At the National Association of Farm Broadcasters convention in Kansas City, Farm Director, KC Sheperd, got the chance to visit with the Vice President of U.S. Custom Harvesters, Inc., David Misener. Misener and Sheperd talk about what the U.S. Custom Harvesters have to offer to farmers and the condition of this year’s crops.
Many acres of cotton in Oklahoma, Misener said, will not be harvested due to poor conditions.
“This whole year, Oklahoma was our worst,” Misener said. “We swathed a lot of wheat at the beginning of the year in May, so that way, we got something out of nothing. In Kansas, we did some really good wheat- we did some sorry wheat as well.”
Misener lives in the Elk City area in Oklahoma, but as Vice President of the U.S. Customer Harvester, Inc., Misener has had the opportunity to travel the U.S. and see how crops in different states compare to one another. In Misener’s travels, he said the common trend he saw was many areas that were short on moisture.
“We, as an organization, try to help the farmer out and get their crops harvested, so if anybody does need help getting that product into the elevator or into the feed bunk- whatever it might be depending on your style of operation,” Misener said. “You can call us, and we are there to try and help make that happen.”
Using close to new equipment, Misener said U.S. Custom Harvesters are readily available to help out producers where they can when called.
“We have members all throughout the U.S. just willing to do everything,” Misener said. “We will make it happen wherever it can be done. That is what we do.”
To reach the office, Misener said to call 620-200-1381.
For more information, visit the U.S. Custom Harvesters website at . You can also visit their Facebook page at .