Oklahoma Wheat Harvest Moves into Final Stages for Most Regions
Oklahoma Harvest Report
By: The Oklahoma Wheat Commission
Thursday, July 6, 2023
The Oklahoma Wheat Harvest is wrapping up in most locations across the state with the exception of some locations in North Central Oklahoma, East of Enid on the 412 Hwy corridor, and areas along the
I-35 corridor around Tonkawa/Ponca City/Blackwell and Braman. Harvest is also just getting a good start on the irrigated wheat in the Panhandle regions. Not much dryland wheat will be harvested in the Panhandle, and in many areas producers will be harvesting for seed wheat with very little going to the elevators. It is thought some elevator locations will take in 25% of what is generally taken within a normal year. Other locations where irrigation is not utilized, might be fortunate to take in 5% of what they would in a normal year. Harvest is considered completed in most all other regions with a few minor exceptions of producers needing to get some fields out. The rain has continued to hinder producers in several of those locations and it will remain to be seen if producers will try to finish cutting if the rains continue through this weekend in Central and Northern Oklahoma. (Test weight and quality has held up for the most part with not much sprout damage being reported; however producers have been fighting with mud and terrible weed issues. Some are utilizing harvest aides, but if the rain continues it is thought several acres will be abandoned because the quality with yields will make the remainder of the crop not salvageable.)
This will be the final harvest report published by the Oklahoma Wheat Commission for the 2023 season. A regional publication provided by Plains Grains Inc. will follow harvest as it progresses into the Dakotas and Montana and will be published on a weekly basis at the end of each week.
Below you can see the remaining reports from locations across the state.
The Oklahoma Wheat Commission is calling harvest 90% complete.
Central Oklahoma
Hinton – Yields in the area are being reported from the low 20’s to mid 40’s. Test weights are averaging 59 to 61 lbs. per bushel. Protein was ranging from 12.5% to 13.5%. This region is 99% harvested.
El Reno – Yields in the area are being reported from the mid 20’s to mid 40’s depending on location and management practices. Some management intensive producers mentioned yields in the 50’s. Test weights range from 58 lbs. to 60 lbs. per bushel. Protein is ranging from 12% to 14%. Producers are struggling a great deal with grass and weeds in this region. This region is 95% harvested.
Okarche – Yields are being reported in the low 20’s to high 30’s for the most part. Some management intensive producers are reporting higher yields in the low 40’s. Test weights are ranging from 56 lbs. to 61 lbs. per bushel. Average test weight for the region is coming in at 59 lbs. per bushel. Protein is ranging from 12.5% to 13.5%. This region is 99% harvested.
Reeding/Piedmont – Test weights on what is being harvested are at 59 lbs. per bushel. Yields are being reported from the mid 20’s to mid 30’s. Protein was averaging 13% on early cuttings. This region is 98% harvested.
Hennessey – Test weights are ranging from 57 to 58 lbs. per bushel. Yields are favorable with the region looking at a 30 bushel per acre average. Producers are facing challenges with weeds and mud in this region and have had some challenges getting the crop out. This region is 85% harvested.
Northern Oklahoma
Loyal/Hitchcock/Okeene/Fairview – Test weights are ranging from 58 to 60 lbs. per bushel. Yields are ranging from the low 20’s to mid 30’s for the most part. A few management intensive producers mentioned higher yields in the mid to higher 40’s. Overall yield average for the region should be in the high 20’s. Protein is ranging from 13% to 14%. Producers are having to deal with terrible weed pressure now in several fields. This region is 90% harvested.
Ringwood/Meno/Drummond – Test weights are ranging from 58 to 60 lbs. per bushel. Yields for this region are ranging from the mid 20’s to mid 40’s. The yield average for this region should be in the high 20’s. Protein is ranging from 12% to 14%. Producers have been dealing with untimely rains in this region and if this continues over the next week, what remains might be abandoned. This region is 85% harvested.
Burlington – Test weights in this region are mainly at 60 lbs. per bushel and above. With rains over the past few days, some have been lowered to 59 lbs. per bushel. Yields on wheat in this region are being reported from 25 bushels per acre to 35 bushels per acre with a few higher yields being reported in the low to mid 40’s, but those instances are rare. Proteins are coming in at a 13% average for the region. A large amount of wheat in this region has been abandoned and was cut down for hay. This region is 99% harvested.
