~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oklahoma's latest
farm and ranch news
Your Update from Ron
Hays of RON for Monday September 19, 2011 A
service of Johnston Enterprises, P & K Equipment/ P & K Wind
Energy and American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance
-- Moisture Arrives for Some Folks- And We Talk About the Open Window
for Canola Planting
-- AgChat Foundation and U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance Join Up
to Tell Agriculture's Story
-- Former OSU Professor Defends Need for GIPSA Rule
-- Oklahoma Agriculture Department Starts Pasture Directory
-- OSU's Wheat Improvement Team Working on Enhancing Crop
-- Bayer CropScience Reveals New Growth Strategy
-- State Fair Contests Abound- Gatlin Squires of Kingfisher High
Individual in Livestock Judging
-- Grab Your Share of This Week's Legendary Restaurant- Isle of
-- Let's Check the Markets!
Howdy Neighbors! Here's your morning farm news headlines from the Director of Farm Programming for the Radio Oklahoma Network, Ron Hays. We are pleased to have American Farmers & Ranchers Mutual Insurance Company as a regular sponsor of our daily update- click here to go to their AFR web site to learn more about their efforts to serve rural America! It is also great to have as an annual sponsor on our daily email
Johnston Enterprises- proud to be serving agriculture across
Oklahoma and around the world since 1893. Johnston is proud to be an
outlet for Trimble GPS Guidance and Precision Agriculture Solutions- Call
Derrick Bentz at 580-732-8080 for details. For more on Johnston
Enterprises- click
here for their website! We invite you to listen to us weekdays on the Radio Oklahoma Network
for the latest farm news and markets- if you missed today's Morning Farm
News (or in an area where you can't hear it) Click
here to listen to today's Morning Farm News with Ron on RON. | |
Moisture Arrives for Some Folks- And We Talk About the Open Window for Canola Planting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most areas of
the state have received rain over the last few days- but it has been
notably light in west central counties- especially from Canadian and
Kingfisher Counties- west to the state line. North and south of that area
rains were more abundant- and a lot of farmers will be starting their
engines and pulling those tractors with a drill behind it into fields
ready for either wheat or canola.
Perhaps there is a slightly greater urgency for those that want to plant canola. On Friday, we talked with Gene Neuens of Producers Cooperative Oil Mill about the planting window currently open for producers wanting to plant canola. Crop Insurance dictates that in order to qualify for coverage- you have to plant canola in Oklahoma between September 10 and October 10. Neuens says crop insurance has played a key role in planting canola for the 2012 crop year. Many producers have already signed up for crop insurance on their canola fields, with almost two to three times more than in the past says Neuens. However, Neuens says they are still expecting around 200,000 acres of canola to be planted, which is more than double last year. Neuens adds that farmers across the state are buying into the fact that
canola is a good crop and it is viable and economically feasible for them
to plant canola now. Click here for more on canola planting prosepcts with Gene Neuens on Canola TV | |
AgChat Foundation and U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance Join Up to Tell Agriculture's Story ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A
first-of-its-kind sponsorship of The AgChat Foundation (ACF) by the U.S.
Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) aligns two organizations committed
to facilitating meaningful conversations with Americans about how food is
raised to ensure the long-term success of American agriculture.The AgChat Foundation is the first outside organization to partner with USFRA, a coalition that represents more than 50 of the top farmer- and rancher-led organizations and agriculture groups from across the country. AgChat foundation was formed in 2010 to empower farmers and ranchers to effectively share their stories using social media. According to Darin Grimm, ACF president and Kansas farmer, leaders from USFRA and ACF quickly recognized their organizations' shared mission, and the potential for leveraging ACF's small but social media-savvy farmer base as a change agent. "While our farmer makeup is diverse, one thing we all have in common is a deep passion for connecting with consumers," Grimm says. "We are in the midst of something special, combining our social networking expertise with the ample resources and reach of USFRA to build those important conversations with the Americans not involved in ag." | |
Former OSU Professor Defends Need for GIPSA Rule ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daryll Ray, a
former professor at Oklahoma State University in the Agricultural
Economics department from 1971 to 1991, recently posted the following
opinion-editorial article on the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyard
Administration rule. The GIPSA rule has caused a variety of reactions
across the agricultural industry and Ray weighs in with his opinion on how
these reactions can affect the outcome of the rule. Ray is now a professor
at the University of Tennessee and his article is featured below.
