American Agri-Women “Road to Influence” Leadership Program Announced. Applications Due June 21st

American Agri-Women (AAW) members can apply now for the “AAW’s Road to Influence” personal and leadership development program.  The group is making history with this unique program that is for women only, from across the nation, from a variety of backgrounds in farming, agribusiness, ranching, forestry and the food industry.

AAW’s President Heather Hampton+Knodle said, “We are not tied to one state or emphasizing one set of issues. It is not a “one hit wonder” one-day event.  We are investing in the growth and evolution of women so they can lead meaningful conversations and progress in their homes, work, communities, and the industry.”

The 14-month program will launch in August in conjunction with AAW’s LEAP: Leading, Empowering and Aspiring to Progress event in Reno, Nevada which is open to all AAW members.  As they travel the AAW Road to Influence, participants will explore three phases: a deep dive into themselves to identify and manage blindspots and strengths; maximizing working in teams; and enacting a program or initiative to advance the AAW mission.  The program will integrate virtual meetings with intervals of three to four in-person seminars that culminate with graduation at the 2024 AAW Convention in Wisconsin.

Applications are due by June 21st to the AAW Leadership Development Team Lead, Sara Reid Herman.

The packet and membership information can be found at the organization’s website,

About American Agri-Women

American Agri-Women (AAW) promotes the welfare of our national security through safe and reliable food, fiber and energy supply. Since 1974, AAW members have worked together to educate consumers, advocate for agriculture, and offer networking and professional development opportunities. Go to the AAW website for more information and to join Find AAW on social media at: (@Women4Ag) and (@americanagriwomen). #standupspeakout4ag

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