invite you to listen to us on great radio stations
across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network
weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or
you are in an area where you can't hear it- click
here for this morning's Farm news
from Ron Hays on RON.
Let's Check the
First Look:
on RON Markets as heard on K101
with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash
Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets
Cash Grain:
Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported
by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture.
cash price for Canola is $11.79 per bushel-
New Crop contracts for Canola are now available at
$11.98 per bushel- delivered to local
participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio
Oklahoma Network with Ed Richards and Tom Leffler-
analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.
Previous Day's Wheat Market Recap- Two
Pager from the Kansas City Board of Trade looks at all
three U.S. Wheat Futures Exchanges with extra info on
Hard Red Winter Wheat and the why of that day's
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Feeder & Stocker
Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Slaughter Cattle
Summary- as prepared by the USDA.
Feedlot Recap:
here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from
the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.
| |
Latest Farm and Ranch News
Update from Ron Hays of RON
Friday, November
4, 2011
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch
news update.
| |
Bill Follies- No Deal But Lots of
House Ag Committee Chairman Frank Lucas and his
Ranking Minority Member Colin Peterson briefed the
members of the House Ag Committee in separate
closed door meetings on Thursday- with the bottom
line of no deal as of yet. The clock continues to
tick on the House and Senate Ag Committee
Leadership as they try to pull together details of
a plan to cut $23 Billion in agricultural spending
over ten years- that plan would in fact be the de
facto 2012 farm bill.
as the clock ticks on both this effort and the
broader effort of the so called Super Committee to
do their work and find at least $1.2 trillion in
spending cuts- turbulence is making the effort by
Congressman Lucas and the others very
difficult. Two familiar foes to spending
much if any money on a Commodity title and a
safety net for farmers are fanning the flames of
resistance to a "secret" farm bill written outside
of regular order.
Democrat Ron Kind fought hard to eliminate much of
the Commodity Title in 2008- and he went public
with a letter that he and 26 other Congressmen
wrote to the Super Committee- crying foul over the
Secret Farm Bill process. In the letter, the
lawmakers tell the Super Committee "We urge the
Joint Select Committee to resist proposals that
would go beyond its mandate of deficit reduction
and authorize new, complicated agriculture
programs that have not been the subject of
Congressional review." Click here for our story that
includes the full text of the
also have several groups also very unhappy with
the process- the Environmental Working Group is
one- and they claim that the apparent direction of
the Ag Committee leadership is to do even more
revenue assurance as they drop Direct Farm Program
payments- which they say is a HUGE boondoggle for
the biggest farmers of program crops. They hired
Dr. Bruce Babcock of Iowa State who studied the
combination of Crop Insurance and some of the
Revenue Assurance farm program possibilities- and
they say taxpayers could be stuck with an enormous
bill. Click here to jump over to our
website to learn more about the Babcock study- and
to hear an audio overview of the EWG demands
on ending the closed door process and stripping
away much of the Commodity Title in the 2012 Farm
Bill debate.
are excited to have as one of our sponsors
for the daily email Producers Cooperative Oil
Mill, with 67 years of progress through
producer ownership. Call Brandon Winters at
405-232-7555 for more information on the oilseed
crops they handle, including cottonseed,
sunflowers and canola- and remember they post
closing market prices for canola on the PCOM website- go there by
clicking here.
we salute our longest running email sponsor-
Midwest Farm Shows, producer of the
springtime Southern Plains Farm Show as well as
the Tulsa Farm Show held each December. The Show
this year is set for December 8, 9 and 10.
Click here for the
Midwest Farm Show main website
to learn more about their lineup of shows around
the country! |
Association of Conservation Districts Working on
Pilot Program to Protect Lesser Prairie
Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts,
Natural Resource Conservation Service and the
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation are
all working together to help establish a program
to help Lesser Prairie Chickens not make the
endangered species list.
sat down with Clay Pope, Executive Director for
the Oklahoma Association of Conservation
Districts, at the Oklahoma Ag Expo, where Pope was
speaking on Thursday morning, to talk about the
program and how these organizations are working
towards a solution.
says they are working towards a program that is
similar to the carbon credit program, where they
were allowed to pay individuals who will do the
requirements of the program on their land. Pope
says the goal would be to improve the wildlife
habitat and basically forego certain types of
developments to try to improve the quality of the
habitat area for the Lesser Prairie
Click here to listen to our
conversation with Clay
Pope. |
Approves Legislation Preventing Costly EPA
Regulations on Farm Dust
Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and
Power, chaired by Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-KY),
approved bipartisan legislation to provide
much-needed certainty and regulatory relief to
America's farmers, ranchers, and rural businesses.
H.R. 1633, the Farm Dust Regulation Prevention
Act, passed the panel by a vote of 12-9 and now
moves to the full Energy and Commerce Committee
for consideration.
1633, introduced by Reps. Kristi Noem (R-SD) and
Leonard Boswell (D-IA), addresses the threat of
increased federal regulation of dust by preventing
EPA from imposing more stringent federal dust
standards. It also exempts nuisance dust from EPA
regulation where dust is already regulated under
state, tribal, or local law.
bill passed with an amendment introduced by Rep.
