invite you to listen to us on great radio stations
across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network
weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or
you are in an area where you can't hear it- click
here for this morning's Farm news
from Ron Hays on RON.
Let's Check the
First Look:
on RON Markets as heard on K101
with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash
Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets
Cash Grain:
Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported
by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture.
cash price for Canola is $11.29 per bushel-
New Crop contracts for Canola are now available at
$11.43 per bushel- delivered to local
participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio
Oklahoma Network with Ed Richards and Tom Leffler-
analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.
Previous Day's Wheat Market Recap-
Two Pager from the Kansas City Board of Trade looks
at all three U.S. Wheat Futures Exchanges with extra
info on Hard Red Winter Wheat and the why of that day's
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Feeder & Stocker
Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Slaughter Cattle
Summary- as prepared by the USDA.
Feedlot Recap:
here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from
the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.
| |
Latest Farm and Ranch News
Update from Ron Hays of RON
December 20, 2011
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch
news update.
| |
WheatWatch- Wheat Crop Making Good Progress as
Winter Arrives
winter months are upon us and the winter weather
will be soon enough, which means that the 2012
wheat crop is approaching the dormancy stage as
well. We talked with Dr. Jeff Edwards, OSU
Extension Wheat Specialist, about the progress of
the 2012 wheat crop and what farmers need to watch
out for in the next few months.
says he is surprised at the status of the 2012
wheat crop so far. With a very favorable November
across the state, Edwards says the wheat growth
was successful and with timely rainfalls, which
have fallen very slowly and really soaked into the
soil, we are headed into dormancy in good
However, producers still need to
check their fields throughout the winter months.
Edwards says that they should watch for soil-borne
diseases, especially if they are in areas that are
prone to diseases like wheat spindle streak or
mosaic virus. Edwards says that this fall they
have also seen some activity with seedling
Other advice that Edwards
suggests for wheat producers in 2012 is to really
put some money into the crop and be thinking about
top-dress. Edwards says he knows it is going to be
tough for producers to spend the money on
top-dress nitrogen after such a tough year but it
really has to be done. Edwards predicts that
Oklahoma will begin with some earlier top-dress
applications to make sure that the top-dress
nitrogen has time to catch some
Click here to listen to our 2012
WheatWatch conversation with Dr. Edwards and for a
link to our Flickr WheatWatch
album. |
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showing off all that is new in the world of
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Midwest Farm Show main
website to
learn more about their lineup of shows around the
country! |
Not On The Same Page For Poultry Waste
and Oklahoma poultry farms in the Illinois River
watershed produced more than 417,000 tons of waste
in 2010, an amount equal to 23,000 large trucks of
phosphorus-rich manure and poultry house bedding
material that is used as fertilizer. The exact
amount of chicken waste transferred out of the
nutrient impaired watershed is unclear due to
differences in reporting by the states. The
figures are contained in reports requested by Save
the Illinois River, Inc., (STIR) from the Arkansas
Natural Resource Commission (ANRC) and the
Oklahoma Conservation Commission
Poultry waste is at the center of a
federal court lawsuit filed by Oklahoma in 2005
naming the Arkansas poultry industry of polluting
the Illinois River and Tenkiller Lake with
bacteria and the nutrient phosphorus. Testimony in
the suit indicated that, at most, about 19-percent
of chicken waste is transported out of the
watershed. Phosphorus degrades water quality and
aesthetic values of streams and lakes. Some algae
produced by excess phosphorus are toxic posing a
danger to humans and livestock. A ruling in the
suit is pending.
Approximately two-percent
of the 344,000 tons of poultry litter produced in
the Illinois River watershed in Arkansas,
approximately 8,000 tons, was listed as being
removed from a nutrient surplus area (NSA) which
would include the Illinois River watershed. All of
the litter was reported to have come from Benton
County with Washington Country showing no transfer
of litter into or out of a NSA. However, the ANRC
shows more than 103,000 tons of waste as
transferred from Washington County. Nearly 277,000
tons of poultry waste was reported by ANRC as
"transferred" from both counties.
Click here for more on poultry litter
and these poultry waste reports.
Ground Beef Providing Better Burgers
well known standard of ground beef is changing and
adding value to the growing beef consumption
industry. With premium grinds of ground beef being
added into the mix, the whole approach to ground
beef is being reevaluated. David O'Diam, with
Certified Angus Beef, and Tom Ryan, with
Smashburger restaurants, discuss the benefits of
these premium grinds.
O'Diam says that many
food service entities are starting to provide a
little bit more focus on these premium grinds.
