Ranking Member David Scott Exhorts President Biden to Stand Strong and Reject Republican Efforts to Take Food Away from Low-Income Americans

“By standing firm, President Biden can send a powerful message that fighting poverty should never be compromised for political gain,” said Ranking Member David Scott. 

House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member David Scott today released the below statement as the White House continues debt limit negotiations with House Republicans who have been pushing to take food assistance away from low-income Americans.

“Since entering office, President Biden has advanced an ambitious policy agenda that has grown the American economy from the bottom up and middle out. Unfortunately, extreme House Republicans are now demanding that he knocks the bottom out by taking food assistance away from our military veterans, our children, our grandmothers, and our disabled citizens.

“Cutting SNAP at a time when families are strapped for cash and struggling with high food prices puts the well-being of children and adults in low-income households at risk. Older people facing age-based hiring discrimination will suffer. Homeless veterans will suffer. People with undiagnosed disabilities will suffer. Single parents and caretakers of young children will suffer. And for all this suffering, the Republicans will still be no closer to their purported goal of lowering the national debt. “These extreme demands by extreme Republicans are bad for the American people and the American economy. Taking food away from SNAP beneficiaries only serves to smother the American Dream, shrink our economy, and put vulnerable Americans at risk of food insecurity. This is not a policy that supports economic growth from the bottom up and middle out; it is a boot crushing the fingers of those at the bottom climbing the ladder of upward mobility. I encourage the Biden-Harris Administration in the strongest possible terms to hold the line against these cruel and ineffective policies. By standing firm, President Biden can send a powerful message that fighting poverty should never be compromised for political gain.”

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