"The reaction to part of the proposed GIPSA rule that was issued on June 22, 2010 may in itself suggest the need for Section 201.211. This is the section that addresses the issue of packers offering premiums to some producers and not others. The proposed rule is designed to ensure that packers offer the same premiums to all producers who can provide the required volume, kind, and quality of livestock, either individually or collectively. Participants in some premium programs have argued against the rule fearing that the packers would eliminate the premium programs rather than keeping paperwork that would justify price differentials offered to different producers or sets of producers. As Ken Grecian, President of the Kansas Livestock Association and member of the Board of Directors of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, has said, "The proposed regulations ultimately may remove from the marketplace products consumers prefer. Producers have responded to consumer demand by finding innovative ways to develop and market premium quality and branded products. Programs like Certified Angus Beef, U.S. Premium Beef, 'naturally raised' and others would be jeopardized." From an economic perspective, we find Grecian's argument-the rule could result in the elimination of premium programs - interesting. As every student who takes an introductory course in economics learns, in a competitive market one would expect that if a packer eliminated a premium program that was supported by consumer demand, producers would have little to worry about. The reason for this is because they would be justified in anticipating that another packer would be quick to pick up a premium program that would offer them access to an additional market." Click here for more from Dr. Ray and his thoughts on the GIPSA rule | |
Oklahoma Agriculture Department Starts Pasture Directory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have you got
any grass? That's the question a lot of Oklahoma ranchers would like to
ask landowners in Oklahoma and neighboring states. After enduring months
of record-breaking drought, heat and wildfires, pastures are brown and
bare all over Oklahoma. Many livestock owners have been forced to sell
their herds as a result.The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry is creating the Oklahoma Pasture Lease Directory to help livestock owners in Oklahoma locate producers in neighboring states who have pasture they are willing to lease through the winter months. "We hope this will give our state's pastures time to recover and give relief to owners who want to keep their herds," Secretary of Agriculture Jim Reese said. The directory is online at www.ag.ok.gov, which is linked below. An application form for those with pasture can be downloaded by following the link below as well. Completed forms should be mailed to Oklahoma Pasture Lease Directory at the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry, PO Box 528804, Oklahoma City, OK 73152. Forms can also be e-mailed to jack.carson@ag.ok.gov or faxed to (405) 522-4855. Click here for more information on the Oklahoma pasture directory | |
OSU's Wheat Improvement Team Working on Enhancing Crop Varieties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drought
resistance, disease resistance, producing both quality and quantity: all
are desired traits of new wheat varieties produced on behalf of producers
and related agribusiness operators by the division's Wheat Improvement
Team."Access to genetically improved cultivars with marketable grain quality that stand the best chance of weathering Oklahoma's often-harsh growing conditions is the lifeblood of the state's wheat industry," said Brett Carver, WIT leader and holder of Oklahoma State University's wheat genetics chair. "It's no small challenge." Point in fact: Wheat and other "general crops" such as soybeans, cotton and hay accounted for approximately $905 million in lost agricultural production from Oklahoma's excessive and historic 2011 drought. Wheat harvested in Oklahoma totaled 166.5 million bushels in 2008, 77 million bushels in 2009, 120.9 million bushels in 2010 and 74.8 million bushels in 2011. Click here to learn more on work being done by OSU's wheat team | |
Bayer CropScience Reveals New Growth Strategy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bayer
CropScience revealed a new four pillar strategy for future growth at the
company's annual press conference in Monheim, Germany. Sandra E. Peterson,
CEO of Bayer CropScience, outlined the company's commitment to drive
business growth by focusing on four key objectives, including:
-Rejuvenate its core Crop Protection business -Reinvent customer-centricity along the entire value chain (seed-to-shelf), -Refocus its innovation through increased R&D investment -Extend the company's BioScience business "Our entire organization is relentlessly focused on meeting the rapidly changing needs of a planet hungry for agricultural resources," said Peterson. "We will continue to meet these needs only through our increased focus, improved efficiencies and accelerated innovation. Already, our efforts on these fronts are driving positive business results and momentum." Peterson also announced that the company is accelerating the phase-out of all remaining WHO class I insecticides. "By the end of 2012, Bayer CropScience will no longer have products with this classification anywhere in its portfolio," said Peterson. "This action, and others which we take on a daily basis, demonstrate our continuing commitment to sustainable agriculture." Chemicals within this category will be replaced by modern, targeted and more environmentally friendly substances. Click here to read the rest of Bayer's new growth strategies | |
State Fair Contests Abound- Gatlin Squires of Kingfisher High Individual in Livestock Judging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Young
Farmers & Ranchers within the Oklahoma Farm Bureau held their 2011
State Fair of Oklahoma Livestock Judging Contest on Friday, with the
Junior Division FFA winner high individual overall in the competition.
