invite you to listen to us on great radio stations
across the region on the Radio Oklahoma Network
weekdays- if you missed this morning's Farm News - or
you are in an area where you can't hear it- click
here for this morning's Farm news
from Ron Hays on RON.
Let's Check the
First Look:
on RON Markets as heard on K101
with cash and futures reviewed- includes where the Cash
Cattle market stands, the latest Feeder Cattle Markets
Cash Grain:
Oklahoma Cash Grain Prices- as reported
by the Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture.
cash price for Canola is $11.56 per bushel-
New Crop contracts for Canola are now available at
$11.71 per bushel- delivered to local
participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Daily Market Wrapup from the Radio
Oklahoma Network with Ed Richards and Tom Leffler-
analyzing the Futures Markets from the previous Day.
Previous Day's Wheat Market Recap- Two
Pager from the Kansas City Board of Trade looks at all
three U.S. Wheat Futures Exchanges with extra info on
Hard Red Winter Wheat and the why of that day's
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Feeder & Stocker
Cattle Summary- as prepared by USDA.
Cattle Recap:
National Daily Slaughter Cattle
Summary- as prepared by the USDA.
Feedlot Recap:
here is the Daily Volume and Price Summary from
the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.
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Latest Farm and Ranch News
Merry Christmas Update from Ron Hays of
Friday, December
23, 2011
Here is your daily Oklahoma farm and ranch
news update.
| |
Farm Bureau's Mike Spradling Talks Wrapping Up
2011 and Looking Forward to
2011 comes to a close, we reflect on all the
activity of the year with Oklahoma Farm Bureau
President Mike Spradling. Spradling discusses a
variety of accomplishments, issues and weather
conditions that farmers and ranchers in the state
of Oklahoma had to face throughout the
Spradling says the weather and the
environment was one of the most significant parts
of 2011. With negative temperatures well into
February, flooding in some areas, 100 degree
temperature swing in one week, and a drought with
excessive and prolonged temperatures, and more,
Spradling says Oklahoma experienced a little bit
of everything.
Also, when it comes to
legislative issues, Spradling says the Oklahoma
Farm Bureau is pleased with 2011. Oklahoma Farm
Bureau had a total of 12 bills as priorities for
this legislative session and managed to get all 12
of them signed by Gov. Mary Fallin. Spradling adds
that while they were successful this year, they
are still looking ahead at issues like the
Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan for
On a federal level, Spradling says
they are concerned about regulatory issues, such
as the EPA dust regulations and the changes to
child labor laws by the Department of Labor. Both
of these issues are definitely on the minds of
Oklahoma Farm Bureau members and Spradling says
they are priorities for 2012.
Click on
the LINK below to hear more of our
conversation with Mike Spradling on wrapping up
2011 and what we can expect from Oklahoma Farm
Bureau in 2012. Also, you can hear even more from
Mike Spradling on this weekend's News9 In the
Field on Saturday morning at 6:40
Click here to listen to our
conversation with OFB's Mike
It is also
great to have as an annual sponsor on our daily
email Johnston Enterprises- proud to be
serving agriculture across Oklahoma and around the
world since 1893. One of the great success stories
of the Johnston brand is Wrangler Bermudagrass-
the most widely planted true cold-tolerant seeded
forage bermudagrass in the United States. For more
on Johnston Enterprises- click here for their
brand new website!
we are proud to have P & K Equipment/ P
& K Wind Energy as one of our regular
sponsors of our daily email update. P & K is
the premiere John Deere dealer in Oklahoma, with
ten locations to serve you, and the P & K team
are excited about their new Wind Power program, as
they offer Endurance Wind Power wind turbines.
Click here for more from
the P&K website.
Piggy Count At Noon Today- and a Reminder of the
Christmas Holiday Schedule
twelve noon central time- the USDA will be
releasing the end of the year Hogs and Pigs
quarterly report. It's expected to show a
modest expansion of hog numbers as of December
first- with more expansion projected for the new
year- based on record prices this year and a
profitable outlook for 2012.
report guesses anticipate 1.2% more total hogs in
the US as of December first than a year ago-
numbers of females kept for breeding are projected
to be 100.8% of a year ago- and the kept for
marketing numbers called 101.3% of 2010. We
will have details of the numbers on our website
this afternoon- and full details and industry
reaction in our next email- which will be next
Tuesday- December 27.
of that next email- a couple of quick notes on the
Christmas schedule- ag futures are operating on a
normal schedule today- but will be closed for both
the electronic trade and open outcry on
Monday. Livestock auction barns are almost
all closed now for the balance of 2011- check with
your favorite outlet to see their plans for a
first sale in 2012- some will be selling cattle as
early as Monday, January 2. AND- we will not
have a regular daily email on Monday December 26
or Monday January 2.
