Thu, 08 Sep 2022 09:06:15 CDT
KC Sheperd, Farm Director, had the chance to visit with Merlin Schantz from Schantz Farms talking about the upcoming Schantz Farms Field Day in Hydro, Okla. on September 15.
“Coming up next week, Thursday, September 15, my son and I here at Schantz Farms are going to be hosting a field day and we have been doing this now for I think about seven or eight years,” Schantz said. “I have been actively involved for many years doing on-farm research with Oklahoma State University, and with a number of different industry providers looking at different seed varieties as well as different fertilizer practices and fertility studies.”
Schantz said any producers who are interested are invited to join the meeting.
“We have a plot for 3 Applicator CEU’s and we believe that those will be approved,” Schantz said. “We don’t have confirmation on that yet, but we feel pretty confident that we should get those approved.”
Schantz said the field day will cover cotton, peanuts, and corn.
“Corn has been really tough in western Oklahoma this year due to the heat,” Schantz said. “We do have a corn seed company that is one of the participants in sponsoring this field day, so we will be talking about corn production as well.”
This summer has been tough, Schantz said, because of the lack of rain.
“We have had a lot of heat and very minimal rains,” Schantz said. “Some of the irrigated fields of cotton and peanuts I think still look pretty promising. The dryland fields-I am concerned probably a lot of them will not be harvested.”
The irritated cotton, Schantz said, still has some good potential.
“I know we would all really love to have some rain right now, but I am also grateful for the warm temperatures to help mature cotton and peanuts here in the month of September,” Schantz said.
The rains in the Hydro area, Schantz said, have been spotty, and for the last several weeks his crops have missed the rains.
“The simplest way to give directions to my farm is from the town of Hydro, it is two miles north, one mile west, and a half mile north,” Schantz said.
Registration will start at 8 a.m. for Schantz Farms Field Day and there will also be donuts provided. Presentations will start at 8:30 a.m., followed by bus tours at 10 a.m. and lunch at 12:30 p.m.
Directions from Hydro: 2 miles north on Hwy 58, 1 mile West, half a mile north.
Click the LISTEN BAR below to listen to KC Sheperd and Merlin Schantz talking about the upcoming Schantz Farms Field Day.