During the month of April, the Radio Oklahoma Ag Network and Oklahoma Farm Report are spotlighting the 17 Area Stars of Oklahoma FFA that are among the highest achievers in the organization.
The stars come from the five areas in four categories- Star in Ag Placement, Star in Agriscience, Star in Agribusiness, and Star in Agricultural Production.
This week, we spotlight the three area stars in Agriscience in 2023.
One Star Finalist featured in the coming days from each of the categories will be named the State Star Award Winner during the 97th Oklahoma State FFA Convention coming up on May 2nd and 3rd in Tulsa, Okla.
This week, our coverage of the 2023 Oklahoma FFA Star Award Finalists begins with Agriscience competitor Abigail Burton of the Stillwater FFA chapter representing the Central Area.
“I attended the CDE fair at my chapter’s high school, and I learned about the agriscience fair through that, and one of the older members recommended that I compete in it,” Burton said. “I had made lots of observations while working in the garden with my family that I wanted to use and apply in these competitions.”
Burton currently serves as the president of the Stillwater FFA chapter and has been involved in the FFA since the eighth grade.
“I compete in cattle grading, the agriscience fair, floriculture, and I show goats,” Burton said.
Following graduation, Burton plans to attend Oklahoma State University and pursue a major in biology and allied health.
“After I acquire my bachelor’s at OSU, I plan to go to Houston and attend a perfusion program,” Burton said. “They run the heart and lung machine on open heart surgeries.”
Our coverage of the 2023 Oklahoma FFA Convention is sponsored by Hilliary Communications- who deliver the latest cutting-edge communications services supporting tens of thousands of customers across 22 counties throughout Oklahoma, Texas and Iowa. The company offers internet, voice and HilliaryTV. Hilliary Communications continuously researches the marketplace for innovations and strives to improve underserved areas, offering services that exceed customer expectations. Click here to learn more about Hilliary Communications.
For more information about the 97th Oklahoma State FFA Convention, click here.