invite you to listen to us on great radio stations
across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network
weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or
you are in an area where you can't hear it-
here for this morning's Farm news
from Ron Hays on RON.
Let's Check the
First Look:
on RON Markets as heard on K101
with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash
Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets
Cash Grain:
Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported
by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture.
cash price for Canola is $11.41 per bushel-
New Crop contracts for Canola are now available at
$11.56 per bushel- delivered to local
participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio
Oklahoma Network with Ed Richards and Tom Leffler-
analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.
Previous Day's Wheat Market Recap- Two
Pager from the Kansas City Board of Trade looks at all
three U.S. Wheat Futures Exchanges with extra info on
Hard Red Winter Wheat and the why of that day's
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Feeder & Stocker
Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Slaughter Cattle
Summary- as prepared by the USDA.
Feedlot Recap:
here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from
the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.
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Latest Farm and Ranch News
Update from Ron Hays of RON
Monday, December
19, 2011
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch
news update.
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States Cattle on Feed Up 4
latest Cattle on Feed Numbers are out on Friday
afternoon, December 16, 2011. The "On Feed"
numbers were in line with pre-estimate reports,
Placements were larger than expected and
Marketings also a little larger than expected.
the report has a slightly negative tone and we can
expect to see downside in the cattle futures at
the open Monday morning. Tom Leffler of Leffler
Commodities analyzes the report and you can hear it by clicking here for
Tom's visit with our own Ed Richards.
also have the thoughts of OSU Extension Livestock
Market Economist Dr. Derrell Peel on the report
from Friday- and some input on why cash cattle
prices dropped another $1 to $2 as the report was
coming out on Friday. Click here for our Monday Beef Buzz
featuring Dr. Peel talking Cattle on Feed.
Here's some of the key numbers from
the report- Cattle and calves on feed for
slaughter market in the United States for feedlots
with capacity of 1,000 or more head totaled 12.1
million head on December 1, 2011. The inventory
was 4 percent above December 1, 2010. This is the
second highest December 1 inventory since the
series began in 1996.
in feedlots during November totaled 2.04 million,
4 percent above 2010. Net placements were 1.94
million head. During November, placements of
cattle and calves weighing less than 600 pounds
were 755,000, 600-699 pounds were 499,000, 700-799
pounds were 375,000, and 800 pounds and greater
were 410,000.
of fed cattle during November totaled 1.77
million, slightly below 2010.
A new
sponsor of the daily email is One Resource
Environmental. Farm and ranch operators who
have gas or diesel storage on their place may be
facing regulations that spring out of the Federal
Clean Water Act. These folks can help you
determine if you need a plan and then if you do-
help you get that plan in place. Click here for their
website- FarmSPCC for more
We are
pleased to have American Farmers & Ranchers
Mutual Insurance Company as a regular sponsor
of our daily update- click here to go to
their AFR website to learn more about their
efforts to serve rural
Oklahoma! |
Legislative Year Closes Out, Push Continues on HR
872 in the
the legislative year draws to a close, Senators
and members of the agriculture community continue
pushing for consideration of H.R. 872.
legislation would clarify Congressional intent
with regards to new National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permitting requirements
that went into effect at the end of October. The
bill was passed by the House in late March on a
bipartisan basis and approved by the Senate
Agriculture Committee in June on a voice vote.
Despite these demonstrations of widespread
support in a very tense political environment,
Senators have not had the chance to consider H.R.
872 as a stand-alone piece of legislation or
within another bill.
Last Thursday, a
quarter of Senators signed onto a letter directed
at Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), asking
them to allot floor time to the
Click here for more information on
H.R. 872. |
Gains in Efficiency of Livestock Systems
2050 an expanded world population will be
consuming two thirds more animal protein than it
does today, bringing new strains to bear on the
planet's natural resources, according to a new FAO
Populations and income growth are
fueling an ongoing trend towards greater per
capita consumption of animal protein in developing
countries, says the report, World
Livestock 2011. Meat consumption is projected
to rise nearly 73 percent by 2050; dairy
consumption will grow 58 percent over current
Much of the future demand for
livestock production - in particular in the
world's burgeoning cities, where most population
growth is occurring - will be met by large-scale,
intensive animal-rearing operations.
