invite you to listen to us on great radio stations
across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network
weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or
you are in an area where you can't hear it- click
here for this morning's Farm news
from Ron Hays on RON.
Let's Check the
First Look:
on RON Markets as heard on K101
with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash
Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets
Cash Grain:
Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices
as reported by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture.
cash price for Canola is $11.49 per bushel-
New Crop contracts for Canola are now available at
$11.70 per bushel- delivered to local
participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio
Oklahoma Network with Ed Richards and Tom Leffler-
analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.
Previous Day's Wheat Market Recap- Two
Pager from the Kansas City Board of Trade looks at all
three U.S. Wheat Futures Exchanges with extra info on
Hard Red Winter Wheat and the why of that day's
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Feeder & Stocker
Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Slaughter Cattle
Summary- as prepared by the USDA.
Feedlot Recap:
here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from
the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.
| |
Latest Farm and Ranch News
Update from Ron Hays of RON
December 8, 2011
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch
news update.
| |
Ag Committee Chairman Frank Lucas talks Farm Bill
Direction After Super Committee
Chairman of the House Ag Committee, Oklahoma
Congressman Frank Lucas, says that a lot was
accomplished in the attempt to write a farm bill
that could have been attached to the Super
Committee recommendations- if that group of 12
lawmakers had been able to get their job done last
month in finding $1.2 trillion in deficit
reduction over a ten year period. Lucas agreed
that it was an opportunity lost for agriculture to
have gotten five years of spending assurances in
place for the federal farm safety net- as well as
for conservation and other titles that will make
up the 2012 Farm Bill. Congressman Lucas made
these comments in an exclusive conversation with
brushed aside criticism of the Title One language
that was developed by he and Chairlady Debbie
Stabenow of Michigan by Ranking Member on the
Senate Ag Committee Pat Roberts- saying that the
job of a Ranking Member is different from that of
a Committee Chairman.
Chairman Lucas does
believe that now that the farm bill returns to
"regular order" in 2012- it will be difficult to
escape without having to face deeper budget cuts
than the $23 billion over ten years that the Ag
Leadership had offered the Super Committee. He
also is concerned about the budget baseline
shrinking in 2012 as CBO reworks their numbers in
the first few months of the new year.
Congressman noted that the Senate Ag Committee
Chairman has called for an aggressive schedule of
hearings early in 2012 which should lead to
marking up new policy. He made no commitments to
doing something similar- in fact, mentioned that
we could have to do some sort of short term
extension of the 2008 farm law to get us past the
election season which is when the current law
begins to expire. Chairman Lucas does indicate he
prefers to get a farm bill done on time in the
first half of 2012.
Click here to listen to our
conversation with Ag Chairman Frank Lucas on
all these topics and more.
are proud to have P & K Equipment/ P &
K Wind Energy as one of our regular sponsors
of our daily email update. P & K is the
premiere John Deere dealer in Oklahoma, with ten
locations to serve you, and the P & K team are
excited about their new Wind Power program, as
they offer Endurance Wind Power wind turbines.
Click here for more from
the P&K website.
are also excited to have as one of our sponsors
for the daily email Producers Cooperative Oil
Mill, with 64 years of progress through
producer ownership. Call Brandon Winters at
405-232-7555 for more information on the oilseed
crops they handle, including sunflowers and
canola- and remember they post closing market
prices for canola and sunflowers on the PCOM website- go there by
clicking here. |
Dust Bill on the House Floor This Morning- 8
Amendments to be Offered- White House Calls Whole
Exercise Unneeded and Promises
thing this morning- 8 AM Central- the House will
convene and according to Majority Leader Eric
Cantor- the first order of business will be HR
1633- the Farm Dust Regulation Prevention
Act. Cantor indicates there will be an hour
assigned for debate on this measure- and there are
a total of 8 amendements that also will be given
time for consideration as well. Votes on the
amendments and the actual bill could come as early
as 9 AM central- but that seems awfully
optimistic. GOP lawmakers are generally
supportive- House Democrats and the White House
call it unneeded and say it takes away authority
from EPA to protect society.