These allow them to look at the whole cuts of
beef, whether it is the whole two piece chuck or
maybe even some brisket. It also allows the ground
beef to be ground to a specific percentage says
Ryan says they are using the CAB
premium ground beef because in their research,
they found that their customer wants a quality
burger with a significant taste of beef. Their
goal is to provide a great, robust burger taste
with every bite says Ryan. Smashburger has four
total locations in Oklahoma- two in Oklahoma City
and two in Tulsa.
Click here to watch the Angus VNR
video over premium ground beef.
Level U.S. Beef and Pork Exports Help Provide
have been a significant factor in the meat
industry over the past year with right at $5
billion worth of value anticipated for 2011 with
both beef and pork exports. We talked with Dr.
Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State University Livestock
Market Economist, about the role of exports and
how recent rainfalls have helped
Peel says that over the past two
years the international trade and exports
specifically of beef have been very important in
providing stability in the market and getting the
U.S. through the recession in 2009, into 2010 and
even more recently in 2011. Peel adds that it is
also important to point out that it is a very
robust demand with the exports.
Many times
in the past, we have been exporting beef to only
one or two markets and have been heavily dependant
on them. That is not the case now says Peel. With
four major markets that are all fairly strong, we
get a nice mix of product and a nice strong demand
says Peel.
Click for more from Dr. Peel and to
listen to our Beef Buzz over beef and pork
exports. |
Pork Producers Council Urges Congress to Bolster
Confidence in Futures Market
out that pork producers depend on risk-management
tools, including futures contracts, to deal with
the volatility in feed grain and hog prices, the
National Pork Producers Council urged Congress to
bolster confidence in the futures market in the
wake of the MF Global bankruptcy.
written testimony submitted for the record to the
Senate and House agriculture committees and to the
House Financial Services Committee, NPPC said most
producers were unaware of their connection to MF
Global and were stunned to learn in early
November, when the clearing broker filed for
bankruptcy, that their futures accounts were
frozen and funds were "missing." (As much as $1.2
billion of customer funds may have been comingled
with MF Global money and used to buy risky
European debt.)
Pork producers who produce
at least 20 percent of U.S. hogs had funds with MF
Global. Most, if not all, of them, however, did
not deposit their funds directly with the clearing
broker. They opened futures trading accounts with
an "introducing" broker, which put the funds into
MF Global.
Click here for more from NPCC on the
missing funds and the futures
market. |
Wheat Growers Association Commends Proposal by Ag
Chairman Frank Lucas
resolution adopted by the membership of the
Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association at the annual
meeting, OWGA would like to release the following
"The Oklahoma Wheat Growers
Association would like to commend and thank
Congressman Frank Lucas for his leadership and
effort in developing a proposal which would have
provided both a workable farm safety net and cut
the federal budget. That there were both bicameral
and bipartisan agreements on the proposal was
something that no other committee in the United
States Congress was able to accomplish.
"OWGA looks forward to continue working
with Chairman Lucas as we move forward in the
process developing a new Food Security Act in the
coming year. We also thank and commend the members
of Congressman Lucas's staff at both the Committee
and Personal levels for their hard
work." |
Time versus Day Time Feeding Influences Time of
is generally accepted that adequate supervision at
calving has a significant impact on reducing calf
mortality. According to Dr. Glenn Selk, Oklahoma
State University Emeritus Extension Animal
Scientist, adequate supervision has been of
increasing importance with the use of larger beef
breeds and cattle with larger birth weights. On
most ranching operations, supervision of the first
calf heifers will be best accomplished in daylight
hours and the poorest observation takes place in
the middle of the
The easiest and
most practical method of inhibiting nighttime
calving at present is by feeding cows at night;
the physiological mechanism is unknown, but some
hormonal effect may be involved. Rumen motility
studies indicate the frequency of rumen
contractions falls a few hours before parturition.
Intraruminal pressure begins to fall in the last 2
weeks of gestation, with a more rapid decline
during calving. It has been suggested that night
feeding causes intraruminal pressures to rise at
night and decline in the daytime.
In a
Canadian study of 104 Hereford cows 38.4% of a
group fed at 8:00 am and again at 3:00 pm
delivered calves during the day, 79.6% of a group
fed at 11:00 am and 9:00 pm. A British study
utilizing 162 cattle on 4 farms compared the
percentages of calves born from 5:00 am to 10:00
pm to cows fed at different times.
Click here for more on feeding time
influences from Dr.
Selk. |
God Bless!
You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144
| | |