"As it
stands, there are no technically or economically
viable alternatives to intensive production for
providing the bulk of the livestock food supply
for growing cities," FAO's report says.
Click here for more information from
this latest FAO report.
Security Tax Holiday Continued For Two Months in
Senate Passed Bill- Includes Keystone XL
U.S. Senate voted 89-10 Saturday morning to
approve a package that would extend a payroll tax
holiday and jobless benefits until Feb. 29 and
force the Obama administration to make a decision
on the Keystone XL oil pipeline within 60 days.
The House is expected to take up the plan early
this week.
payroll deal also includes a two-month extension
of paying unemployment benefits for 99 weeks and
the so-called "Doc Fix" with freezes scheduled
cuts in reimbursement rates for Medicare
and Senate GOP leaders insisted on including Sen.
Dick Lugar's, R-Ind., bill that forces President
Obama to make a decision on construction of the
Keystone XL oil pipeline within 60 days - unless
the president determines the pipeline, which is
supported by some labor unions but opposed by
several environmental groups, was not in the
national interest. The bill was co-sponsored by
Sens. Hoeven, R-ND, and Vitter, R-La, along with
41 others.
the Keystone XL project is approved- it will
include running a pipeline from the oil complex in
Cushing south to the Houston area. Earlier
construction of the Keystone pipeline has a
pipeline running from southeast Nebraska to
Cushing. The controversial part of the
proposed pipeline would come from Alberta, Canada
down across the Sand Hills of Nebraska and over
top of a portion of the Ogallalla Aquifer.
Environmentalists contend that the pipeline would
be an ecological disaster waiting to happen.
Proponents consider it a jobs bill- as well as a
way to set ourselves up to be less dependent on
oil from countries who don't like the US.
Groups Push Back on Attack Against Christmas Tree
Checkoff Program
an attempt to address the fallout to all checkoff
programs from the unfair and erroneous
characterization of a proposed Christmas tree
research and promotion program as a "Christmas
tree tax," a total of 19 agricultural groups that
represent producers who also participate in
checkoff programs have sent a letter to Congress
and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack reiterating their
support for these programs.
included both the American Farm Bureau and the
National Farmers Union- as well as commodity
groups across a wide spectrum of interests.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
has indefinitely pulled the Christmas tree
growers' proposal for the creation of an
industry-funded 15-cents-per-tree research and
promotion program, which was sought by growers of
more than 500 trees a year, after a blog post
calling it the "Christmas Tree Tax" spread quickly
throughout the Internet and into mainstream
newspapers and television news outlets. Meanwhile,
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) introduced an amendment to
the Energy and Water appropriations bill to
terminate all research and promotion programs, and
legislation to prohibit the Christmas tree
checkoff also has been proposed in the
Click here for more from these groups
and for a link to a copy of the
letter. |
To Show Farmers in New Ad Campaign
will spotlight a former President of the National
Cattlemen's Beef Association among the four
suppliers it is using in an advertising campaign
set to launch January 2, 2012, the company
The four suppliers McDonald's is
using in its ads are Steve Fogelsong of Black Gold
Ranch in Illinois, potato growers Frank Martinez
and Jenn Bunger and lettuce producer Dirk
McDonald's has five direct beef
suppliers- including Lopez Foods of Oklahoma City.
Other beef suppliers for the Golden Arches include
Cargill, OSI, Golden State Foods and Keystone.
McDonald's is focusing on farmers and
growers in its ads as part of an effort to show
consumers where their food is coming from and
emphasize the quality of the
Click here to watch a sneak peek
at one of the new
commercials. |
2012 WheatWatch- We've Got Progress- Your Can See
It For Yourself
for the 2012 wheat crop was rather shaky as the
crop was being planted in September and early
October- but hopes have been raised with a series
of timely rains that came in October and
especially in November. 2012 WheatWatch pictures
show that the 2012 hard Red Winter Wheat Crop has
made significant strides in establishing itself in
advance of the winter season.
got pictures that show a respectable amount
of growth from October 27 to December 17- click here to take a look at those
pictures as found on our website- we also have
even more pictures that have been added to our
2012 WheatWatch set on Flickr- the link to those
photos are in that same story.
WheatWatch is a courtesy of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission,
working hard for Oklahoma's Wheat producers.
God Bless!
You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144
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