~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma's latest
farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron
Hays of RON for Friday August 26, 2011 A
service of Johnston Enterprises, P & K Equipment/ P & K Wind
Energy and American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance
-- Kansas Ag Leaders Tell Senate Ag Committee- Crop Insurance is Top
-- Quality of Hard Red Winter Wheat is There, Quantity is Lacking for
-- OSU's Dr. Kim Anderson says Crop Insurance is Essential Now- and
we have your SUNUP preview
-- John Deere Launches 2012 Products and Looks to the Future
-- USDA Reminds Producers of Adjusted Gross Income Compliance
-- Oklahoma Sorghum Association Joins Opposition to Castor Bean
-- Coming next week- Farm Bureau's Drought Summit
-- Let's Check the Markets!
Howdy Neighbors! Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. We are pleased to have American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company as a regular sponsor of our daily update- click here to go to their AFR web site to learn more about their efforts to serve rural America! It is also great to have as an annual sponsor on our daily email
Johnston Enterprises- proud to be serving agriculture across
Oklahoma and around the world since 1893. Johnston is proud to be an
outlet for Trimble GPS Guidance and Precision Agriculture Solutions- Call
Derrick Bentz at 580-732-8080 for details. For more on Johnston
Enterprises- click
here for their website! We invite you to listen to us on great radio stations across the
region on the Radio Oklahoma Network weekdays- if you missed this
morning's Farm News - or you are in an area where you can't hear it- click
here for this morning's Farm news from Ron Hays on RON. | |
Kansas Ag Leaders Tell Senate Ag Committee- Crop Insurance is Top Priority ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was a
unified message from many of the Kansas farm leaders and agribusiness
leaders that testified yesterday in Wichita at the Senate Ag Committee
Field Hearing- crop insurance provides the strongest safety net and
deserves more protection from federal budget cutters than other farm-bill
programs- including direct payments.
The ranking minority member of the Senate Ag Committee is Kansas Senator Pat Roberts- and this was his chance to showcase Kansas agriculture on the national stage as the Senate and House Ag Committees prepare to write the next farm bill. Senator Roberts says that his home state has been hit hard with not enough rain in central and western Kansas- while northeastern Kansas has been dealing with flooding. The drought has caused $1.6 billion dollars in agricultural damage in Kansas alone- and that number is likely to edge closer to $2 billion before it is all said and done. In testimony before the Senate Ag Committee, the President of the Kansas Farm Bureau, Steve Baccus, spoke of the need for both crop in insurance as well as direct farm program payments- but in written testimony- the Kansas Farm Bureau says that "If priorities must be declared, then a strong and viable crop insurance program will top our list." Click here to read the full text of the testimony submitted by Baccus and Farm Bureau. Senator Roberts, in his opening statement, defended the need for farm
programs at all- saying "Some folks question the need for a Farm Bill with
commodity prices where they are today. I don't have to tell this crowd
that prices can fall much more quickly than they rise. | |
Quality of Hard Red Winter Wheat is There, Quantity is Lacking for 2011 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark Hodges
with Plains Grains was another of the presenters at this week's Oklahoma
Wheat Review 2011 and before the session began- chatted with us about the
wheat harvest 2011 and ultimately how the hard red winter wheat across
much of the drought stricken Southern Plains held up compared to last
year. Hodges said the quality of the hard red winter wheat increased as
you moved from Texas up north through Oklahoma, Kansas and into
Nebraska.Hodges says when you look at the crop by region, you really begin to notice the differences in the crop, especially in protein. Another unique characteristic of this year's hard red winter wheat crop is the kernel characteristics and what the millers have to deal with says Hodges. The Southern Great Plains crop was more of a flat berry and made a lower kernel weight, which in turn is a lower mill yield says Hodges. The hard red winter wheat crop for this year also improved in the functionality of the crop. The last two years have been a perfect crop from the milling standpoint, especially compared to this year, however, the 2011 crop will improve in functionality and is going to be good for the customer says Hodges. Overall, Hodges says he is pleased with the quality of hard red winter
wheat for 2011. He just wishes there was more of it. Click here for more on hard red winter wheat from Mark Hodges | |
OSU's Dr. Kim Anderson says Crop Insurance is Essential Now- and we have your SUNUP preview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Kim
Anderson, Grain Marketing Specialist from Oklahoma State University, says
that the recent fluxuations in the wheat market show that the strength in
the December KC Wheat Contract is not there, which is a gentle or weak up
trend. However, Anderson says with the market closing at $8.50 twice this
week, the next target will challenge a $9.00 price now. Anderson says the single, most important aspect for producers relative to marketing is crop insurance. With the drought spread across Texas, Oklahoma and parts of Kansas, and long-term projections only showing the drought to continue, the odds are against planting a crop that will have average yields says Anderson. To market and sell the wheat, first it needs to be produced and producers need to insure that production and insure that price says Anderson. Anderson's advice to producers that are still holding onto wheat is to
stagger it into the market across the months of late Septemeber and early
October, and even into the months of late November and early December.