Robb Predicts 2012 to be a Transition Year for
Livestock Markets
livestock marketplace faced some major
difficulties throughout 2011, especially with a
decrease in many cattle herds. Jim Robb, Director
of the Livestock Market Information Center,
believes this is a trend that is here to stay as
herds have shrunk over recent decades.
Robb says the cattle weights have made up
for these changes within herds during this
transition point in the market. However, as we
look to 2012, Robb says there will be even more
significant changes within the market as he
predicts there will a year to year decline in beef
output, which he says is largely because of the
liquidation of cattle over the years.
there is the factor of the upcoming winter
weather. With some areas of the Oklahoma panhandle
and Southwest Kansas already dealing with severe
winter weather, Robb says producers need to keep
an eye on the weather status. If the weather
proves to be harsh as in recent years, Robb says
it could actually impede feedlot animal
performance and pull cattle prices
Click here to listen to our Beef Buzz
with Jim Robb of LMIC.
Drought Intensity Shrinks a Little More in Latest
Drought Monitor
continuing wet ways have helped the state reduce
its drought designation once again. The U.S.
Drought Monitor map released this morning shows
about 27% of the state now in the two worst
intensity categories (exceptional and extreme),
down about 5% from last week. Only 3% of that 27%
is the worst drought category of exceptional- and
all of that is in the Oklahoma Panhandle- which
now has a blanket of snow that is gradually
melting and will provide some desperately needed
Click here for a couple of
graphics we have on our website which tell the
story very well about drought conditions here in
the state as we approach the Christmas holiday
with a John Deere B- Year
I approach the age of forgetfulness(my daughters
would tell you I have already arrived in First
Class at that destinantion)- it's helpful to go
back and re-read things we have written in the
past- and we did just that as we got ready to
write today's email on this Friday before
year on this date- we wrote our final email before Christmas- and
we wrote about Christmas in my home state of
Kentucky and the memories that were invoked by a
model John Deere "B" tractor that I gave my dad
last Christmas- that was the tractor I remember
growing up with on our small Kentucky farm.
made a very short- and sad- trip back to my home
state at the first of this week- as one of the
Aunts that I mentioned in last year's story passed
away a week ago- and my wife Jan, my two young
adult daughters and I did a flying road trip to be
there. I mentioned two living Aunts in last
year's email still living in Kentucky- both of
them now have addresses in heaven- we lost one in
January of this year and now the second in
December- that reminds you how fragile life really
was a too short time- but even with the sadness of
saying goodbye to my Aunt Opal- there was still
some laughter and lots of hugs exchanged in the
time following.
I was reminded one more time of the roots that
make me who I am. I was reminded of the
honest farmers who are my ancestors- of working as
a youth on our farm- and our neighbor's farm
(sorry Department of Labor- I survived!!!)- and
what helps make our rural way of life so special
here in America.
have been blessed. I am blessed. I am
thankful. |
How Do Santa's Reindeer Get the Job Done?
you ever wondered how Santa's reindeer can make
that monumental journey on Christmas Eve? Dr.
Glenn Selk, OSU Emeritus Extension Animal
Scientist, looks into some key facts about
reindeer that may help us understand how they get
Ole St. Nick on his appointed rounds over the
First of all,
historians report that reindeer have been
domesticated by humans for over 5000 years. Since
Santa himself is no spring chicken, we can assume
that they have worked together for quite awhile.
They should not have any trouble finding their way
around. There is no need to worry about them
getting lost.
We do know
that reindeer are like ruminants. They are like
cattle in this regard. They have four compartments
to their stomach. Of course Santa gets them filled
up with hay before he leaves the North Pole, so
they should have plenty of feed stored in the four
compartments to make it all around the globe.
Also, cattle nutritionists have known for years
that hay digests more slowly than grain, therefore
the big meal that the reindeer eat before the
journey should last even longer. Or just like your
mom says "It'll stick to their
Click here for more fun
facts from Dr. Selk on Santa's
reindeer. |
if Joseph Told His Christmas
year ago- I offered a story penned by Max Lucado
that looked at the birth of a King through the
ideas of the man who would be his earthly dad-
Joseph of Nazareth. It's a tad long- but
awfully good- so we conclude today's email with it
as a reminder to one and all about the miracle of
this holiday season-
Lucado has a way of taking the truths of the
season and allowing us to see them in a different
way. What if we were able to go back some 2,000
years ago- and be a fly on the wall where Joseph
of Nazareth was standing- looking up into the
night sky? Here's what Max Lucado says that he
might be muttering as he waits on the birth of a
child by his wife, Mary. (From He Still Moves
This isn't the way I planned it,
God. Not at all. My child being born in a stable?