Mike Pompeo (R-KS) clarifying the definition of
nuisance dust to underscore that the bill does not
exempt particulate matter generated from
combustion, such as from industrial facilities and
power plants.
Click here for more information on
this decision and
legislation. |
news spreading across the state of good wheat
stands for some roducers, the outlook for wheat
has changed over the past week. Dr. Kim Anderson,
Oklahoma State University Grain Marketing
Specialist, says given what producers started with
and the outlook a couple of months ago with
continuing drought and temperatures, the reports
are exceptional.
The condition of these
wheat stands vary across the state with some
regions getting more rain than others. When it
comes to the northern region, around Kay,
Garfield, Grant and even into Kingfisher county,
Anderson says the reports show exceptional stands
of wheat.
you move south, the stands aren't quite as good.
Anderson says they are still good quality but not
as good as the north.
Click here to listen to Dr. Anderson
and Lyndall Stout's conversation on the wheat
progression and for your SUNUP
preview. |
Service Agency County Committee Elections Begin
Tolle, executive director for Oklahoma Farm
Service Agency (FSA), announced that the 2011 FSA
county committee election ballots will be mailed
to eligible voters on November 4th. The deadline
for eligible voters to return ballots to their
county FSA offices will be December 5, 2011.
"The FSA county committee system is unique
among government agencies, because it allows
producers to make important decisions concerning
the local administration of federal farm
programs," said Tolle. "I urge all eligible
farmers and producers, especially minorities and
women, to get involved and make a real difference
in their communities by voting in this year's
Committee members apply their
knowledge and judgment to make decisions on
disaster and conservation payments, establishment
of allotments and yields, producer appeals,
employing FSA county executive directors and other
local issues.
Click here for more on these FSA
county committee
elections. |
May Not Need to Use Nitrogen on Wheat in
said that every cloud has a silver lining. As we
approach the end of 2011, the rather tarnished
silver lining in the very uncloudy year is that
many soil sample results have considerably higher
than average amounts of nitrates, especially in
wheat and winter pasture fields. What does this
mean? It means that you may be able to reduce or
eliminate nitrogen (N) fertilizer this
Don't read the title of this article
and immediately call the dealership and cancel
your fertilizer purchase. All soil samples are not
high in residual nitrates. The only way you can
know if your fields have high amounts of residual
nitrogen is to take good soil samples and rely on
the results.
standard 0- to 6-inch soil sample is OK for this
purpose, but taking an additional 6- to 12-inch
sample will show how much N is in the subsoil and
may allow you to cut N rates even
Click here for more on nitrogen
levels in wheat in
2011. |
official word has come from USDA as of yet- but we
have been getting indications that officials are
ready to move a modified version of the GIPSA rule
to the next step- which may be sending it as early
as today on to the Office of Management and Budget
for their blessing.
has been a lot of speculation that the USDA would
strip out the most controversial parts of the
proposed rule- and that would result in little
impact on the cattle and hog producers of this
country- while poultry operations would be subject
to more change coming from the amended marketing
rule, which was originally proposed back in June
2010. That apparently is the case.
reports now tell us that the rule has been split
up into three parts and only two parts are being
sent to the OMB for their review.
1 will be a Final Rule that contains only
some of the provisions expressly required under
the 2008 Farm Bill. Those provisions appear
to include primarily poultry-related provisions
such as provisions that address the suspension of
delivery of birds, additional capital investment
criteria, breach of contract and arbitration as
well as a section on sample contracts for swine
and poultry.
2 will be an Interim Rule, which will
contain a modified version of the section in the
proposed rule that addressed tournament pricing
systems in the poultry industry. The Interim Rule
will also have a new public comment period before
it becomes final.
is indicating that it is abandoning provisions in
its proposed rule that would have prohibited
packer-to-packer sales, prohibited a packer buyer
from buying for more than one packer, and the
requirements that packers must retain
is indicating that all the other provisions in the
proposed rule will remain at USDA for further
consideration, meaning USDA will not send the
sections on prohibiting undue preferences or
advantage, or the section that clarifies that
producers do not have to prove harm to the entire
industry if they are harmed by a packer's unfair
buying practices.
this point, it does not look like any of our other
key cattle issues have gone through USDA's
clearance process, so they likely will not be
submitted to OMB for a while. It appears that USDA
is not backing off of these proposals forever- but
for now- they appear to be going
Old Germany Restaurant and Fill Up on Original
German Cuisine
Germany in Choctaw, Okla., continues the Legendary
Restaurants of Oklahoma this week on Friday, Nov.
4. Old Germany has been open since 1976, when the
family visited Oklahoma and decided to make the
big decision and move to the state. Known for
their strictly German menu, Old Germany serves up
the best in original German cuisine.
Turek, one of the family owners of Old Germany
Restaurant, says when the restaurant was first
opened, they only had a couple of German dishes on
the menu. Today, they only serve up dishes that
are part of the German culture and one of their
most popular dishes is of course their wiener
Click here to purchase your $50
voucher to Old Germany for only $25!
very own Karolyn Bolay also visited with Mike
Turek about Old Germany Restaurant. Click here to listen to their
conversation and find out more about this German
God Bless!
You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144
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