Anderson adds the odds are higher that the wheat prices are going to go up
again. | |
John Deere Launches 2012 Products and Looks to the Future ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In recent
days, John Deere has been busy with the public unveiling of its new ag
equipment for 2012 as part of the largest, most significant product
introduction in the company's 174-year history. Significant improvements
in power, comfort, and performance are the hallmarks of the new machines
including the S-Series Combines with larger corn heads and platforms;
high-horsepower 4WD and track 9R/9RT Tractors; 6R Series row-crop tractors
and 5 Series utility and specialty tractors. According to John Lagemann, Vice President - Marketing and Sales for the US, Canada and Australia for John Deere, there is more behind these new releases than what meets the eye. With a global boom on the horizon, agriculture will need to be prepared to feed and clothe that boom, which Lagemann says is agriculture's higher purpose. Lagemann also says agriculture will need to essentially double the amount of food output in the next 40 years, which is a fairly steep productivity curve. The new technologies released by John Deere really capitalize on the information flow, combining the guidance capability of GPS and the ability to transfer information from the machine if you are planting or spraying, and that is a pretty powerful combination says Lagemann. In addition to new John Deere combines, headers and tractors, the
company recently introduced its new 7R Series Tractors for the row-crop
market; its largest, most advanced self-propelled 4940 Sprayer with
1,200-gal. solution tank, 120-ft. booms, and advanced loading and
application technologies; and revolutionary Triple-Mounted
Mower-Conditioner that cuts a swath more than 28 feet wide. Click here for more on John Deere's strategic plans with John Lagemann | |
USDA Reminds Producers of Adjusted Gross Income Compliance Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma Farm
Service Agency (FSA) State Executive Director Francie Tolle, reminds
producers of the importance of Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) compliance when
participating in USDA programs. Participating individuals and legal
entities that do not file a form authorizing the "Consent to Disclosure of
Tax Information," will not be eligible to receive or maintain program
benefits. "The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provided USDA with a report identifying which producers did not file the appropriate form authorizing the consent to disclose tax information for the 2009 and 2010 calendar years," said Tolle. "Program participants that did not complete the appropriate paperwork will receive written notification from USDA in September 2011." Individuals and legal entities will have 30 calendar days from the date of the letter to file a valid Consent to Disclosure of Tax Information for AGI verification purposes. Failure to file the disclosure will result in a determination of program ineligibility and result in a full refund of 2009 and/or 2010 FSA and Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) payments subject to AGI limitations. Producers who are in receipt of this September notification will be provided a copy of the form that shall be completed and immediately forwarded as directed in the notification. Click here for more information on the AGI requirements and deadlines | |
Oklahoma Sorghum Association Joins Opposition to Castor Bean Production ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Oklahoma
Sorghum Association joins the Oklahoma Grain and Feed Association,
Oklahoma Agribusiness Retailers Association, Oklahoma Seed Trade
Association, Oklahoma Ag Coop Council, Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association
and Oklahoma Cattlemen's Association in opposition of the commercial
production of castor beans. The protein ricin contained in castor beans, which is a deadly toxin that can kill mammals, birds, and humans if ingested even in trace amounts, poses a serious threat to not only food security, but also the security and integrity of various cultivated agriculture commodities grown in Oklahoma like sorghum, wheat, corn and soybeans. "The risk and trivial room for error relative to the potential contamination from castor beans is too high," says Craig Sanders, Oklahoma Sorghum Association director and farmer from Boise City, Okla. "The fact that one bean lodged in a piece of harvest equipment could later be deposited in another field or in another load of grain is a risk to all producers of other commodities." The Oklahoma Sorghum Association draws immediate concern to this issue and avidly joins the above mentioned coalition of farmers, ranchers and industry for the continued integrity and betterment of Oklahoma agriculture. | |
Coming next week- Farm Bureau's Drought Summit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In an effort
to help Oklahoma farmers and ranchers deal with the on-going drought,
Oklahoma Farm Bureau is hosting an informal summit this coming Tuesday,
Aug. 30, in the OFB cafeteria, 2501 N. Stiles, Oklahoma City.The one day meeting will feature grassland and economic experts from the Noble Foundation, Agriculture Secretary Jim Reese, Climatologist Gary McManus, Andrea Breautigam, executive director of the Oklahoma Agriculture Mediation Program, FSA Director Francie Tolle and OSU Sociologist Dr. Duane Gill. "We want to bring together some of the state's top experts to help our
producers manage this natural disaster," said Farm Bureau President Mike
Spradling. "We are especially interested in having Dr. Gill on the program
as he has an established history of working with victims of natural
disasters." Gary McManus, Oklahoma Climatological Survey, will look at the
long-range projections and give producers an idea of what to expect in the
coming months. | |
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, PCOM, P & K Equipment/ P & K Wind Energy, Johnston Enterprises, American Farmers & Ranchers and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- FREE! We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe. | |
Let's Check the Markets! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We've had
requests to include Canola prices for your convenience here- and we will
be doing so on a regular basis. Current cash price for Canola is $12.71
per bushel- as of the close of business yesterday, while the 2012 New Crop
contracts for Canola are now available are $13.02 per bushel- delivered to
local participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Here are some links we will leave in place on an ongoing basis- Click
on the name of the report to go to that link: | |
God Bless! You can reach us at the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
email: ron@oklahomafarmreport.com
phone: 405-473-6144
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