This isn't the way I thought it would be. A cave
with sheep and donkeys, hay and straw? My wife
giving birth with only the stars to hear her
This isn't at all what I imagined.
No, I imagined family. I imagined grandmothers. I
imagined neighbors clustered outside the door and
friends standing at my side. I imagined the house
erupting with the first cry of the infant. Slaps
on the back. Loud laughter.
That's how I thought it would
now. Now look. Nazareth is five days' journey
away. And here we are in a- in a sheep pasture.
Who will celebrate with us? The sheep? The
shepherds? The stars?
This doesn't seem
right. What kind of husband am I? I provide no
midwife to aid my wife. No bed to rest her back.
Her pillow is a blanket from my donkey. My house
for her is a shed of hay and straw.
smell is bad, the animals are loud. Why, I even
smell like a shepherd myself.
Did I miss
something? Did I, God?
When you sent the
angel and spoke of the son being born--this isn't
what I pictured. I envisioned Jerusalem, the
temple, the priests, and the people gathered to
watch. A pageant perhaps. A parade. A banquet at
least. I mean, this is the Messiah!
Or, if
not born in Jerusalem, how about Nazareth?
Wouldn't Nazareth have been better? At least there
I have my house and my business. Out here, what do
I have? A weary mule, a stack of firewood, and a
pot of warm water. This is not the way I wanted it
to be! This is not the way I wanted my
Oh my, I did it again. I did it again
didn't I, Father? I don't mean to do that; it's
just that I forget. He's not my son. He's
child is yours. The plan is yours. The idea is
yours. And forgive me for asking but, is this how
God enters the world? The coming of the angel,
I've accepted. The questions people asked about
the pregnancy, I can tolerate. The trip to
Bethlehem, fine. But why a birth in a stable,
Any minute now Mary will give birth.
Not to a child, but to the Messiah. Not to an
infant, but to God. That's what the angel said.
That's what Mary believes. And, God, my God,
that's what I want to believe. But surely you can
understand; it's not easy. It seems so-
I'm unaccustomed to such
strangeness, God. I'm a carpenter. I make things
fit. I square off the edges. I follow the plumb
line. I measure twice before I cut once. Surprises
are not the friend of a builder. I like to see the
plan before I begin.
But this time I'm not
the builder, am I? This time I'm a tool. A hammer
in your grip. A nail between your fingers. A
chisel in your hands. This project is yours, not
I guess it's foolish of me to
question you. Forgive my struggling. Trust doesn't
come easy to me, God. But you never said it would
be easy, did you?
One final thing, Father.
The angel you sent? Any chance you could send
another? If not an angel, maybe a person? I don't
know anyone around here and some company would be
nice. Maybe the innkeeper or a traveler? Even a
shepherd would do.
Lucado goes on to say "I wonder. Did Joseph ever
pray such a prayer? Perhaps he did. Perhaps he
"But you probably have. You've
stood where Joseph stood. Caught between what God
says and what makes sense. You've stared into a
sky blackened with doubt. And you've asked what
Joseph asked. "You've asked if you're still on
the right road. You've asked if you were supposed
to turn left when you turned right. And you've
asked if there is a plan behind this scheme.
Things haven't turned out like you thought they
"Each of us knows what it's like to
search the night for light. Not outside a stable,
but perhaps outside an emergency room. On the
gravel of a roadside. On the manicured grass of a
cemetery. We've asked our questions. We questioned
God's plan. And we've wondered why God does what
he does.
"No, the Bethlehem sky is not the
first to hear the pleadings of an honest heart,
nor the last. And perhaps God didn't answer every
question for Joseph. But he answered the most
important one. "Are you still with me, God?" And
through the first cries of the God-child the
answer came. "Yes. Yes, Joseph. I'm with
"There are many questions that we
won't be able to answer. Many times we will muse,
"I wonder"
"But in our wonderings, there is
one question we never need to ask. Does God care?
Do we matter to God? Does he still love his
"Through the small face of the
stable-born baby, he says yes.
"Yes, your
sins can be forgiven.
your name can be written in heaven.
death has been defeated.
"Because God has
entered the world.
"Immanuel. God
is with us."
God Bless!
You can reach us at the following:
phone: 405-473-6144
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