president, dean and director of OSU's Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. "They embody a standard of sustained excellence to be held in the highest regard." Dewald, a native of Fargo and current resident of Dover, earned his Bachelor of Science degree in agricultural communications from Oklahoma State University in 1985. He has served the Oklahoma and US Cattle Industry well as the Executive Director of the Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association. Forst earned her Bachelor of Science degree in animal science from
Oklahoma State University in 1976, embarking on a career that would see
her earn many honors, including being named the 2007 recipient of the OSU
Department of Animal Science Master Breeder Award. The past two years, we
have enjoyed working with Terry as she served as the President of the
Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association- she wrapped up those duties just this
past July. Click here for more information on these three DASNR alums of Distinction. | |
Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association Approves Principles for Farm Bill ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Oklahoma
Wheat Growers Association Board of Directors approved a set of principles
for the development of a new Food Security Act also known as the Farm
Bill. The Principles are based on the following resolution adopted by the
membership.The Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association supports a Food Security Act that meet the goals of: 1) providing a safety net for the farm operator; 2) a safe environment; 3) the production of a safe and adequate food, feed, fuel, and fiber supply; and 4) continuing to support conservation programs. The Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association supports the following principles for developing a new Food Security Act and implementing appropriate cuts from Agricultural programs for deficit reduction. -A workable and real safety net for production agriculture that is
flexible to meet proper crop rotations and new crops. Click here for more principles from the Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association | |
Wheat Market Feeling Effect of EU Debt Issue- and we have your SUNUP preview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With a variety
of changes around the world when it comes to economics, the wheat market
is feeling the changes. Dr. Kim Anderson, Oklahoma State University Grain
Marketing Specialist, says that part of the problem between the European
Union and Greece regarding a debt issue was partly alleviated later in the
week. Anderson says the market was excited about the changes being made concerning the debt between the two countries and the commodity even stablized a little bit. However, Anderson also adds that when you look at the debt compared to the gross domestic products, there is a potential for several countries to have potential debt problems. Overall, Anderson says the potential for these debt issues and the current debt issues already underway, it makes the market more volatile and uncertain. With less demand and money being taken out of the market, there will be less trading and less volume. When asked to make a prediction on price, Anderson says is simply isn't going to happen with the current situation in the market. Click on the LINK below to hear the rest of Austin Moore and Dr. Anderson's conversation on the European Union financial troubles and grain and feed prices. Click here for more from Dr. Anderson and for your SUNUP preview | |
Still No Sign of GIPSA Rule From Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Farmers and
ranchers across the country are anxiously awaiting some sort of movement
on the well-known Grain Inspection, Packer and Stockyards Administration
rule, also known as GIPSA. We sat down with Agriculture Secretary Tom
Vilsack and discussed the GIPSA rule and an overview of the process so
far. Click on the LINK below to hear our talk with Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on the GIPSA rule. The original GIPSA rule was published in June of 2010, with a comment period lasting only until August 2010. However, the comment period was extended by the USDA to last November, allowing farmers, ranchers, and agricultural organizations a much longer period of time to voice their opinions on the rule. There were 66,000 comments made on the rule and Secretary Vilsack says many of the comments were unique and not formed letters, which he says you often see rules. Throughout this process, the livestock industry demanded that Secretary Vilsack and the USDA perform a cost benefit analysis on the GIPSA rule. Since then, USDA Chief Economist Joe Glauber has performed this cost benefit analysis but no one has seen a copy of the report yet. Click here for our Beef Buzz with Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack on GIPSA | |
Ribeye Steak Alert- Email Change Alert- AND a TCFA Alert! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We wrote
earlier about Scott Dewald of the OCA- who is one of the three Alumni of
Distinction being honored by the Division of Agriculture at Oklahoma State
University this Homecoming weekend. Scott alerts us to a chance to grab a
ribeye steak sandwich later today if you happen to be in Stillwater- "On
Friday afternoon, during the "walk around" the OSU Collegiate Cattlemen's
Association will be featuring the famous ribeye steak sandwiches. We thank
Steve McKinley for working with these young producers in their fund
raising efforts. This is a great set of young men who are working hard to
improve their association. Proceeds from this event will be used to offset
expenses associated with traveling to the National Cattlemen's Beef
Association meeting in February. They will be located on the east side
Monroe, just north of the stop light on Monroe and University. Stop by and
see them, eat a ribeye steak sandwich and support this worthy cause."
It's Trick or Treat Day Monday- and we have what we hope you will think is a "treat" in the form of a new look for this daily email. The Ron Hays Daily Farm and Ranch news Email is a little more than five years old- and we have had the same format for pretty much the entire one thousand plus issues we have assembled. That changes on Monday- I believe you will like the changes- in testing the new look with a few of our folks who have received the email for a long long time- they say it's more readable and easier to get around and find the various elements that we pack into this daily overview of the world of ag. We look forward to your feedback- and we'll let you decide if it's a "trick" or a "treat." Sunday- we saddle up and ride west to the land of the Cadillacs planted in the earth- Amarillo, Texas- home of the 2011 Texas Cattle Feeders Association Convention. Ross Wilson and his team always put on a great meeting- and we look forward to seeing a lot of friends Sunday and Monday.. AND- we will have coverage on both Monday and Tuesday of next week from that cattle industry gathering. Click here for a last minute look at their agenda for 2011- lots of meat and a bit of fun all rolled up into one great event. Both Kansas Senator Pat Roberts and Oklahoma Congressman Frank Lucas are scheduled to be on hand Monday morning- with the Super Committee demands hanging over their heads- we'll see if that comes to pass or if it's a remote appearance for them from Washington. | |
White Dog Hill in Clinton Offers More Than Delicious Food ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Legendary
Restaurants of Oklahoma continues this week with White Dog Hill in
Clinton, Okla., on Friday, Oct. 28. White Dog Hill, which has only been
open since 2007, is known for their great menu, unique location and a
relaxing ambiance that will leave any customer not only with a completely
satisfied appetite but also with a feeling of contentment. Located on the
historic Route 66, the restaurant building has been around since 1926,
when it was constructed to be a clubhouse for the Clinton Country Club. On
their main menu, there is a selection of steaks, grilled smoked pork
chops, grilled shrimp, or Cornish game hen- which is stuffed with a
cranberry and wild rice dressing. Click
here to purchase your $50 voucher to White Dog Hill for only
$25.Our very own Karolyn Bolay also visited with Nelson King, owner of White Dog Hill, about the history of the Route 66 building and their one of a kind environment. Click here to listen to their conversation. Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, PCOM, P & K Equipment/ P & K Wind Energy, Johnston Enterprises, American Farmers & Ranchers ,One Resource Environmental- operators of FarmSPCC.Com, and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- FREE! We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe. | |
Let's Check the Markets! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We've had
requests to include Canola prices for your convenience here- and we will
be doing so on a regular basis. Current cash price for Canola is $11.82
per bushel, while the 2012 New Crop contracts for Canola are now available
are $11.98 per bushel- delivered to local participating elevators that are
working with PCOM.
Here are some links we will leave in place on an ongoing basis- Click
on the name of the report to go to that link: | |
God Bless! You can reach us at the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
email: ron@oklahomafarmreport.com
phone: 405-473-6144
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