afternoon- the White House issued a strong
statement denouncing the proposal- saying "this
bill would create serious problems for
implementing Clean Air Act (CAA) public health
protections that have been in place for years
while adding uncertainty for businesses and
States. The bill therefore, goes far beyond its
stated intent of prohibiting the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) from tightening national
standards for coarse particles, which the
Administration has repeatedly explained that it
has no intention of doing."
can read the full text of the White House
statement- click here to do so.
festivities on the House can be seen on C-Span-
either on cable, satellite or by clicking here for their
website. |
Poultry Coalition Requests Hearing on Renewable
Fuel Standard's Impact on
a letter to the Senate Environment and Public
Works (EPW) Committee, a coalition of the U.S.
livestock and poultry industry associations,
including the National Cattlemen's Beef
Association, the American Meat Institute, the
National Chicken Council, the National Meat
Association, the National Pork Producers Council
and the National Turkey Federation, requested a
hearing to discuss the Renewable Fuel Standard's
(RFS) impact on the economy. The groups cited
ongoing pressure on domestic feed grain supplies
and a discovery of $9 million of fraudulent
renewable identification numbers as justifications
for a hearing.
"In light of the ongoing
pressures that the RFS is placing on the domestic
feed grain supplies, something must be done to
protect livestock and poultry producers from
excessively high corn prices because of the rigid
RFS compliance system," the groups told Committee
Chair Barbara Boxer (D- Calif.) and Ranking Member
James Inhofe (R-Okla.). "Therefore, we request
that the Senate hold a hearing to examine the
continued pressure on grain supplies and the
impact that it is having on the bottom line of
livestock and poultry producers."
letter noted that a 2011 National Academy of
Sciences study found that since 2007, the
diversion of portions of the corn crop to ethanol
production has been a contributing factor to the
increased strain on livestock and poultry
producers. While other factors play a role, the
RFS mandate is the sole area the U.S. government
can control, the groups said.
Click here for more from these
organizations on the RFS and the requested
hearing. |
Credit Supports 25x'25 Alliance with Renewable
Energy Grant
National 25x'25 Alliance announced that Farm
Credit has committed $50,000 to help the alliance
promote the energy solutions offered by our
nation's farms, ranches and forestlands, and work
to build consensus on stable, comprehensive and
long-term energy policies that make use of those
"The Farm Credit System's
financial performance will be directly impacted by
the degree to which agricultural- and forestry-
based energy solutions are integrated into
America's energy future," said Ernie Shea, 25x'25
project coordinator. "The Alliance is extremely
grateful for this financial support. Farm Credit
is helping to maximize the role of the agriculture
and forest sectors in our nation's evolving clean
energy future."
"Farm Credit's mission is
to support agriculture and rural America, and the
25 x '25 mission aligns with that in many ways,"
said Christina Bowen, national contributions
director for Farm Credit.
Click here for more from Farm Credit
on their committment to renewable energy.
Market Research Could Be Changing the Use of Value
Added Management
Market Analyst Lance Zimmerman has taken auction
market research to a new level by focusing on
video auction markets and the premiums and
discounts producers receive for cattle raised
using value added management practices. He'll
share the findings of that research with producers
at Cattlemen's College in February. Zimmerman says
producers need to be aware of the return on
investment they can see from these management
practices. He says the information will help
producers as they assess different practices and
participation in value added programs.
Zimmerman also says that producers need to
look back on their cost of participating in these
programs in their own ranches and try to figure
out essentially what program offers them the best
return on their investment and their time. The
overall goal Zimmerman says is for the producer to
be more profitable going into the next year.
Zimmerman will be one of the presenters at
the 2012 Cattlemen's College on February 1, 2012
in Nashville, at the start of the Cattle Industry
Convention and Trade Show and says his
presentation will give producers a lot of new
Click here to listen to our Beef
Buzz segment with Lance Zimmerman.
