~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeff Krehbiel
Graduates From This Life- With Honors
Your Update from Ron
Hays of RON for Tuesday evening- September 6, 2011
-- After Two Year Battle With Cancer- Jeff Krehbiel is Looking Down
From Heaven
-- About That Sense of Humor
Howdy Neighbors! We will repeat some of this story tomorrow morning in the regular Wednesday email- but wanted to share with everyone that is a part of our farm and ranch family the news from Hydro, Oklahoma today. | |
After Two Year Battle With Cancer- Jeff Krehbiel is Looking Down From Heaven ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was
bittersweet news that we received midday Tuesday from Hydro that our
friend Jeff Krehbiel has graduated up to Heaven- after he and his dear
family have shown us all how to live with grace the past two years. Over
these past two years- Jeff battled brain cancer with courage, dignity and
at times- a bit of humor. He was currently a member of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission, a past Chairman of that body and also a Past President of the Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association. He loved to talk policy issues related to wheat- and served the National Association of Wheat Growers on their Farm Policy Committee. Jeff was a proud Alum of Class IX of the Oklahoma Ag Leadership Program- loved the program so much that he sacrificed the next two years so his wife Karen could be a part of Class X. Karen has written in a special blog over these past two years about
Jeff's journey- Jeff wrote quite a bit in the first year of his illness-
Karen was the scribe this second year and her spiritual insights made me
bawl like a baby more than once. A few weeks ago Karen, knowing that
Jeff's time on this earth was coming to an end- spoke of her struggle with
God. She wrote "It's in those moments, that I begin to question God - what
kind of a life does Jeff have? If you aren't going to heal him, then why
does he have to go through this? I question, then I always come back to
"who am I to question the wisdom of God?" The Psalms often start with that
tone and somehow end up in praise to the creator and sustainer of all life
(Psalm 13). I, too, find myself following my questions with praise for who
God is and thankfulness for the blessings he has poured out on us. Who are
we that he would die for us? Who am I to question God's will for Jeff? I
eventually come around to praise." She added "Keep up the prayers. My
human strength was used up early - now all that is done, all the strength
that seems to appear out of nowhere, is an answer to prayer - your
prayers. God continues to provide strength in just the right portion at
just the right time. Thank you for your prayers for all of our family."
Services for Jeff will be Friday afternoon at 2 PM in the Dome at the Hinton school facilities. Handling the arrangements of the services is the Turner Funeral Home in Hinton- their number is 405-542-3222. Friday is a special day in that September 9 is Jeff's Birthday- he would have been 48 years old this coming Friday. | |
About That Sense of Humor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many of your
followed the two year journey and read many of Jeff's posts- especially
back in the spring of 2010 when he was feeling good after the initial
surgery that removed the cancer from his head. One evening, he tackled two
subjects- and I thought I might share them with you- the first was his
willingness to hire out as a Soccer Dad Delivery Service.
Jeff wrote "Well today has been very educational. Brittany told me today that the difference between a minivan and an SUV is the Mini Van has sliding doors and the SUV has regular doors. After looking at the vehicle I was driving I decided she probably had a valid car talking point and after looking on the internet I determined that my Chrysler Aspen that I was driving was an SUV. Now for western Oklahoma I am officially a soccer Dad and I can be bought to pick up your kids for a price. Price will be determined when the Kids are delivered." That same day he also described how he had fixed the toilet in their home- and that got him to thinking about the relationship between that toilet and one of the on going subjects of the blog- Jeff's Sleep Infested Lazyboy. Jeff explained it this way "There is a relationship between the sleep infested lazy boy and the importance of the properly working toilet. The PWT is so vital for the comfort and convenience of the person running the sleep infested lazy boy (SIL) that an evening without either one could be very detrimental. Therefore I claim that any home with an SIL should also have a PWT. More consideration needs to be put in to this train of thought." | |
Thanks for allowing me to share this with you this evening- we'll be back with our regular news update tomorrow morning. | |
God Bless! You can reach us at the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
email: ron@oklahomafarmreport.com
phone: 405-473-6144
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