invite you to listen to us on great radio stations
across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network
weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or
you are in an area where you can't hear it-
here for this morning's Farm news
from Ron Hays on RON.
Let's Check the
First Look:
on RON Markets as heard on K101
with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash
Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets
Cash Grain:
Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported
by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture.
cash price for Canola is $11.50 per bushel-
New Crop contracts for Canola are now available at
$11.64 per bushel- delivered to local
participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio
Oklahoma Network with Ed Richards and Tom Leffler-
analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.
Previous Day's Wheat Market Recap- Two
Pager from the Kansas City Board of Trade looks at all
three U.S. Wheat Futures Exchanges with extra info on
Hard Red Winter Wheat and the why of that day's
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Feeder & Stocker
Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Slaughter Cattle
Summary- as prepared by the USDA.
Feedlot Recap:
here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from
the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.
| |
Latest Farm and Ranch News
Update from Ron Hays of RON
Monday, November
21, 2011
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch
news update.
| |
word that the Super Committee has thrown in the
towel- click here to see one of a multitude
of stories in the regular media that are
quoting aides that the discussion over the weekend
turned to how to announce there would be no deal-
the question in farm country is- what happens to
the farm bill deal cobbled together by the House
and Senate Ag Committee leadership?
past Thursday- the Senate Ag Committee was briefed
by their Chairman Debbie Stabenow- who probably
made a mistake in putting the ideas at that point
down on paper- which several farm groups and
others were able to get their hands on. That
meant groups like the National Cotton Council quickly
issued a statement of their support of the Ag
Committee Leadership plan because cotton was
looking at a special separate support program
called STAX- Ethanol and bio based energy fans
were less than happy and your had outright
opponents to farm policy like the Environmental Working Group
screaming bloody murder. (click on the groups name
for the news releases they offered up on
written summaries were handed out by Chairman
Lucas- who apparently faced a significant
amount of criticism from rank and file members of
the House Ag Committee. From the contacts we
made with a variety of folks on Friday and into
the weekend- we did get a copy of the Senate
ideas- and were told that this really was not the
final word negotiated between the two Chairs- that
a final plan had been sent to CBO for scoring and
that a score would not be available until sometime
wisdom is that with the Super Committee going
belly up- the House and Senate Ag
Committees will not release final details
of the compromise reached on which they will have
a score. That work will likely become a starting
point for the 2012 Farm Bill debate in what
Congressman Lucas likes to call "regular order"
early in the new year- whether it's the Chairman's
mark in either the House or Senate is an unknown.
key points from these closed door efforts that may
surface in that regular order for the
Commodity Title and the Conservation Title may
include the ending of the current three legged
safety net stool of the Commodity Title- the
ending of Direct Farm Program payments, ACRE, SURE
and Counter Cyclical Payments replacing it with a
shallow loss program of some kind. It was
surprising to see the National Association of
Wheat Growers throw in with the National Corn
Growers and the American Soybean Association in
advocating for this concept very strongly. The
question now is whether that triad can stay united
into the new year is another of the
unknowns. For the Conservation folks- the
question will be how many folks will be willing to
give up millions of acres of CRP program authority
to help save money for deficit reduction- the deal
between the House and Senate was to reduce the CRP
from 32 million to 25 million acres in a fairly
short amount of time.
much may be said this week- another of the
unknowns- stay
tuned. |
are pleased to have American Farmers &
Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company as a regular
sponsor of our daily update- click here to go to
their AFR web site to learn more about their
efforts to serve rural America!
And we are proud to have P
& K Equipment/ P & K Wind Energy as
one of our regular sponsors of our daily email
update. P & K is the premiere John Deere
dealer in Oklahoma, with ten locations to serve
you, and the P & K team are excited about
their new Wind Power program, as they offer
Endurance Wind Power wind turbines. Click here for more from
the P&K website.
