The contest that will once again lead off a jam packed ten days at the 2023 Oklahoma Youth Expo at the OKC Fairgrounds is the 4th Ag Mechanics contest. As the last of the entries were being brought in on Tuesday afternoon- Show Superintendent Jerry Renshaw and OYE’s Vice President of Operations Bray Haven were excited about the continued growth of the show with around 200 projects to be judged on Wednesday by almost two dozen judges- with $20,000 in prizes on the line.
Renshaw talked for a couple of minutes with Oklahoma Farm Report’s Ron Hays on Tuesday afternoon about the 2023 event- very pleased that they have outgrown the one wing of Oklahoma Expo Hall- and will be occupying both sides here this week.
Ag based projects- stock trailers, hay trailers, livestock handling equipment, feeders, loading chutes and restored tractors as well as wildlife projects can be found in the building used in previous years- Renshaw tells Hays that the second building will feature decorative items- swings, picnic tables, games, cookers and more.
County and district shows continue to grow across Oklahoma- and that is helping feed more projects to the OYE- and Renshaw tells Hays- “it’s a growing effect- hold on folks, it’s getting better.”
The contest judging is set to begin at 8 AM on Wednesday morning, with the awards ceremony set for Wednesday afternoon around 5 PM.
Click here for the full schedule for the 2023 OYE. The Oklahoma Farm Report team will be snapping pictures from start to finish- and you can see them as we add them to our Flickr album for 2023- available here. If you want to look back to the 2022 OYE- click here for our pictures from last year’s event.
Our coverage of the 2023 Oklahoma Youth Expo is sponsored by Hilliary Communications- who deliver the latest cutting-edge communications services supporting tens of thousands of customers across 22 counties throughout Oklahoma, Texas and Iowa. The company offers internet, voice and HilliaryTV. Hilliary Communications continuously researches the marketplace for innovations and strives to improve underserved areas, offering services that exceed customer expectations. Click here to learn more about Hilliary Communications.