invite you to listen to us on great radio stations
across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network
weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or
you are in an area where you can't hear it-
here for this morning's Farm news
from Ron Hays on RON.
Let's Check the
First Look:
on RON Markets as heard on K101
with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash
Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets
Cash Grain:
Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported
by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture.
cash price for Canola is $11.50 per bushel-
New Crop contracts for Canola are now available at
$11.73 per bushel- delivered to local
participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio
Oklahoma Network with Ed Richards and Tom Leffler-
analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.
Previous Day's Wheat Market Recap- Two
Pager from the Kansas City Board of Trade looks at all
three U.S. Wheat Futures Exchanges with extra info on
Hard Red Winter Wheat and the why of that day's
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Feeder & Stocker
Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Slaughter Cattle
Summary- as prepared by the USDA.
Feedlot Recap:
here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from
the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.
| |
Latest Farm and Ranch News
Update from Ron Hays of RON
Wednesday, November
23, 2011
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch
news update.
| |
Riddance- Senator Roberts Dismisses Farm Bill
Efforts Behind Closed Doors- Welcomes Regular
Order in 2012
Senator Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), ranking member of
the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
Committee, issued the following statement
regarding the failure of the Joint Select
Committee on Deficit Reduction:
announcement by the Joint Committee on Deficit
Reduction means that a Farm Bill will now be
written in regular order as it should be. In
recent weeks, the chairs of the House and Senate
Agriculture Committees have worked on a Farm Bill
proposal, largely without my input and the input
of the other members of the two committees. The
last proposal was so 'secret' that I still have
not seen final legislative language and scores.
Significant strides were proposed in crop
insurance and conservation programs. However, I
had substantial concerns about what little I knew
of the direction of the commodity title and the
inequitable distribution of spending reductions
between commodities, conservation, nutrition and
specialty crop programs."
Click here for the rest of Senator
Pat Roberts' statement.
also released an article on the announcement by
the Joint Committee saying, "Left at the barn
door, farm bill negotiators must now decide what
can be salvaged from the supercommittee's wreckage
as they shift their focus toward producing their
own stand-alone legislation before the current
authorization bill expires next September. It was
always a shotgun marriage: the House and Senate
agriculture committees would generate $23 billion
in savings and get a ticket on the
supercommittee's fast-moving, amendment-free
deficit train. But more than most of their
colleagues, the agriculture leadership did at
least try, and the weeks of backroom negotiations
could prove valuable still as a first Washington
exercise in the need for change in agriculture
Click here to read the complete
article by Politico. |
are excited to have as one of our sponsors
for the daily email Producers Cooperative Oil
Mill, with 67 years of progress through
producer ownership. Call Brandon Winters at
405-232-7555 for more information on the oilseed
crops they handle, including cottonseed,
sunflowers and canola- and remember they post
closing market prices for canola on the PCOM website- go there by
clicking here.
we salute our longest running email sponsor-
Midwest Farm Shows, producer of the
springtime Southern Plains Farm Show as well as
the Tulsa Farm Show held each December. The Show
this year is set for December 8, 9 and 10.
Click here for the
Midwest Farm Show main websiteto
learn more about their lineup of shows around the
country! |
Mary Fallin Extends Executive Order on Transport
of Hay for Second
Governor Mary Fallin issued a second extension of
an executive order allowing haulers of hay to
carry larger loads in their trucks. The second
extension comes in light of the ongoing struggle
with drought, which has left some farmers without
access to hay for livestock.
This order was
originally issued on July 22 and then extended
again on September 20. This second extension,
which was issued on November 18, will expire after
60 days
Current rules restrict haulers of
hay to dimensions of 11 feet in width. Governor
Fallin's executive order increases those limits to
12 feet. Because a standard hay bale is six feet
in width, this change doubles the amount of hay
bales capable of being hauled per truck without a
Click here for a
link to a copy of the executive order
extension by Gov.
Fallin. |
Korea Ratifies Free Trade Agreement with U.S.-
USMEF Hails Successful
Korea's ruling conservatives rammed through a
bitterly contested free trade deal with the United
States through parliament on Tuesday as lawmakers
in Seoul scuffled and one member of the opposition
let off a tear gas bomb, which forced a temporary
clearing of the chamber. The final vote was 151 to
7, although a large number of lawmakers abstained
from voting on the pact.
the vote- Danita Rodibaugh, Chairman of the U.S.
Meat Export Federation, issued the following
statement on the importance of this vote and the
actual implementation of the FTA with South Korea.
of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement by the
Korean National Assembly is a successful outcome
both for the U.S. agricultural sector as well as
consumers in South Korea.
consumers have endured rampant food inflation, and
this trade pact will provide relief. Tariffs on
U.S. beef imported by Korea will drop from 40
percent to zero over 15 years, and duties on U.S.
pork, which range from 22.5 percent to 25 percent,
will be phased out over two years starting Jan. 1,
"For the American producers and
exporters, this pact will create expanded
opportunities for red meat exports to a market
that has a demonstrated appetite for U.S. beef and
pork. Already this year (through September), U.S.
beef exports to Korea are up 45 percent in volume
and 37 percent in value over 2010 levels, reaching
119,044 metric tons (262.4 million pounds) valued
at $527.7 million."
