KC Sheperd, Farm Director, is back talking with Bob Rodenberger, a partner with Stockman Oklahoma Livestock Marketing, as he gives the latest on the cattle markets.
“Market started out fully steady, “Rodenberger said. “I didn’t really see any change in it, there it is not any cheaper. I think the market reporter called it higher. I have just seen a pretty much a steady market. Good demand on feeders and good demand on calves.”
This week, Rodenberger said cow numbers were down compared to a year ago by about half.
“I am hoping we have culled all of the old cows, and people are starting to hold onto what they have got left and have the resources to do that,” Rodenberger said. “Good market, good outlook, heard of some extreme highs on fat cattle up in the northern, you know, in the Iowa area.”
For the cattle producers, Rodenberger said, things continue to look positive out front.
“Normally, from the middle of March to the middle of April, our numbers slack off because people have already come off of everything they are going to sell prior to March,” Rodenberger said. “Then we have got the ‘lull’ until they start selling their graze-out cattle, which is normally about the 15th of April, and that is all determined on these new varieties.”