Trade Organization Calls US COOL Out of Compliance
with Global Trade
Office of the United States Trade Representative
issued the following statement in regard to a
decision by a World Trade Organization (WTO) panel
in disputes brought by Canada and Mexico, which
affirmed the United States' right to require
country of origin labeling (COOL) on meat
are pleased that the panel affirmed the right of
the United States to require country of origin
labeling for meat products," said Andrea Mead,
Press Secretary for the Office of the U.S. Trade
Representative. "Although the panel disagreed with
the specifics of how the United States designed
those requirements, we remain committed to
providing consumers with accurate and relevant
information with respect to the origin of meat
products that they buy at the retail level. In
that regard we are considering all options,
including appealing the panel's
Click here for more background on
this ruling from the USTR office.
organizations voiced their opinions on the ruling
as well.
Cattlemen's Beef Association (NCBA) Vice President
of Government Affairs Colin Woodall issued the
following statement.
is a strong ruling from the World Trade
Organization that proves COOL was not only a
disservice to U.S. cattlemen and women but also
contained far-reaching implications for two of the
most important trade partners for U.S.
agriculture. NCBA strongly advises the United
States not to appeal this ruling. Instead, we urge
U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk to work with
NCBA and other pro-trade organizations to apply
pressure on Congress to bring the United States
into WTO compliance across the board." Click here for more from
USA released the following press release and
opinion article regarding the ruling against the
U.S. by the World Trade Organization and the
country-of-origin labeling.
news from the Office of the U.S. Trade
Representative (USTR) and the WTO is consistent
with rumors leaked in May," said R-CALF USA COOL
Committee Chair Mike Schultz adding, "We're not
surprised that a panel of countries that want to
weaken the U.S. would support complaints by
countries that want more control over our U.S.
food supply. The WTO is trying to usurp our
nation's sovereignty." Click here for the rest from R-CALF
Farmers Union (NFU) was generally pleased
with the ruling by the World Trade
Organization (WTO), which found that
Country-of-Origin-Labeling (COOL) is allowable
under WTO rules. The labeling law was passed as a
part of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act
of 2002 and amended in 2008. COOL requires
retailers to notify their customers of the source
of certain foods. After the ruling was announced,
NFU President Roger Johnson issued the following
are pleased that WTO agreed that COOL is allowable
in principle, giving consumers the right to know
the origin of their meat products. NFU has been a
long-time advocate for COOL, playing a key role in
the negotiations that led to its inclusion in the
2008 Farm Bill and working with meatpackers to
ensure they follow the law's intent." Click here for more from
Latest Cattle on Feed Numbers are Up 4 Percent
From Year Ago
latest Cattle on Feed Numbers are out on Friday
afternoon, November 18, 2011. The numbers have
cattle on feed at 4 percent above year ago levels.
The report was close to the private estimates
we've seen all week, but marketings were better
than expected. There were no real surprises and
the report is looked on as friendly. You can hear
Tom Leffler of Leffler Commodities analyze the
latest Cattle on Feed report and what it might
mean for the markets, by clicking on the listening
bar at the bottom of the page.
Cattle and
calves on feed for slaughter market in the United
States for feedlots with capacity of 1,000 or more
head totaled 11.9 million head on November 1,
2011. The inventory was 4 percent above November
1, 2010. This is the second highest November 1
inventory since the series began in 1996.
Placements in feedlots during October
totaled 2.49 million, 1 percent below 2010. Net
placements were 2.40 million head. During October,
placements of cattle and calves weighing less than
600 pounds were 805,000, 600-699 pounds were
600,000, 700-799 pounds were 501,000, and 800
pounds and greater were 585,000.