Click here for more details on the
Korean vote and statement from Danita Rodibaugh of
the USMEF. |
Secretary of Agriculture Jim Reese Attends
Tri-National Accord
Secretary of Agriculture Jim Reese attended the
Tri-National Agricultural Accord in Grapevine, TX
Nov. 15-18th. The Accord is a forum for
information exchange among the U.S. state
directors, secretaries and commissioners of
agriculture; the Canadian provincial ministers of
agriculture; and Mexico's state secretaries of
agriculture and rural development.
Accord provides an opportunity for Canadian
provinces and U.S. and Mexican states to exchange
information, views and suggestions on various
aspects of the agriculture and food industries in
their respective jurisdictions. The three North
American countries serve as significant trading
partners for one another.
North America is
a significant producer of food and fiber that
supports not only the continent but the world.
North American farmers produced 1.2 billion metric
tons of crops in 2009 which means nearly 6,000
pounds for every person on the continent. North
America produces 26% of the world's beef, 13% of
the world's pork, and 44% of the world's supply of
corn. North American growers produced 139.4
billion eggs in 2009 and 29 million metric tons of
poultry meat which equates to 20 eggs and 9 pounds
of meat per person on the planet.
Click here for more on the
Agricultural Accord. |
is Key for Profitability in an Individual Cattle
Operation and Beef Buzz with Dr. Derrell
is important to the profitability of an individual
cattle operation and to the competitiveness of the
industry as a whole. In times of changing output
and input values, it is very important to keep in
mind what efficiency is...and what it isn't.
According to Dr. Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State
University Extension Livestock Marketing
Specialist, it is probably most common to think of
efficiency in physical or technical terms, which
are based on quantity of output relative to
quantity of input.
includes common production values such as feed per
pound of gain and pounds of calf weaned per cow.
Such physical measurements often provide the rules
of thumb that guide day to day decisions in an
However, most producers
recognize that there are limits to the extent that
physical measures of efficiency are economical.
What really matters is economic efficiency, which
can be thought of as the value of outputs relative
to the value of inputs. This results in the
important distinction between maximizing
production and optimizing
Click here for more from Dr. Derrell
Peel on efficiency in beef production.
are cattle prices headed as we wrap up 2011 and
look into the early months of 2012? Oklahoma State
University Extension Economist Dr. Derrell Peel
offers his thoughts on fed cattle price outlook, a
well as where we may be on stocker calves and
yearlings in the days ahead.
In particular,
Peel fully expects heifer prices for stockers as
well as yearlings to be on par with steer prices
as there will be competition for those females to
go back into the herd, as well as being turned
into beef.
Click here to listen to our Beef Buzz
conversation with Dr. Peel on 2012 cattle
prices. |
Day Schedule
of our livestock auctions are closed today through
Friday of this week- with the final few weeks of
2011 sales picking back up next Monday. The
major Wednesday sales that we report about on the
Radio Oklahoma Network- including OKC West in El
Reno and the Ada Southern Livestock Market are
among the markets closed for Thanksgiving. One
market that will be operating on Friday after
Thanksgiving is the Joplin Regional Stockyards as
they hold a Special Video Sale November 25,
2011 at 1:00 p.m. Expecting 10,000 head of
Wean Vac calves and yearlings.
futures markets have a normal trading day today-
will be closed on Thursday and then have an early
close on Friday. Overnight electronic trade
for our grain and livestock futures will commence
on Thursday evening at 5 pm central time in
advance of the Friday open outcry.
offices are closed for Thanksgiving on Thursday-
but most will be open on Friday- the mail will be
delivered on Friday after a day off on Thursday
and we will have USDA reports like our wholesale
boxed beef trade on Friday as we normally
do. |
Thanksgiving Prayer on This Turkey
of you that have been reading these emails over
the years realize that I like to use holidays like
Thanksgiving to offer a word or two about what's
the most important thing in my life.
This morning- I want to share with you from a
little book that I simply love- written by a man
by the name of Samuel Guard. Samuel lived a
century ago- and he was a broadcast pioneer-
having a hand in working with Sears Roebuck in
building WLS Radio in Chicago to help deliver
markets and farm news and weather to rural folks
across the midwest. In this later years, he
wrote "The Farmer Gives Thanks." It's a
whole year's worth of prayers- from the winter
season to spring planting and summer hay harvest
to the fall and finally Thanksgiving and
Christmas. Here's one of Samuel's prayers
for the holiday we enjoy this week-
of harvest, Keeper of our feedlots and our fields,
we thank thee for a turkey that is fat.
thank thee for bread with butter on it.
wish we could echo in these poor words the
glorious autumn song of praise that rises from our
frosted, browning stalks of corn, bent with ears
of gold.
us to be humble, just, and kind as thy Servant
said- specially kind to those creatures over whom
thou gave us original dominion, which we have
subdued and fattened and multiplied and milked
according to thy direction.
us good shepherds to them as thou art the Good
Shepherd to us.
make our hearts big enough to receive thy bounty
in constant thanksgiving.
thankful for many things- including each of you
that are interested in what we write in this
email- or what we report on the radio or TV- thank
you for allowing us to have a few moments in your
day as we all work together in this effort to feed
and cloth the world. I pray that you will have
God's blessings pour down on you this Thanksgiving
holiday weekend.
God Bless!
You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144
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