Awards Grants to Oklahoma and Others to Improve
Food Safety
Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan visited
Michigan State University to announce that USDA
has awarded 17 grants to improve the safety of the
food supply in the United States through research,
education and extension. USDA's National Institute
of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) awarded the grants,
totaling $10.4 million, to universities in 13
states to help address a broad spectrum of food
safety issues. Michigan State University was
awarded three grants in total.
millions of Americans contracting food-borne
illnesses each year, USDA is committed to
supporting research that improves the safety of
our nation's food supply," said Merrigan.
"Primarily, we expect that the research and
education spurred by these grants will find
solutions to some pressing food safety issues.
Additionally, we want to help American consumers,
restaurant employees, and teachers put new food
safety principles into practice. Ensuring the
safety of food is a top priority for USDA, and we
will continue to work with our public and private
sector partners on developing solutions to
decrease potential risks."
Oklahoma State
University in Stillwater, Okla., was awarded
a grant of $543,000 to help with researchers,
extension faculty and industry
leaders working together with the
University of Arkansas to develop and implement an
Internet-based, stakeholder driven traceability
and marketing system for agriculture commodities
utilizing RFID technology and GS1 item-level
Click here for a complete list of
recepients and a link to more detailed information
on each. |
Former Senator Jon Corzine to Appear Before House
Ag Committee Midday Today
House Ag Committee meet this morning- as Chairman
Lucas will hold a hearing on the fall out of the
MF Global bankruptcy and the huge amount of money
that is missing- shaking the foundation of the US
Futures industry.
for the hearing this morning is former Senator and
Governor Jon Corzine- who will testify- his
testimony will likely come around midday today as
he is lone witness in the second panel of this
hearing. Click here for his
testimony as released this morning on the
House Ag Committee website.
Lucas released the following statement yesterday
evening in advance of the hearing that starts at
8:30 AM Central this morning:
very cornerstone of the futures markets, customer
funds segregation, has been severely and suddenly
called into question.
October 31, 2011, MF Global Holdings filed for
bankruptcy, after revealing that a substantial
amount of customer funds were missing. There
are now reports that as much as much as $1.2
billion may have disappeared.
of my constituents have been left not only without
their property, but also without answers about why
and how this happened. I know my colleagues
have all heard similar stories from constituents
who now lack confidence in the system that has
served them well for years.
this Committee will examine the bankruptcy of MF
Global. From the start, I'd like to
make it clear that our intent is not to
sensationalize the events that have
unfolded. And we are not here today to
simply or haphazardly point fingers and place
take seriously that we have asked both the Trustee
and the relevant regulatory organizations to
appear before us. And we realize that this
inevitably diverts their time and resources from
the most critical objective at this time: to
recover and return to customers the property that
belongs to them.
it is critical that this Committee shed light on
the circumstances surrounding the bankruptcy, to
insert additional facts and information into the
public domain and to dispel much of the confusion
and misinformation that exists.
deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the
facts will put us all in a better position to
address this situation and begin to restore
confidence in the futures markets. This is
the objective of the hearing today."
Click here for the full list of
witnesses and the texts of the testimonyas
submitted to the Committee as of this morning.
Farm Show Kicks Off Today- Runs Through
18th annual Tulsa Farm Show is ready to begin its
three day run at 9 AM Thursday morning at the Quik
Trip Center on the Tulsa Fairgrounds. This
December tradition has evolved into one of the
largest all indoor farm shows in the country-
Midwest Farm Shows Marketing Manager John Sampson
calls it the third largest all indoor farm show in
the country- and will feature 300 exhibitors
offering a wide variety of goods and services that
can make the farm or ranch a better place to live
and work on.
talked with John Sampson yesterday afternoon as
exhibitors continued to work on setting up their
displays for you to check out. Click here for our story that
features that conversation- and be sure to
stop by and say howdy over the next three days at
the 18th annual Tulsa Farm
Show! | |
God Bless!
You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144
| | |