Oklahoma Wheat Commission District 3 Election Coming Up on May 3

Listen to Ron Hays talk with Mike Schulte about the Oklahoma Wheat Commission’s District 3 Election.

Senior Farm and Ranch Broadcaster, Ron Hays is visiting with Mike Schulte of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission about the Oklahoma Wheat Commission District 3 Election Coming Up on May 3.

The purpose of this meeting is to nominate three people, one of who will be named by Secretary of Agriculture Blayne Arthur to a 5-year term to fill the District 3 Oklahoma Wheat Commission board seat.   The District is composed of Beckham, Blaine, Canadian, Custer, Dewey, Kingfisher, Roger Mills and Washita counties.

All wheat producers within District 3 boundaries who are actively engaged in wheat production, have marketed wheat, and have paid a check-off fee and left that fee with the Commission for the current year are eligible to vote.  It will be the responsibility of the producer to prove their eligibility to vote by providing a dated grain elevator receipt including the producer’s name and amount of wheat sold, and a driver’s license or some other form of identification.

Candidates wishing to run in the election must be at least 25 years old, a resident of Oklahoma, engaged in growing wheat in their respective district in the state for at least five years and must derive a substantial portion of his/her income from growing wheat.

The Commission’s vacancy meeting will feature a presentation by OSU Area Agronomist Josh Bushong, where producers will be eligible to pick up an ODAFF Applicator CEU credit.  The course credit qualifies private applicators with one CEU and provides credits for those with commercial licenses.  Lunch will be provided beginning at noon, by the Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association, during the CEU course and prior to the election, which will begin promptly at 1 p.m. 

The commission is engaged in the promotion of market development, research, education and utilization of Oklahoma wheat.  Every wheat farmer in the district is urged to participate in this important meeting.  For further information, please RSVP to Kyle Worthington at OSU Canadian County Extension office, (405)- 262-0155. *** The El Reno OSU Wheat Plot Tour also takes place on this day and will begin at 10:00 a.m. on Jerry Lingo’s farm, located on Jensen Road, in between the miles of S. Radio Road, and S. Evans Road, on the mile line, South of I-40, Southeast of El Reno.


May 3, 2023—1:00 P.M.              

Old Canadian County Fairground Education Bldg.

220 N. Country Club Road

El Reno, OK  73036

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