Gatlin Squires of the Kingfisher FFA scored 480 points and won the
Junior FFA Division- and his score was the best of the entire contest.
Second to Squires was Tyler Schnaithman of Garber FFA, who garnered
473 points which earned him top honors in the Senior FFA Division. Top 4-H
Division winners included junior division winner Shyann McWhirter
of Maysville 4-H while the Senior 4-H Division was won by Amber
Wright of Garvin County. Click
here for the other top placings from the Friday competition.
It was a tough job- but somebody had to step up and get er done- which is why we bravely accepted the job of judging the 2011 from Cow to Cone Ice Cream Contest at the State Fair on Sunday. I think about half of the state's population was on the fairgrounds and a good group of them were moving through the Hobby, Arts and Crafts building as a total of five judges scooped their way through the entries. The overall winner of the event was Larry Don Morey of Elk City. Morey made "Very Beriee Scrumptious Strawberry Ice Cream- and it was the favorite of the judges, winning the Fruit Category- then picking up the People's Choice award as the crowd favorite as well. We have details of all of the winners- and the recipe for the wonderfully sweet Strawberry concoction that took top honors. Click here for the rest of our Ice Cream story- which includes that recipe and a link to our Flickr page where we have several pictures of the day's excitement. | |
Grab Your Share of This Week's Legendary Restaurant- Isle of Capri ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The lineup of
Legendary Restaurants of Oklahoma continues- the current offering is for
Isle of Capri in Krebs- great food for 60 years- Click
here for details of how you can get $50 worth of delicious food for
just $25. And the next Legendary Restaurant in the lineup is another
Central Oklahoma classic- the Interurban Restaurants. You'll be able to
get vouchers from Interurban starting this coming Friday morning at 8:30
Our thanks to Midwest Farms Shows, PCOM, P & K Equipment/ P & K Wind Energy, Johnston Enterprises, American Farmers & Ranchers and KIS Futures for their support of our daily Farm News Update. For your convenience, we have our sponsors' websites linked here- just click on their name to jump to their website- check their sites out and let these folks know you appreciate the support of this daily email, as their sponsorship helps us keep this arriving in your inbox on a regular basis- FREE! We also invite you to check out our website at the link below to check out an archive of these daily emails, audio reports and top farm news story links from around the globe. | |
Let's Check the Markets! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We've had
requests to include Canola prices for your convenience here- and we will
be doing so on a regular basis. Current cash price for Canola is $12.91
per bushel- as of the close of business yesterday, while the 2012 New Crop
contracts for Canola are now available are $12.87 per bushel- delivered to
local participating elevators that are working with PCOM.
Here are some links we will leave in place on an ongoing basis- Click
on the name of the report to go to that link: | |
God Bless! You can reach us at the following: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
email: ron@oklahomafarmreport.com
phone: 405-473-6144
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