Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a 45-day extension of the comment period for the proposed rule titled, “Inclusive Competition and Market Integrity Under the Packers and Stockyards Act.” The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) welcomed the extension while urging USDA to proceed in a cautious, deliberative manner.
“While we appreciate the additional time to submit thorough comments, overall USDA should tap the brakes on this rulemaking effort,” said NCBA Senior Director of Government Affairs Tanner Beymer. “This is a significant undertaking rooted in decades of legislative, regulatory, and judicial history. Stakeholders must be afforded the opportunity to holistically evaluate the effects of both this rule and those which the Department has suggested are forthcoming.”
NCBA, along with other national livestock partners, requested an extension of the comment period last month in a letter to USDA. In addition, this coalition secured 100 bipartisan signatures on a congressional letter, led by Reps. Jim Costa (D-CA) and Steve Womack (R-AR), to USDA echoing this request.
The proposed Packers and Stockyards Act rule spans 180 pages, poses 44 specific questions, and covers over 14 years of regulatory history, making the initial 60-day comment period too short for stakeholders to provide meaningful feedback.