Click here for more on these latest
cattle on feed numbers including our conversation
with Tom Leffler of Leffler
Commodities. |
State Livestock Judging Squad Top Beef Cattle Team
in the Nation- OSU Looking for Animal Science
Leader in the New Year
OSU Livestock Judging Team finished 3rd Overall in
the 2011 National Championship contest at the
North American International Livestock Exposition
in Louisville, KY a week ago.
was the National Champion Team in the Beef
Cattle. This was the
second consecutive year to win the championship in
cattle judging.
was also the High Team in the Performance Cattle
and All Performance Classes divisions.
was the Reserve National Champion Team in Oral
competing on the OSU team were Casey Hilmes, Logan
James, Katie Lents, Tyler White and Stephanie
word came to us this past week that Dr.
Ron Kensinger, Department Head of the
Oklahoma State University Animal Science
Department, has turned in his resignation to Dean
Bob Whitson. Dr. Kensinger, who came to Stillwater
in the fall of 2007, is headed for another OSU
come January first- accepting a position at the
Ohio State University. Dean Whitson says he
hopes to have a new department head for this key
part of the Division of Agriculture in place by
the start of the Fall 2012 Semester, says interim
duties will be handled by Dr. Gerald Horn.
Representatives Attend Area Meetings of the
Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts
leaders discussed issues relevant to Oklahoma at
the five Area Meetings of the Oklahoma Association
of Conservation Districts held across the state
during November 2011. "The 2011 Drought and Beyond
- Will we keep the dust at bay?," the theme for
the meetings for Oklahoma's conservation district
directors and employees, reflected the challenges
faced by natural resource conservation entities
during the hottest and second driest year in state
history. The meetings were sponsored by the
Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts
(OACD) and cosponsored by the Oklahoma
Conservation Commission (OCC) in cooperation with
the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Garrett King, field representative
for Oklahoma's U.S. Congressman Frank Lucas, spoke
at the meetings about the process underway in
Congress to craft the next federal Farm Bill and
the role of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit
Reduction ("Super Committee") in that
Gary McManus, associate state
climatologist for the Oklahoma Climatological
Survey, gave a presentation featuring facts about
climate conditions in Oklahoma in 2011 and in
state history. He stated that this year's extremes
of heat and drought were neither forecast nor
Click here for more on these area
meetings and links to the presentations from all
presenters. |
Pork Board Celebrates Accomplishments with 25th
National Pork Board celebrated the mark of their
25th anniversary and this week in Des Moines,
Iowa. And as Chris Novak, CEO of the National Pork
Board, points out, the board has a lot to
celebrate over the past 25 years.
National Pork Board has worked since 1986 with the
launch of the Pork Checkoff to improve the pork
industry and invest in the industry. While the
number of pork producers in the U.S. is down,
Novak says the industry has worked and succeeded
at improving the quality of the product by
tackling specific disease issues.
also says the industry has improved when it comes
to global exports. Twenty-five years ago, the U.S.
was importing more pork from overseas than we were
exporting. Today, the U.S. has about 37% of the
global market share and trade and we are the
number one leading exporter of pork says
Click here to listen to our
conversation with Chris Novak over the
accomplishments of the Pork Checkoff over the past
25 years. |
Foundation's "FoodThanks" Twitter Campaign Returns
for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving season, people throughout the food
system will be using social media to show their
thanks for food and raise awareness of agriculture
through the AgChat Foundation's #foodthanks
campaign. Last year, more than 800 people
participated in the campaign by blogging, adding
the #foodthanks twibbon to their avatar photo, and
sharing more than 2,000 Twitter posts.
"For many of us, this month is when we
take time to give thanks for the food on our
tables," says Darin Grimm, president of the AgChat
Foundation, a 100 percent volunteer organization
that aims to empower farmers and ranchers to
"agvocate" via social media platforms. "The
#foodthanks campaign provides tools and
inspiration for people to take their personal
expressions of gratitude beyond the dinner table
to friends, family and followers within their
social networks."
Grimm encourages members
of the ag and food communities to tweet, post and
blog about #foodthanks this month and especially
on November 23 as Thanksgiving becomes top of mind
for much of the country.
Click here for more on this
campaign. |
God Bless!
You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144
| | |