Shattuck – Test weights at this location have been reported at 58 lbs. to 62 lbs. per bushel depending on location and management practices. Dryland wheat in this area is reportedly making in the low 20’s. Some irrigated wheat in this region is being reported to be making 60 bushels per acre. Protein is ranging from 12.5% to 14%. This region is 80% harvested.
Kremlin/Wakita/Renfrow – Yields for this region are being reported at a 30 to 35 bushel average, but a lot of wheat in the region has been abandoned due to severe drought. Test weights for most of the wheat in this region was at 60 lbs. per bushel, but some has been lowered now to the untimely rains . Proteins are ranging from 12% to 14%. This region is 95% harvested.
Pond Creek/Hunter/Medford – Yields are ranging from the low 20’s to low 40’s depending on location and management practices. Test weights are reported at 60 lbs. per bushel for a majority of the wheat harvested, but due to untimely rains some wheat is now in the 58 lb. to 59 lb. range. Proteins ranging from 12% to 14%. This region is 90% harvested.
Tonkawa/Ponca City/Blackwell/Braman – Test weights for this region have been ranging from 58 lbs. to 60 lbs. per bushel. Producers report the wheat to be making 30 to 35 bushels per acre for the most part as an average in this region. Proteins are ranging from 13% to 14%. Producers are starting to face challenges with heavy weed pressure in this area. Heavy rains have hindered harvest in this region this week. If this continues, it looks like what remains to be harvested might be fully abandoned. This region is 70% harvested.
Oklahoma Panhandle
Perryton TX/Balko- Harvest started for the most part late last week in this region. It is predicted the irrigated wheat in the region is doing a little better than expected, however locations in this region plan on taking in 25% of what they would in a normal year. Some dryland wheat is being harvested in the Balko region with yields ranging from 10 to 25 bushels per acres. Yields on the irrigated wheat are ranging from 60 to 80 bushels per acre, and in some locations doing better depending on where rain was received. In the locations with better moisture, some yields are reported making 100 to 125 bushels per acre. Test weights have ranged all over the board from 58 lbs. to 61 lbs. per bushel. Proteins are ranging from 11 to 13%
Texhoma- Some of the irrigated wheat in this region is making 60 to 80 bushels per acre. Some fields being reported to be making 100 to 117 bushels per acres on the irrigated wheat. Test weights ranging from 58 lbs. to 61 lbs. per bushel. Proteins are ranging from 11% to 13%.
Hooker – Some dryland wheat has been harvested in this region. Test weights were ranging from 60 to 63 lbs. per bushel on dryland wheat. Yields were ranging from 10 to 20 bushels per acre. Irrigated wheat harvest has yields ranging all over the board but most is making between 60 to 80 bushels per acre. Test weights on irrigated wheat ranging from 57 lbs. to 59 lbs. per bushel. Proteins are ranging from 11% to 14%.
Boise City – Harvest has begun in this region, test weights have been running from 57 to 58 lbs. per bushel for the most part. Yields have been ranging from 10 bushels to 15 bushels per acre for the most part on what is being reported. Protein is running from 11% to 13%. Most of the wheat harvested in this region will be stored on the farm for seed wheat purposes.
Northeast Oklahoma
Afton – 60% of the wheat reported at this location is Soft Red Winter Wheat, and the other 40% is Hard Red Winter. Harvest on both classes has been extremely high quality with favorable yields. Test weights on all wheat have been 60 lbs. and above with the majority of the wheat coming in at 62 lbs. to 63 lbs. per bushel. Yields on the Hard Red Winter Wheat are being reported at 40 to 50 bushels per acre. Yields on the Soft Red Winter Wheat are being reported at 80 to 100 bushels per acre. No proteins have been reported. Harvest in this region is 99% complete.
Miami – 95% of the wheat reported at this location is Soft Red Winter Wheat, the other 5% is Hard Red Winter Wheat. Harvest on both classes has been extremely high quality with favorable yields. Test weights on all wheat has been 60 lbs. and above with the majority of the wheat coming in at 62 lbs. to 63 lbs. per bushel. Yields on the Hard Red Winter wheat are being reported at 40 to 50 bushels per acre. Yields on the Soft Red Winter Wheat are being reported from 80 to 100 bushels per acre. No proteins have been reported. Harvest in this region is 99% complete.
Learn more about the Oklahoma Wheat Commission by clicking here for their website.https://www.okwheat.org/